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Rate The Avatar And Signature Above You!

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9/10 (could've chosen a better YMX screenshot, or edited it to make it look a little brighter.)

6/10 (I don't really know what to think about it, but manga Sora looks cool.)

Edited by KHrulz

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9/10 (could've chosen a better YMX screenshot, or edited it to make it look a little brighter.)

6/10 (I don't really know what to think about it, but manga Sora looks cool.)

(I made it darker on purpose. It's edited to be lower contrast.)




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Avatar:7/10 (Only because it was already made from the website. But if it was you who put it up there originally, then 9/10)

Signature:10/10 (Very well put together! Like the slight blurriness on the sides)


(I'm unsure if you can see my signature's image, but if you can, that'd be great. I was originally able to see it, but after a while, it just turns into this box with the image's URL.)

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Avatar:7/10 (Only because it was already made from the website. But if it was you who put it up there originally, then 9/10)Signature:10/10 (Very well put together! Like the slight blurriness on the sides) 

(What do you mean?)




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Still8/106/10 And @Steven, it means your url's broken, or expired. Try using a new picture or url!

Thanks Roxas! I'll see if I can fix that!Avatar:9/10Signature:8/10

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