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Shotlocks return in KH3 trailer.

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so i'm trying to make a analyses video for my youtube channel and i saw this: post-41222-0-64983400-1434645924_thumb.png

the lock-ons look like a red version of bbs shotlocks and there is also a faint reticle. so do you guys think shotlocks will return or do you think this is something else.

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so i'm trying to make a analyses video for my youtube channel and i saw this: Posted Imageshotlocks in kh3.png

the lock-ons look like a red version of bbs shotlocks and there is also a faint reticle. so do you guys think shotlocks will return or do you think this is something else.

One of the "keyblade transformations" had a shotlock-like design, it seemed to have been conbo'd into, not part of the standard attack, and it seemed too flashy to be a finishing attack style. As such I can mostly assume that this and thst combined means some form of the shot lock attack style will make a return.

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did you skip to where ven's uses it

well yes, considering you linked me a twelve minute video with no context


Technically they did for the Armored Ventus Nightmare.

that's too technical. It's a boss move

and it still looks nothing like the screenshot. The one in DDD is a DDD themed redraw, but it's still instantly clear what it is


if anything, see that thumbnail? see the yellow circle around the darkness thing? That looks more like what we saw in the screenshots OP posted

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well yes, considering you linked me a twelve minute video with no context


that's too technical. It's a boss move

and it still looks nothing like the screenshot. The one in DDD is a DDD themed redraw, but it's still instantly clear what it is


if anything, see that thumbnail? see the yellow circle around the darkness thing? That looks more like what we saw in the screenshots OP posted

nothing really to technical for kh now a days, and the same could be said about kh3, a KH3 themed redraw but if you look at the large body it matches a shotlock. plus they edited it so we got the tail end of the thing in the screenshot.

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nothing really to technical for kh now a days, and the same could be said about kh3, a KH3 themed redraw but if you look at the large body it matches a shotlock. plus they edited it so we got the tail end of the thing in the screenshot.

shotlock is based on locking on repeatedly

the large body only has one lock on

it's a normal lock on

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shotlock is based on locking on repeatedly

the large body only has one lock on

it's a normal lock on

what the heck are you looking at, there is three and its red not blue or yellow

edit: actually there is four

Edited by Keyblade master26

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what the heck are you looking at, there is three and its red not blue or yellow

edit: actually there is four

you REAAALLY need to work on your clarity

here's a screencap that shows what you're talking about, for one thing

Posted Image


So there's definitely some targeting going on

it doesn't look like the spread shotlock gives, and it's worth noting that the targets roughly correspond to enemies behindt he Large Body

So I'm thinking this might be some sort of evolution of the shotlock

though it could jsut be a way of showing what your multi target abilities are going to hit, since Sora preceding this is firing off ice spells rapidly (it seems kinda odd that you'd be able to use shotlock while moving and attacking, since the only wya it was balanced in BBS was by forcing you to stay still)

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One of the "keyblade transformations" had a shotlock-like design, it seemed to have been conbo'd into, not part of the standard attack, and it seemed too flashy to be a finishing attack style. As such I can mostly assume that this and thst combined means some form of the shot lock attack style will make a return.



Technically they did for the Armored Ventus Nightmare.



well yes, considering you linked me a twelve minute video with no context


that's too technical. It's a boss move

and it still looks nothing like the screenshot. The one in DDD is a DDD themed redraw, but it's still instantly clear what it is


if anything, see that thumbnail? see the yellow circle around the darkness thing? That looks more like what we saw in the screenshots OP posted


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I for one believe you when you stated that shotlocks would return. It was an iconic battling aspect of Birth By Sleep. It would be too good to leave out for KH3.

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it's a filler HUD though

nto that focus automatically means shotlocks, anyways

i'm pretty sure its going to stay like this since nomura said the basic stuff for KH3 is done, plus i'm not say the focus gauge is only going to be for shotlocks

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i'm pretty sure its going to stay like this since nomura said the basic stuff for KH3 is done, plus i'm not say the focus gauge is only going to be for shotlocks

pretty sure its already been confirmed it's a filler HUD

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i'm pretty sure that was the first and second trailer, they changed since then and hasn't said anything.

well I'm gonna need to summon Flaming Lea to actually find the interview, but I've already been told by multiple people interviews confirmed the HUD is still not final

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