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EarthBound: Beginnings on the Wii U Virtual Console!

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Mother 1/EarthBound: Beginnings is now on the Wii U Virtual Console!




It was just announced at the Nintendo World Championships and I won't deny that I did cry... (and still might be...)


As a huge Mother/Earthbound fan this is amazing. Hopefully this might lead to Mother 3 getting localised.


Thoughts? Impressions? Anybody picking it up?



Edited by TheEightMelodies

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I've always been interested in the series. What should I start with: Earthbound Beginnings or Earthbound?Also, I was sure Mother 3 would be announced lol

Same. I need to get myself into the series to see what all the hype is about lol. During some point I plan to get both Earthbound and Earthbound Beginnings.

Edited by Tails

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I couldn't believe they just casually announced it the way they did. I'm going to buy it as soon as I can. If Mother 3 gets announced on Tueaday then I don't know what I'll do.


Seriously, I'm really happy to finally get to play Earthbound Beginnings. I loved Earthbound so much when it hit the Wii U a couple of years back.

Edited by KHSoraKeyBlade

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I personally started with Earthbound/Mother 2 and Mother 3 is my favourite.


You can tell that Mother 1 is a 'little' dated when playing it. It requires quite a bit of grinding (though I am not sure if Beginnings is actually going to improve upon that other than the translations.)


Maybe trying out Beginnings and then following onto Earthbound would be a good idea. If it was me I would play Mother 3 last. 


Hopefully we get an official Mother 3 sometime soon. The fan translation is fantastic but I would also love to own a english copy by Nintendo. If we do I think I can die happy.  :3  I'm obsessed with the Mother series.

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I'll admit I nearly cried seeing the announcement. I was certain Miyamoto would be the developer giving a message, so I was screaming the second I realized it was Itoi in the video. I obviously picked up the game, as I'll gladly support the series!


I do have a question for long-time Mother fans, though. I haven't been able to finish EarthBound yet (Currently about halfway through) as I've been busy, so I'm not sure what to do with Mother 1. Should I just play through Mother 1 and start a new game in EarthBound afterwards, or finish EarthBound since I've already made so much progress? I'd kinda hate to lose my progress in EarthBound, but I don't want to have Mother 1 interrupt the middle of my playthrough of EarthBound.

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Surprisingly, even though I haven't played with Mother characters and locations and items outside of Smash Bros, I felt happy by this announcement. I know there are many fans who are way more deserving to be happy about this news, but I just couldn't help being excited as Ninten finally gets to have his story told outside of Japan! Now if only they would release Mother 3 in English, I would finally be able to play the whole series and hopefully like it as Ness is a great character in Smash and I can not tell you how much I like Lucas!

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I'm not really sure what to expect from this game,hopefully its not too difficult and the story and dialogs are just as interesting as Earthbound's and Mother 3,but I'll get it either way just to support the Mother series and I had a lot of fun with the other 2 games,so it should be decent.

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