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With the news that Square Enix have agreed on a release date for KH3 but haven't announced it, do you think it will appear at D23 Japan?

With the news that Square Enix have agreed on a release date but haven't announced it, do you think it will appear at D23 Japan?  

155 members have voted

  1. 1. With the news that Square Enix have agreed on a release date for KH3 but haven't announced it, do you think it will appear at D23 Japan?

    • Yes! I believe that it will be announced at D23 Japan.
    • Yeah, however I'm not really excited for the announcement.
    • Nope, I don't believe it will appear at D23 Japan but I hope so!
    • Nope, I didn't really care about it either.
    • Another option? Tell us below!

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With the news that Square Enix have agreed on a release date for KH3 but haven't announced it, do you think it will appear at D23 Japan?

Edited by CrownedCyborgHDMaster

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  On 6/24/2015 at 7:00 PM, Kaweebo said:

I have a strong feeling, given the 'relatively advanced' state of the game at this point, that it probably will be announced there. 

To be so close to the dream....

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I'm not expecting that much from D23 I feel like they will show the trailer they showed at E3 maybe a little longer one with some more gameplay and more talking about it in interviews and such, but I believe that they will not reveal the release date for Kingdom Hearts 3 at D23, maybe somehow at Jump Festa or TGS but we will have to see

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I think so. Right after he said "We've decided on a release date but aren't ready to announce it yet" he said "Please look forward to more information at the KH fan event on November 3rd" I think he was hinting that they'll announced a release window then.

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Knowing the trolls that Square Enix are, they won't show it at D23, even though it is the most logical decision for them to make.


By withholding the date from us, now that we know they have the date decided, they just anger us more, and they'd have to do a hell of a lot to make it up to us.

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I am trying not to be too excited, because for all I know, the release date probably won't be shown at D23, but my heart tells me that there's really a very big chance that Nomura will reveal the release date at D23 after all!  Gahh, I'm so hyped, I'm really looking forward to D23!!! :D

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The front page even said that KH3 is gonna appear at D23. Due to some theories, and other stuff, I believe that they will announce that it will be released in October, 2016.

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I mean Kingdom Hearts III is likely at like 30-40% of development.

No, I don't, I just want more cutscenes or a gameplay demo, Twilight Town would do. Maybe the Rock Titan boss.

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