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@the4bladereaper I think her quote makes sense for that specific anime. She said the characters died over and over again.

Avvy: This...scares...meh! xD 9/10

Siggeh: Why are they ..... spaced so randomly? Still, lol 6/10

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@ the4bladereaper

owo my avatar is funny, how? xD

the quote is there because they're obviously dead D8 Gahh does no one see the blood? ;-;


Your avatar... is idk. 5.

Signature is boring really :/ The format and such. 4


@ ixlovexventus


Yes they do die over and over again :'D

/is so happy you remembered

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Avatar: It's ok 8/10

Sig: the quote is a good one, not my first choice but i was amused at the words in the spoiler so you get 9/10


heck, im going to make a squiby account if they cant die?

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Avvy: This just creeps me out o.O 7/10

Siggeh: I liked it better, when I could read the comic, but, still, lol 10/10


well there is a link to it, that is what the blue part is

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I have no idea who is your avvy and it creeps me out... o.e 7


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Avvy= MCP


Dun you dare insult my Jessica, I will get very angry. Very angry, I will get. /readytoaim


Your avatar is pretty cool, even though I've never watched that anime - 8.5


Sig is awesome - 9.999999999

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