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How’s That Mobile Version Of Final Fantasy XI Coming Along?

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Vana’diel is coming to a smartphone near you. Nexon announced they will develop a mobile version of Final Fantasy XI earlier this year. When we spoke with Final Fantasy XIV producer Naoki Yoshida we asked how Square Enix’s first foray in the MMORPG genre was being adapted for mobiles.


"Currently, the Final Fantasy XI core team is in direct talks with Nexon and meeting them in person," Yoshida said to Siliconera. "They are talking about what you must keep when taking over the reigns of Final Fantasy XI and what is OK to change. We believe these talks are going to take at least two or three more months to decide on this core that will go into the mobile version."


"We’re still in the process of those talks finding out what they want to do and then they will develop the mobile version. Graphically, we have seen a working version of mobile, but it comes down to gameplay and that won’t be for another three months," Yoshida continued.


Final Fantasy XI has a new and final scenario, Rhapsodies of Vana’diel, scheduled to debut in 2015. The console version will shut down in 2016, but the PC release and solo friendly mobile version will keep Vana’diel populated for years to come.

Read more at http://www.siliconera.com/2015/06/26/hows-that-mobile-version-of-final-fantasy-xi-coming-along/#Merb6BrtexoaW4ow.99


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