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NASA found "Earth 2.0", named Kepler452b

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Its like over a billion years older than us. If life started around our time and intelligent species came around the time we formed on earth then they gotta be more advanced than us. That means they can visit us!

Maybe they already have ;)

Don't worry we got Will Smith...

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Well, this is getting into weird territory. A planet that's possibly usable for life out in the solar system?

Next we'll end up shipping people out there or something.


Its not in our solar system.

Well we do that with fantasy/sci-fi shows and movies and such.

I'm just wondering how deformed the children will be though cross-species.

 Maybe they already have ;)


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I agree.

Edited by Shana09

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Still, at 1200 ly away from Earth. Pretty darn far, far away.

 Maybe they already have ;)


Or perhaps, they got extinct. The average lifespan of a species is less than 100,000 years. We humans have been around for pretty much that time period, and the more we survive the more the possibilities of our end grow! So, maybe any civilization that might have existed on the planet is already gone, who knows since when!Furthermore, life on that planet could have been wiped out by an important impact, due to an asteroid for example. If there's something very important for Life to continue on a planet is the presence of a "Good Jupiter", a gas giant that can very easily disturb the orbit of dangerous asteroids taking them away from the habitable planet.In our case, Jupiter is that gas giant. Thanks to it, life has been able to survive for at least, 3.5 billion of years, with quite a few important impacts due to asteroids. Also, this Earth 2.0 is maybe sterile, lifeless. Maybe the process needed for non-living matter to gather and create self-replicating molecules hasn't happened, yet. We'll never know much about this planet, unless we send probes to check the situation.

Edited by Swordinger

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Also since it is 6 billion years old there is way more time than we have had on Earth for life to have developed given the chance

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Edited by Kaweebo

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You have been too cosmic recently Shana xD. One thing sure for it, as light takes some amount of time to travel between one point and another, probably it has exploted already... 

O.o or time is irrelevant and just 2+2 is 25. xD  who knows?


ALIENS!!!!! bwahahaha. Seriously though.

Aliens... aliens everywhere...

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You laugh at that but NASA literally stated that in their conference. I'd take their word if anyones.



You have been too cosmic recently Shana xD. One thing sure for it, as light takes some amount of time to travel between one point and another, probably it has exploted already... 

O.o or time is irrelevant and just 2+2 is 25. xD  who knows?


Aliens... aliens everywhere...


I love my aliens stuff.

It'll take so many years, more than 1,400. We can't travel at the speed of light yet so we wont be able to make it in, lets say, 1,400 years.

So by exploited you mean like a way to get there? Lmao not possible. I just hope this just funds a mission there, specifically to the point where we could send a probe.

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Well, this is getting into weird territory. A planet that's possibly usable for life out in the solar system?

Next we'll end up shipping people out there or something.

There are actually a few moons in our solar system that are viewed as potential candidates for life, namely Titan and Europa. Regardless, it's still exciting to hear that there are exoplanets that could support life as well! This new one in particular sounds really interesting.

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There are actually a few moons in our solar system that are viewed as potential candidates for life, namely Titan and Europa. Regardless, it's still exciting to hear that there are exoplanets that could support life as well! This new one in particular sounds really interesting.

It also reminds me of The Martian Chronicles... 

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You laugh at that but NASA literally stated that in their conference. I'd take their word if anyones.




I love my aliens stuff.

It'll take so many years, more than 1,400. We can't travel at the speed of light yet so we wont be able to make it in, lets say, 1,400 years.

So by exploited you mean like a way to get there? Lmao not possible. I just hope this just funds a mission there, specifically to the point where we could send a probe.

I think he meant to say "Exploded".

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I think he meant to say "Exploded".


Oh that makes more sense thanks.

Well we can't rule it out anyways. Planets just don't explode. Worst case scenario is that it can't support life anymore. 

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