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Daniel Black

Fire Emblem: Return ( RP Sign Ups)

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This is true.


Still...kinda odd. xD


Basically on a scale of 1 to Soul, I am a negative 20 on the pervert scale.

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I just thought about this.


Technically what I said is a double entente, not a innuendo.

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....okay. xD


Lemme just throw someone. xP


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Request denied.

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Re-Elect Lord Riki 2016. xD

I am the Eternal Ship Lord.


No need to vote, no need to shout.


Just accept your fate : 3

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tfw you're waiting on Nort to post so you can finally take part in the RP



*Deeeeeeeerps so hard he literally explodes into a cloud of muffins.


Very, very, tasty muffins.


Go on. Try one. I promise nothing bad will happen.


Unless you actually value your internal organs. But hey, why would you?*

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DIBS ON CHLOE. *shipping intensifies*



Reserve for Khione Indrani, the Countess of Lightning. Aka Arcelia's bodyguard.




Name: Khione Indrani, the Countess of Lightning

Age: 22


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Bio: Born in the Principality of Rossane, Khione Indiana has been the bodyguard of Arcelia since she was fifteen. Her past is marred in her mind, a product of a great tragedy that inflicted her with amnesia. She only knows Dormus, and that she will protect Arcelia with her life with her steeed, Odissya.

Class: Cavalier



In stats you have 10 poinst to give to any of these ones:


Str - 4

Mag - 0

Skl - 2

Spd- 3

Lck- 0

Def- 1

Res- 0


If Oath can find it in his genetic code to allow for a hetero ship, what do you think about Khione x Ryonne? Not the best stat wise (both end up very balanced, so all-around stat boosts, no nothing special but no real drawbacks either) but I like the idea of two characters that see strength as their constant goal in love. At the very least, we can be friends?

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If Oath can find it in his genetic code to allow for a hetero ship, what do you think about Khione x Ryonne? Not the best stat wise (both end up very balanced, so all-around stat boosts, no nothing special but no real drawbacks either) but I like the idea of two characters that see strength as their constant goal in love. At the very least, we can be friends?

>_><_<Have you forgotten Rei x Ghost from Fade into Light? And Soren x Female Char/Reila...in Eidolon (which you need to post in, waiting on you tbh) Soren x Testarossa...I have a lot of Hetero ships....anyways.Friends...that depends on how the story goes :P but yeah, they definitely could be friends. Dunno about shipping, but Khione is Moreso whoever cracks her wall first. So shipping is flexible for her ^_^

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>_><_<Have you forgotten Rei x Ghost from Fade into Light? And Soren x Female Char/Reila...in Eidolon (which you need to post in, waiting on you tbh) Soren x Testarossa...I have a lot of Hetero ships....anyways.Friends...that depends on how the story goes :P but yeah, they definitely could be friends. Dunno about shipping, but Khione is Moreso whoever cracks her wall first. So shipping is flexible for her ^_^


oh oops i'll do it in a second


And sweet, sounds good.

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Im my own category of pervert :P

and if you'l all excuse me, i will continue having Alexander taking control over Catrain's ship :P

At this point, I don't think he has any competition. xD So much for watching the fights.

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Been doing some calculations...with how Skill affects abilities activating in fire emblem, and how luck affects some too


Alexander has 8 skill, now i don't exactly know how much skill does (nor does the wiki too!), must be independent on each ability.


Each point of skill is 1% of activating any of his abilities (only armsthrift as of now) and armsthrift is also based on luck, by what the wiki says, about each point of luck 2% pretty much, he has 4 luck as of now.


8% + double that of luck = he has 16% of activating armsthrift.


I took it off as each point of skill being 1% because there is NO information given about it on the wiki, (in armsthrift at least, sol is double skill  so he'd have 16% with it right now if he had it, wiki actually has information about it, unlike arms), the only info in there is that skill stat effect, support, equips, etc stacks with the luck based activation, so I went with what I thought was best and give each point of Skill give 1 extra percent.



This was a product of my utter boredom, as I have nothing to post RP-wise, and even less stuff to play (playing Fallout new vegas again, albeit in short bursts)



Daniel, are we gonna be informed when an ability activates when attacking? just roll the dice and slap a *insert ability name here* activated! in there, shouldn't be too hard I think.




As for an unrelated note, wonder if Alexander will get a D support rank or a C right now :P


Been thinking about Catrain and Alexander support stat-wise too, and I fail to see much of a weakness other than Catrain's weakness to archers and magic >.> later on (hopefully) when Alex becomes a hero and can wield axes, he can take on any unit, and she's lances, so they got the weapon triangle covered :D


I haven't seen this happen, but I want to ask Daniel, if an unit is paired with another on support, when it reaches the turn of the one who offered support, can he still attack while supporting?


for example Alexander pairs with Catrain, her turn is after his, after the enemy wave its Alex's turn again, will he be able to attack, together with Catrain, and then Catrain attack together with Alex when her turn comes?

Edited by Scrapmaster

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Disgust and Riki, I need you to post before we post xD. Thanks! :D


Been doing some calculations...with how Skill affects abilities activating in fire emblem, and how luck affects some too


Alexander has 8 skill, now i don't exactly know how much skill does (nor does the wiki too!), must be independent on each ability.


Each point of skill is 1% of activating any of his abilities (only armsthrift as of now) and armsthrift is also based on luck, by what the wiki says, about each point of luck 2% pretty much, he has 4 luck as of now.


8% + double that of luck = he has 16% of activating armsthrift.


I took it off as each point of skill being 1% because there is NO information given about it on the wiki, (in armsthrift at least, sol is double skill  so he'd have 16% with it right now if he had it, wiki actually has information about it, unlike arms), the only info in there is that skill stat effect, support, equips, etc stacks with the luck based activation, so I went with what I thought was best and give each point of Skill give 1 extra percent.



This was a product of my utter boredom, as I have nothing to post RP-wise, and even less stuff to play (playing Fallout new vegas again, albeit in short bursts)



Daniel, are we gonna be informed when an ability activates when attacking? just roll the dice and slap a *insert ability name here* activated! in there, shouldn't be too hard I think.




As for an unrelated note, wonder if Alexander will get a D support rank or a C right now :P


Been thinking about Catrain and Alexander support stat-wise too, and I fail to see much of a weakness other than Catrain's weakness to archers and magic >.> later on (hopefully) when Alex becomes a hero and can wield axes, he can take on any unit, and she's lances, so they got the weapon triangle covered :D


I haven't seen this happen, but I want to ask Daniel, if an unit is paired with another on support, when it reaches the turn of the one who offered support, can he still attack while supporting?


for example Alexander pairs with Catrain, her turn is after his, after the enemy wave its Alex's turn again, will he be able to attack, together with Catrain, and then Catrain attack together with Alex when her turn comes?

Ok.. long post.

1.- yes.. it will appear the message "Skill" activated in the stats of attacking during battle.

2.- The support is already up to check.

3.- Basically it works like this:


Alex < Catrain

a. You pair up with Catrain, your turn ends. (Bonus added when pairing)

b. Catrain turn. She attacks or she can disband the pair, which will end her turn. If attacking,  Alex is controlled by PC so he can 1.- Defend Catrain, 2.- Attack enemy 3.- Do nothing. It depends of the support to activate the two first more often, also special skills helps it as well. Catrain turn ends.

c. Enemy turn.

d. Your turn again. Working the same as b.

Edited by Daniel Black

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