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The 13th Kenpachi

Confessions:KH style

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Confess things you think/thought about the KH seriesPosted Image but never said because you'd get backlash. No one can get madPosted Image.


KH1 sephiroth is super easy... I beat him on my 2nd try, all you need is Ultima and a high level. I don't see the huge deal. KH2FM Critical sephiroth is far more difficult.


The Zexion and Vexen data battles were actually really difficult. I know most people find these easy though.


 I don't care about 80% of KH Disney worlds.. They've always been dull and filler to me. I like a selected few but I didn't grow up with most of the films. They're mostly just filler. I liked Notre Dame and Musketeers in KH3D, Pride Lands in KH2 and all KH1 worlds. Everything else was a chore.


SE gave us Sephiroth and Kefka. MX should be at that level of villain-ness by now. He looks pathetic compared to them.


The lack of FF in KH is really annoying.


NO FF CHARACTERS EVEN INTERACT WITH DISNEY CHARACTERS. THIS IS THE ONLY franchise where you could have Cloud talking to Mickey Mouse but SE don't even take advantage of that fact. It's such a waste of opportunity.



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Anti-Coat is easy as hell. In fact, he's easier on Proud Mode than he is on Normal.


SoraxRiku is so much more plausible than SoraxKairi.


Young Eraqus is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay cuter than Young Xehanort.


Atlantica is awesome, Olympus Coliseum is boring.


That's all for me. xD

Edited by Caramel Covered Ansem

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Anti-Coat is easy as hell. In fact, he's easier on Proud Mode than he is on Normal.


SoraxRiku is so much more plausible than SoraxKairi.


Young Eraqus is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay cuter than Young Xehanort.


Atlantica is awesome, Olympus Coliseum is boring.


That's all for me. xD



....seriously. :P


Also, I didn't really like Pride Lands.


I'm physically attracted to Sora with his new design and Young Xehanort and even Young Eraqus. They're all too good! X3


I kept using Oblivion in KH1FMHD even though Rumble Rose was better in stats.


Vexen in Re: CoM killed me....a lot. More on the second fight. xD


I also REALLY want SoraxRiku to happen. Sue me. X3

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MX is a bitch to fight with terra


i hate donald. i always switch him out with another party member


i miss when the main story interacted with the disney worlds ex tarzan (looking for kairi and riku)  beast's castle (org xiii fight) etc


i miss when the disney worlds were original to their storylines not just a cheap rehash of their movie plots


i REALLY hate donald


I miss reflect.


forced command styles are stupid. we should have had the ability to turn them off.

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kiari's involvement in the first few games i found to be a poorly done "damsel in distress" overused trope. im glad that they are finally giving her some much needed attention and badassary with her new keyblade powers.


i found goofy's "death" to be pointless. if he is going to come back then why would the writers bother giving him a "death" in the first place? now i think twice if a character ever dies in kh and i say to myself "maybe their pulling a goofy on me".

Edited by Sorual

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MX is a bitch to fight with terra


i hate donald. i always switch him out with another party member


i miss when the main story interacted with the disney worlds ex tarzan (looking for kairi and riku)  beast's castle (org xiii fight) etc


i miss when the disney worlds were original to their storylines not just a cheap rehash of their movie plots


i REALLY hate donald


I miss reflect.


forced command styles are stupid. we should have had the ability to turn them off.

  So you like Donald ? ;)

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Oh yeah: Sora's face looks completely off in the new KH3 E3 trailer. The facial shape and his nose need a big do over. I hope they don't keep his face like this in KH3. It looks nothing like him.Posted Image

Looks just perfect to me.



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I don't like Agrabah.I find Kairi's behaviour in KH1 to be really awkward at times.I think it was funny when Naminé got friendzoned by Sora at the end of re:CoM. 

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