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What if You Could Upgrade Keyblades?

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So I had this idea of upgrading keyblades. I was playing KH2 the other day and thought about it. After a world or 2 some keyblades are far outclassed so people aren't really driven to use many of them, such as Kingdom Key. After the first world or 2 there is usually a better keyblade at your disposal so I was thinking about possibly upgrading keyblades. It could be like a synthesis type of thing where certain materials are needed to upgrade a keyblade and there could be 2-5 levels with the early keyblades being more upgradable than the late-game ones. I think this would promote the use of other keyblades besides Ultima Weapon once you're far into the game and would be a fun sidequest if anything.

An example is in KH2 I really liked Star Seeker, but after Olympus Coliseum there is a better option and so it is never given much attention after that. If I could upgrade the stats though throughout my playthrough I could use a keyblade that I really like the design and meanign of and not just use another one because its better.

Also I understand that once you get overleveled in postgame the keyblade doesn't really matter because your stats are OP but this is for more of a mid playthrough option.

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