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Film New Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer shown at San Diego Comic-Con

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My initial thoughts: It looks like it's going to be pretty good. I honestly despise Superman, but I would go just to see Ben Affleck's Batman. Eisenberg's Luthor looks... weird with hair. Usually cosmetic stuff doesn't bother me, but a hairy Lex Luthor gets to me. The drama looks like it will help to progress the plot, which is okay for DC's gritty nature. And, lastly, I feel like this movie will be very predictable, seeing as any "Superman v __________" involves Kryptonite in some way, which is boring. Oh well, I'll still definitely see this movie. What are your thoughts on the trailer or the movie itself?

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That trailer was epic. Even till this day I still thank God that I'm a fan of both Marvel and DC, but I DC a little more because they added some little realism where the hero actually shown some consequences and guilt after their actions from saving the day. I'm actually  glad that Superman is going to show so actual burden on screen because after the events of Man of Steel Superman save a lot people from Zod but he couldn't save the people who got killed during the Black Zero event. I'm very interesting in Ben Affleck's version of Batman because I actually get why he wanted to face Superman. I still don't understand why everyone criticized Bruce Wayne's motivations in this film. Bruce is not mad because his building got destroyed, Bruce is mad because of the people he work with got killed in his building, those people might be one of Bruce's trusted business partners so I think he has the right to get mad, even though Superman did save a lot of people but still Batman is not taking any chances. Plus has everyone forgotten that this is Batman's first time meeting Superman face to face, I mean for all we know is that Batman hasn't fully know Superman yet. And Batman is right in this trailer Superman is very powerful being and he can wipe out the entire human if he wanted too, that's another reason why Batman wanted to face Superman because he wants to make sure in his own eyes if Superman can be trusted, he wants to make sure if Superman is really here to save humanity. As for Wonder Woman I digging Gal as Wonder Woman because it's looks like she have a much bigger role in this film than I thought. But it looks like she's taking part a fight between Batman and Superman but I highly doubt that because Ben Affleck confirmed that Batman and Wonder Woman already knew each other's secret identity. And as for Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, well I'm giving him a chance to see if he can pull it off.

Edited by Movies798

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This film is still eight months away from releasing.  This trailer is cruel for diehard DC fans wanting this movie to release already.  It's just cruel! X3  As for myself, I'm not a diehard DC fan, but I want to get immersed into the DC Universe, and well, seeing this trailer for Batman V Superman made me excited!  I can't wait to see this film with my best friend/soul brother Jonathan!  He's a total DC fanboy, so seeing him be so happy for this movie will make me happy, and well, the movie looks so frickin good, so I'll obviously be hyped for it! :D

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This trailer looked a hell of a lot better than the first one and the only thing I didn't like was Jesse just idk, I wanted to post something about this first but I couldn't find the trailer so oh well and of course the only way there can be a Superman Vs. _______ is if they do use Kryptonite because they have made Superman into like a god which is what this movie seems to be about as well where that is like the only thing that can actually be used against him.  I think Ben will be a great Bruce but I'm not so sure about a Batman quit yet I might go see this movie now but we shall see what the other trailers will show

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I was in full fanboy mode when I first watched the trailer. I think people should hold their judgement for Jessse Eisenberg until after the movie releases. Seeing quite a lot of people complaining or creating false theories (Well I shouldn't say "false theroies" since the movie isn't out, lol) due to him having hair and not appearing bald in a single scene of the trailer. Anyways, this trailer was amazing and I obviously can't wait to watch the full movie next year.

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It looks amazing, I still need to see Man of Steel though. Didn't watch cuz I heard it was meh but hey I'll do it for this movie.

Pretty much all you need to know own about Man of Steel is that Superman destroyed Metropolis.

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I am really excited for this one! I didn't like Man of Steel (Superman is not my favorite superhero at all ^^') but I expect a lot from this one (and Suicide Squad). It's nice to see that they want to handle that whole thing of being a superhero completely different as Marvel does and hopefull that will be refreshing.And veeeeerrry excited for Wonder Woman! She looks so cool and badass!

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