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Sora not Roxas

Video Hellfire! (Disney's best villain song)

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I've heard that people think that the song "hellfire" is amazing in swedish ._.

And that be prepared is amazing in german .. (because of the nazi-ish scene? xD)

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I've heard that people think that the song "hellfire" is amazing in swedish ._.

And that be prepared is amazing in german .. (because of the nazi-ish scene? xD)


Oh yeah, their not that bad. I heard them both on youtube. I just don't like it when they bring up the Nazi stuff. Otherwise you are all not prepared....for the new kingdom, lol. Just kidding.

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I remember watching this scene in The Hunchback of Notre Dame last year with my cousins and thinking, "Why the hell haven't I seen this movie before??" :'D This is THE Disney villain song.

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