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The blocky Keyblade is back

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Is it just me or does Sora's hair look a bit different?

Nomura said that they didn't want it (his hair) to look as wild as before because Sora has a lot of new acrobatics in the game and they want to give him a sporty and slim/fit look, so they decided to shorten his hair to make it flow better with Sora's new moves.

Edited by PrinceNoctis

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The whole sharp thing was because it was on the 3DS, they had to make it that way due to technical limitations. It only appeared sharp in some parts of 1.5 and 2.5 because they had to import the models from Dream Drop Distance, so occasionally the teeth looked sharp. Sometimes things like that can be unfixable if it's an imported model, sometimes it can be fixed that way in certain areas of a game. Luckily for heavy areas like 1 Final Mix and 2 Final Mix it stays blocky, but for areas like Days and Recoded it kind of had to stay that way, probably because it would have taken more time to fix it or it was just too difficult to fix it in something they're making from scratch. The sharp teeth were never meant to be a permanent redesign, it was just a result of having to use a 3DS model. It was only natural that it would be blocky again in KH3.

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