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Nomura did awesome artwork for Sora with KH1 and KH2. Kingdom Hearts 1 featured Sora with a fish bone in his mouth. Kingdom Hearts 2 introduced Sora with the sea-salt ice creme in his mouth. Both feature his standing on a beach shore. So let's discuss what Kingdom Hearts 3's Sora art may be...



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Riku's keyblade (if you know what I mean)


But in all seriousness, what Sora has in his mouth is featured in the game and is symbolic in some way. In KH1, it was a fish bone which is from the fishes you're supposed to catch in the beginning of the game. It represents Sora's preparation for his journey (thus, gathering food for the raft).


In KH2, it's sea salt ice cream for obvious reasons. It represents friendship, or an 'act of bonding' and is featured many times throughout the game.


For KH3, it's basically impossible to say what it's going to be because we don't know what's going to be featured that could potentially be what he has in his mouth. It could be the ice cream again, but that'd be lame. Perhaps it'll be a completely different title screen, or maybe Sora will have nothing in his mouth. For DDD, it could have been a fork (which is from the scene at the end where Sora eats some desserts with a funny mask on). But for KH3, it's hard to tell.

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Maybe a Wayfinder, or charm? 

I can't see the ocean theme being broken, but maybe it's him facing a different way, like in KH II: KH 1 was looking ahead to the new journey, KH 2 was looking back to fill in the holes, so in KH 3 it should be right ahead, to the ending of the story, facing whatever comes head on. 

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Sora holds Kairi's lucky charm in his hand?

Sora holds the Master Key?


Nothing comes to mind on what he would be snacking on in a KH3 artwork, but Sea-Salt Ice cream.

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Both the FM versions had different artworks. KH1 had Sora with his hood on and holding a flag thing. KH2 had Sora sitting with Roxas and both eating ice cream. Maybe they might continue that trend and do something different.

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I literally thought that was a marshmallow in Sora's mouth  :blink:  Guess I never payed much attention to it.


It's hard to tell what it could be for KHIII. I was thinking a paopu fruit, but that's not likely. The sea salt ice cream was introduced in KHII, so the new thing might be introduced in KHIII too. 

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Riku's keyblade (if you know what I mean)But in all seriousness, what Sora has in his mouth is featured in the game and is symbolic in some way. In KH1, it was a fish bone which is from the fishes you're supposed to catch in the beginning of the game. It represents Sora's preparation for his journey (thus, gathering food for the raft).In KH2, it's sea salt ice cream for obvious reasons. It represents friendship, or an 'act of bonding' and is featured many times throughout the game. For KH3, it's basically impossible to say what it's going to be because we don't know what's going to be featured that could potentially be what he has in his mouth. It could be the ice cream again, but that'd be lame. Perhaps it'll be a completely different title screen, or maybe Sora will have nothing in his mouth. For DDD, it could have been a fork (which is from the scene at the end where Sora eats some desserts with a funny mask on). But for KH3, it's hard to tell.

Probably kiari's charm

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Nomura did awesome artwork for Sora with KH1 and KH2. Kingdom Hearts 1 featured Sora with a fish bone in his mouth. Kingdom Hearts 2 introduced Sora with the sea-salt ice creme in his mouth. Both feature his standing on a beach shore. So let's discuss what Kingdom Hearts 3's Sora art may be...


Sora standing on the seashore with nothing in his mouth

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*crosses fingers* Please be half of a paopu fruit that he shares with Kairi, please be half of a paopu fruit that he shares with Kairi, PLEASE BE HALF A PAOPU FRUIT THAT HE SHARES WITH KAIRI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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