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The 13th Kenpachi

So, what do you like about the Kingdom Hearts series?

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The opposite of the other one I made. It can be anything from a gameplay mechanic to a story element or a character. Anything you like about the series.

The morals they include in the story, the games teach you so many important values.

Combat is always challenging (Except for the original KH2)

The way certain things in one game connect with things in other games.

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I love the unique the story, the abstract design and roles of the characters, the gameplay, and how it manages to put such an elaborate twist on an age-old concept: Good versus Evil. It's a tale as old as time, but the creative way Nomura and his team present Kingdom Hearts, keeps you on your toes, and makes the whole "Light or Darkness?" power struggle seem like brand new territory.



Long story short, it f*cking rocks! xD

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I love every single aspect of the series, from its mesmerizing story, to the amazing combat, to the majestic music, to the lessons the games teach...everything about this series is just spectacular!  Kingdom Hearts is a series that I've been following for nine years of my life, and I've enjoyed being a fan of these games!  The series will always have a special place in my heart, that's for certain!


As for what I've learned from the series, I've learned that no matter how deep the darkness in your life may be, you can be able to make a difference for yourself, and you can be able to conquer the fears and uncertainties that tainted you as a person.  Conquering through the trials and ordeals of life makes you all the more stronger! Yes, Riku taught me that! :D

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-As headphone mentioned, the original trilogy is almost flawless


-358's Bonding

-Skateboard in KH2

-2's battle system

-1's exploration

-COM's story telling method and uniqueness

-Roxas's prologue in KH2 (alot of people hate it, but I think it has a deep, and connecting story)

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i struggled alot when i was little, i was kinda the odd kid out. that was picked on and bullied alot. there was this boy that was my first freind and stuck up for me...i...lost...him due to a axident. that boy reminds me alot of sora, i play kingdom hearts and i feel like ive got my freind back ...its also why i sorta look up to sora too...


kingdom hearts  has pushed me to be more social/open/try new things....i was jelous of what sora had....his freinds...so i worked hard to find my own. i started trying new things and exploreing doing things i normally wouldnt have because of that game.


ive learned alot from it. 


when i was younger it was a escape away from all the abuse i was dealing with. 


i love the music, and the art style, i love getting to go to all the disney worlds, and feel like im a part of this big adventure.


i love the gameplay


i love most of the characters, sora, vanitas, xion, riku, are my favorites though

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I like how convoluted and crazy the story is. I've realized that Kingdom Hearts is really the only game I had to STUDY to understand, because what you get in the base game is not enough. I LIKE that. If the story was "normal," if you will, it probably would have just been a game I played and forgot about. However, the over-complicated plot keeps me interested and engaged in every little tidbit of information. Only Kingdom Hearts and Fallout have done this to me. I am so enthralled by this series that I spend hours that I'm not playing the game to research it instead, and that is a magical and impressive feat.

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