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I Can't Look At Donald The Same Way...

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Well to me there is only one true Donald Duck, and that is his English voice actor, since Donald Duck originally came from America! So to most Disney characters, I don't think about their other languages voice actors, since American made characters should always be looked on as having their America voices being their actual original true voices.

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Well to me there is only one true Donald Duck, and that is his English voice actor, since Donald Duck originally came from America! So to most Disney characters, I don't think about their other languages voice actors, since American made characters should always be looked on as having their America voices being their actual original true voices.




You cannot deny some of these are extremely hilarious xD

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93U1KZZ_z10 You cannot deny some of these are extremely hilarious xD

Well I didn't mean they aren't, I just mean I don't follow people who do a redub of a character that comes from America. I am more of an English person then anything because that is my native tongue and the only language I understand. But when it comes to things like the video you showed, I can't resist watch and laughing and loving those. I was actually so happy to find they did that to scenes for the new Spongebob movie!

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picturing donald as a digital, bounty hunter/god of destruction with superpowers, eating bananas, and ruling all with an iron hoof

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