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Derek Abraham

Best Kingdom Hearts Movie?

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KH2. But watching a video game cutscene movie can get tiring very easily.

Watch an actual movie maybe?


Yeah bro of course i know it gets tireing but its just the nostalgia of playing the game as a child and it hitting you right in the feels. I cant play the game as i don't own a PS3 :(

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The only "movie" that makes sense without the gameplay or text-based scenes is Chain of Memories, and it is the best because of that. It can be watched as a film, and still make pretty much total sense, just minus the world scenes and minro boss fights and battles. 

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Yeah bro of course i know it gets tireing but its just the nostalgia of playing the game as a child and it hitting you right in the feels. I cant play the game as i don't own a PS3 :(



I understand. I used to watch the cutscene movies when my original KH2 stopped working on my PS2.

If that's what you really want then go for it. Do a marathon of all KH games. Assuming you have to to kill.

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I personally am the biggest fan of Birth By Sleep. That's simply because of the fact that there's multiple narratives that over-ride each other and that it's the darkest of the series as it pulls the curtains to the true main antagonist and the grand scheme of obtaining the true Kingdom Hearts.

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