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How Will Mother Gothel be Implemented?

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Well, now that we know that Tangled is confirmed for Kingdom Hearts 3, how do we think Mother Gothel will be implemted in the overall plot for the world? Do you think she'll be working with Maleficent and/or Xehanort, with her own personal agenda in hand, or will she just be implemented directly as is from Tangled? I'm really interested to see how dark they'll make her. It'll be interesting to see if they give her actual powers besides the obvious darkness so that we could have an actual fight with her, or if they just pull another Clayton type fight with a giant heartless. A little off topic, but on the matter of heartless bosses in this world, I really want to see the scene with the lanterns out on the boat and having the merge together to form a giant lantern heartless. SO, how would you like to see Mother Gothel implemented?

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Actually that is a rather interesting thought, considering the fact that Mother Gothel doesn't really have any "powers". Without Rapunzel, she's pretty much helpless. :P

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Maybe she could trap Rapunzel and/or Flynn in the tower and we'll have to fight her outside the tower to break them out. She could use potions and whatnot to fight us, throwing potions of poisons and whatnot at us.

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Well, Mother Gothel obviously has darkness in her heart, but I really don't see her as a team player.  Rather, I think that she'll come into the KH Universe with her own reasons, not siding with either Maleficent or Xehanort.  What Mother Gothel wants is to remain young forever, and as long as she has Rapunzel, she will always have the gift of youth.  But, when Sora and the gang come around, and Rapunzel is around and about, Mother Gothel won't like that one bit, and her greed for the gift of youth will lead to her heart being consumed by darkness, and so a powerful Heartless housing itself in her as a host, will be what Sora and the gang go up against in this world! :3

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I don't see her being a boss fight by herself, but rather instigating one. I could see her learning how to summon heartless (to keep Rapunzel trapped etc etc) before a heartless takes her own heart, and then becomes a boss battle, or something.

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Her part in the world could be similar to Clayton. The battle could be similar too: A mini boss battle with Gothel, she summons a heartless, we kick both their butts, then at the end the heartless somehow knocks her out of the tower and boom she's dead.

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As much as I'm hoping for Maleficent to lead a new batch of villains, I feel that unless they really amp up her darkness, Maleficent would feel the same away about Gothel as she did with Clayton, too weak. If that's the case, she wouldn't be selected by Maleficent. What I personally would like to see is Maleficent perhaps reaching out to Gothel to convince her to let her 'borrow' Rapunzel's light, but Gothel rejects her proposal, since she doesn't want anyone else to know/use Rapunzel's power, other than herself. When she finds out Rapunzel is missing and she begins to panic, Maleficent reaches out to her once more and unclocks Mother Gothel's inner most darkness, so that she can find Rapunzel. It would be very one sided, Maleficent would know Mother Gothel was too weak to fully submit to darkness and that it would destroy her, all while bringing Rapunzel to Maleficent, so that she can use her light to consume the world with darkness. Or something along those lines lol! I don't feel that there's a strong likelihood of the Stabbington brothers making an appearance, I'm not quite sure who would fill their slot other than Pete. Maybe Maleficent will lend Pete to Gothel to help track down Rapunzel?

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She may just play the whole Clayton role, however, if Square Enix are kind enough to use Final Fantasy characters in Disney worlds outside Hercules then we could see her convincing Kain Highwind to hunt down Sora and Flynn to get back Rapunzel. 


Also remember, the Stabbington Brothers collaborate with Mother Gothel so there's a chance that they may be a boss fight alongside a mandatory Heartless.

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Mother Gothel is a great character, and probably one of the best villains that Disney has done in a very long time. So naturally, I expect her to be underutilized and mishandled, because that's what KH likes to do with its Disney villains as of late. Still, how cool would it be if her boss battle borrowed from Mother Knows Best, where you fight in a room that's completely dark, with only a few pieces of light here and there, and Gothel keeps zipping in and out of the dark to take stabs at you.

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Mother Gothel is a great character, and probably one of the best villains that Disney has done in a very long time. So naturally, I expect her to be underutilized and mishandled, because that's what KH likes to do with its Disney villains as of late. Still, how cool would it be if her boss battle borrowed from Mother Knows Best, where you fight in a room that's completely dark, with only a few pieces of light here and there, and Gothel keeps zipping in and out of the dark to take stabs at you.


Well, Mother Gothel never really engaged in combat of any sort, so, I don't really think that she will be battling herself. However, I entirely agree on the unfortunate fact that Disney villains are really underplayed. Shan Yu was made to be far less intimidating then he actually was and don't get me started with Maleficent ever since Kingdom Hearts 2... Disney villains need their redemption!

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I would imagine that during a boss fight with her she would use the stabbington brothers as her lackeys (the twin thieves). Im sure they'll play a role


With the advanced A.I., I can imagine them both cooperating and being one of the harder bosses in the series with their dual combos.

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Sounds like it will be a good fight. I'm hoping all the newly made CG disney movies will make it (Tangled, Frozen, Wreck it Ralph, Big Hero 6). I know tangled is confirmed I just wanted to clarify that section of disney CG as I'm not sure that Pixar will make it but it would be nice too.

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Sounds like it will be a good fight. I'm hoping all the newly made CG disney movies will make it (Tangled, Frozen, Wreck it Ralph, Big Hero 6). I know tangled is confirmed I just wanted to clarify that section of disney CG as I'm not sure that Pixar will make it but it would be nice too.


John Lasseter has always been the creative boss of Pixar and seeing as he's the Chief Creative Officer for both Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar, it's finally possible for Pixar to appear in Kingdom Hearts without much complications.

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I would imagine that during a boss fight with her she would use the stabbington brothers as her lackeys (the twin thieves). Im sure they'll play a role

Sure they are more exciting then a dragon.

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Got another idea what about if Sora fights Gothel first in the dark then the top of the tower will be destroyed and will be changed into a bright light of the sun. Then she will summon a creature most likely a dragon.

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