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Kingdom Hearts hidden designs found in the Kingdom Hearts design document; Toy Story world design & Kingdom Hearts tentative title discovered

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1. Isamu, that's clearly Toy Story. Don't tell me you don't recognize Al's Toy Barn? Or the Pizza Planet Rocket? Those of us who want to see the world in the game aren't fooling our eyes with our desire, we see it because it's actually there.


2. Is it just me, or does the original concept for Destiny Islands look 10 times more fun!? It looks like it was going to introduce a similar sliding mechanic to Deep Jungle's. I'm telling ya, if I had an island like that off the coast of my town, I wouldn't spend nearly as much time inside as I usually do.

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 With a look through the design document, it appears that Kingdom Hearts was once named Kingdom of Hearts.Do you prefer the title Kingdom of Hearts?

Edited by Master Eraqus

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I loved reading through this article and looking at all the images!  Haha, Sora looked awesome with his Deep Jungle attire!  It really would have been awesome if Sora's outfit would have changed for each and every world he visited!  But hey, I'm still happy with the way things are now! :D


And wow, so Toy Story has been thought of being in this series since the beginning!  I think that with all the years that have passed, one can bet that Nomura may have probably considered putting Toy Story in Kingdom Hearts III!  This is very interesting, indeed!  But wait, if Toy Story would have been in Kingdom Hearts I, would the world's story have taken place in Toy Story 2's storyline?  Because we only see Al's Toy Barn in a commercial, and only briefly, in the first Toy Story.  The only time where Al's Toy Barn is fully explored is in Toy Story 2! :O


Anyways though, gahhh, Toy Story! x3


Edit: As for the question if I prefer Kingdom Hearts or Kingdom Of Hearts, I go with Kingdom Hearts. :3

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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I loved reading through this article and looking at all the images!  Haha, Sora looked awesome with his Deep Jungle attire!  It really would have been awesome if Sora's outfit would have changed for each and every world he visited!  But hey, I'm still happy with the way things are now! :D


And wow, so Toy Story has been thought of being in this series since the beginning!  I think that with all the years that have passed, one can bet that Nomura may have probably considered putting Toy Story in Kingdom Hearts III!  This is very interesting, indeed!  But wait, if Toy Story would have been in Kingdom Hearts I, would the world's story have taken place in Toy Story 2's storyline?  Because we only see Al's Toy Barn in a commercial, and only briefly, in the first Toy Story.  The only time where Al's Toy Barn is fully explored is in Toy Story 2! :O


Anyways though, gahhh, Toy Story! x3


Edit: As for the question if I prefer Kingdom Hearts or Kingdom Of Hearts, I go with Kingdom Hearts. :3

Hmm, perhaps it was going to be an original plot that combined both movies considering that some of the world plots like Atlantica & Halloween town had original plots that did not explicitly follow the movie. Plus, Pizza Planet was only in TS1, and Andy's House looks like his OLD house that he moved out of in the movie, and the thing next to it above the rocket looks kinda like its supposed to be Sid's house or something like that. Or maybe the building of Pizza Planet? 


I also wonder if the world would have been titled "Tri-County Area", given that Hamm mentions that as the name of the place in Ts2. Also considering that there seems to be multiple areas, that seems like the appropriate name, as the world apparently would have consisted of 3 (Tri, get it?) different places to explore: Andy's House, Al's Toy Barn, and Pizza Planet (and possibly Sid's place) 


 I wonder how Nathan McMahon got this document and if this has anything to do with the Kingdom Hearts folder set to be released. 

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