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Text DarkSide X2

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Hey, any of you guys remember the two stories I posted on here in my sig(I think) that have "Darkside" and some subtitle. Well, I'm going to continue them but I have decided to take a slightly different approach by merging the two I started together and adding more depth in the story. You don't have much to worry about if you haven't read the original stories and if you have, don't worry about the changes. The plot's the same, I just want to see what I can do about some of my writer's block, inspirational music, and leaking imagination. So let's hope I finish this one , alright?


I made a trailer-like opening for this. Hope you enjoy.




* Also note this story has violence and gore in it(and some other things). It is rated T+(older teen) Also, items in parentheses are like clip transitions in AMVs/trailers.*



A man with dark blue hair walked along a deserted road. Two men stood on either side of him. The dark blue haired man had on a black shirt with black pants as well a s black boots. The shirt had metal shoulder pads on it as well as a strange mark in the center. This man's name was Zathern. he man on the left side of him had unkempt blond hair, a white t-shirt with many rips and tears in it, faded jeans, and wore and black sneakers. He carried two pistols with him. The other man had on a suit and tie, his hair in braids, and a beard. He also had dark skin.


The group of three continued walking along the cracked and dusty street until they came across a dreaded sight. Thousands of bodies littered the roads ahead. The corpses appeared to be attacked viciously by a demon. The group knew better. Someone did it. Well more accurately, four people did it.

"So they've returned." The dark skinned man said. It was more a statement than a question.

"It looks that way." Zathern replied.

"Alright. Bring it on!" The blond haired man exclaimed. He smiled as he took out his pistols.




Zathern stood on top of a skyscraper. He looked at the moon and sighed. (Fade out)


Zathern and Alfon, a young boy who Zathern is taking care of, charged at a group of soldiers. The soldiers opened fire, but it didn't matter. Alfon created a barrier that blocked everly last bullet while Zathern brutally assaulted the soldiers. With all the soldiers thought to be dead, The duo walked away. They were outside a bunch of homes. Before they could get too far another soldier appeared. More soldiers appeared soon after and the first one smiled. He pointed his rifle at the the others and shot them in vital areas. The traitor removed his helmet. (Flash)


A large crowd of people chanted in front of a stage. On stage, a tal cross was positioned with two soldiers behind it. A white haired man was chained two it.

"We are here today to perform a wondrous act!" An aged man in priest clothing exclaimed. We stand here today to execute a powerful threat to society! This man is a murdeurer by the name of Hanuro! His alias is 'The Soul Eater'. I honestly have no idea why this is but I only have one thing to say; to death with you, demon!" The priest motioned with his hand for a soldier to bring him his execution weapon; a large spear. (fade out)


Hanuro and Zathern stood in front of a young woman. She glowed with divinity.

"It seems judgement comes today." Hanuro said.

"You might be right, but that won't change a thing." Zathern replied.

The young summoned many different things, varying from books to weapons to animals. She exploded in radiant light. (Cut)


White and black feathers fall from the sky and a young boy grabs one of each.

"Light and dark." The boy said.

"The two forces that keep the world balanced." Alfon added. (Cut)


Darkside X2

Darkside X2



And there. We have a crappy text trailer.

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