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With the recent news of there being a set release date, as well as apparent voice acting since summer of 2014... How far would you say KH3 is? In my opinion, I think it`s somewhere around 50% complete... I mean if they already reached an agreement on release than it should be ramping up in production... The only thing that worries me is that, the game doesnt look anywhere close to done... idk im conflicted as to where I stand.. What about you guys?

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Just be aware that the trailer showed at E3 was taken way before E3, so the game could look 100% better and they could have more worlds already done. I think the game is somewhere between 60-70%

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Based on the interviews, it seems like they've done most of the script, they're got a working gameplay system about 90% done, and now they're building the world's and assets of the game


This is just me guessing though

Edited by Mysterious Figure

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I'm gonna say 40% . Maybe less .

Not to be mean but I think they wouldn't have a set release date if the game was that far incomplete.

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It's like Nomura said, all the base work is done.  It's like having a structure all built and all they really have to do is slap paint on it (aka create the world around it).  Obviously there is a lot of polishing work to be done and then there is testing, voice work, music, etc.  The hardest parts are done.  I will be conservative with my answer and say about 55%.  I am truly astonished at how much they have finished though.

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It's like Nomura said, all the base work is done.  It's like having a structure all built and all they really have to do is slap paint on it (aka create the world around it).  Obviously there is a lot of polishing work to be done and then there is testing, voice work, music, etc.  The hardest parts are done.  I will be conservative with my answer and say about 55%.  I am truly astonished at how much they have finished though.

Well the game has been in development for 3 years now, I think they are moving along with the game just fine, and they did say that they would get the game out ASAP.

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That seems like a good estimate. That would also mean that FFXV is somewhere around 95% or something.

Well, it's true that they said FFXV would come out before KH3, but that was when Nomura was in charge. The guy handling it now may have different ideas.

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90-95% done I think. They just need to finish the ending, secret movie if there will be one, and finish up the voice acting I think, as well as make the character models prettier.

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I'm gonna say 40% . Maybe less .


That's my guess, too. KH3 only hit full development status this year, and Nomura's stated that they're "almost" done laying the groundwork for the battle system. Following that, they still need to actually implement it into the game, add whatever unique touch that each world requires, map out the boss fights, test run the system, fine-tune it, QA-test run it, etc.


And iirc, Nomura stated last year that they're still in the scenario-writing stage, which comes before the storyboard stage -- so they're still a long way off from actually doing the script and putting cutscenes together, let alone getting the acting done.


The promise of a release date doesn't mean much, realistically speaking; Nomura could simply be ballparking it and say not to expect anything until 2018 or after (which is my guess).

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It depends. If we're talking about the development cycle as a whole, I'd say about 60ish%. If we're talking about the actual content in the game I'd say around 20%. I think that the major bulk of development is done, but the game itself probably isn't super close to completion.

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I could be Mr. Obvious and say "far along enough to announce a release date".


But I guess this is just Nomura elaborating on the fact that the primary elements of Kingdom Hearts 3 is complete.

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90-95% done I think. They just need to finish the ending, secret movie if there will be one, and finish up the voice acting I think, as well as make the character models prettier.

Eh, I'd give it more of an 70 - 75%. They obviously need to touch up the UI, bug-fixing, etc. and we don't know how far along they are on actually finishing the Disney worlds we didn't see. If Nomura's still in the planning stages on the ending, then it's safe to assume the other worlds aren't entirely finished, either. We'll know more about August-November. 

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