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88 Reasons Why Final Fantasy VIII is Literally the Worst Game Ever Made

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I tried playing this game once but I didn't really like it much. I forgot where I left off, but this reminded me of my disliking, even if this does seem pretty facetious. Yeah I'm probably not picking the game back up at all.

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I will admit that the game was frustrating at some points


but I wouldn't go so far as to call it the worst game in FF history.

I found the draw magic system and junction system to be quite interesting.


Then theres the problem about being stabbed by an icicle that size (which i'm just about certain should be lethal if it doesn't leave the person with massive bleeding, scars and a tension hemo-pneumothorax). But hey its a game, after learning the plots of so many FF games and JRPGs, nothing surprises me anymore.


Bottom line is, this game does have its ups and downs - some people will enjoy it and others won't.


However one thing we all agree is that the music is very well made!!

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Squall is not... emo.... He is the opposite of that....


Emo people cry because they want to be loved and blah blah blah. He doesn't want people around him, he would probably hate one if he ever saw them.


Also, emo wasn't a thing back in 1999...


Drawing isn't that good sure, but it only takes 2 mins to gather 100 magic if you have good spirit, yes, even Ultima.


It's one of the few games I like the romance of, the plot doesn't really take a back seat considering the romance is the main plot in the game. That's how it should be done, otherwise adding romance sucks most of the time if it's not the main thing.


Rinoa is a rich teen, what did you expect?


Compared to FFVIII, XIII has an entire library of lame ass plot points.


Squall's character developement is to stop being stuck in the past.


His friends are literally a copy from other FF games, you know, like all main FF games.


You can just make them into anything in every FF game too. 


Edea healed Squall.


Seifer was a little shit the moment you met him.


Nothing poses a threat in this game if you know how to play it.


Grinding is in every FF, heck it's in every RPG game.


Never seen his scar as badass tbh.


Need money? Just take a test.


Who draws from draw points? Seriously?


If the trigger is easy, why is it pointless? Why would it being hard make it have a point?


Action commands? Err, Zell?


You need a guide? You mean like every other FF game? Oh, except XIII, cause you know, it's a just a straight corridor.


I actually agree with the grinding cards thing..... >.>


But... FFVII has long animation spells and summons. Knights of the Round Table summong thingy? Hello?


SeeD is like a Jedi though, can't join if you're too old. Still better than Lightning though.


You can Ultimecia's motives through Edea.


That is literally what every fairy tale romance plot does. He was trying to save the person he loved. Better than "I EM GOIN TO SAVE THE WERLD BECAUSE MY FIANCE IS DED!!!!"


The Alien random thingy actually scared me as a kid.


Laguna is well... Laguna!


The Orphanage is actually a good plot in a fantasy game... It's the same as, "I put some magic in your necklace and now you can space travel, how awesome is that?"


"Guns can't deal as much damage as swords" Really? Did you just... I mean... Do you.... You know what? Nevermind...


GF ability grinding, ah yes... Good thing for them cactuars eh?


Diablos is easy even at the start. I didn't know how to even play this game the first time and I defeated him.


Basically every FF game.


Again, the main plot is the romance, not the baddies.


Magic is there to make you stronger, not to use it.


Blade is a gun = Fantasy.


What's wrong with renting a car?


Haven't played FF9, can't say much about this.


You can't name your party members in XIII either....LOL!


Seifer is a moron.


The Warrior of Light is epic!


I kinda do think that KH's version is too good.


I love the Ultimecia = Rinoa theory. Means that people loved this game and started making theories about it, not the other way around.


Ultimecia had an accent....so what?


Makes the moon relevant no?


Says alot about the power of a villain if they can just extract a thought from your mind and make it into the most Legendary Beast (c wut i did dere?)


Same as the promise Sora and Kairi made.


Selphie is just the comedy character which is present in every FF game. I mean, look at Vanille.


78-87 Oh my....


I just LOVE the ending. And that music is sooo good.



PS: Don't take this seriously please, I agree FFVIII might have a shitton of flaws but it's still one of my favorite games ever, this is just for fun.

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I like FFVIII,it has some problems sure,but its still fun to play.I'd rather play FFVIII then FF 1,2,3 or 4 The After Years and its nowhere near as bad as XIII.

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Nothing wrong with FFXIII or FFVIII. XII is the faulty one.

XIII itself only sucked originally because of the horrible corridor syndrome and the annoying combat system then XIII-2 didn't help with but enhanced, LR:FFXIII waa the best of the three, as it's gameplay was better.

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Just pointing out every time you say "It's not -" isn't a good reason for saying it's the worst, other than to pad out your list. 

that's because ff8 is so bland you eventually run out of things to say about it

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that's because ff8 is so bland you eventually run out of things to say about it

Then why post about it in the first place?


Just pointing out that this is an obvious joke topic that doesn't need "good" reasons.

I realized that after the list crossed into trolling after about reason 12

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Nothing wrong with FFXIII or FFVIII. XII is the faulty one.

Never played FFVIII, but FFXIII has a terrible plot and a even worse narrative which only makes the plot weaker than it already is. Boring characters and gameplay as well.


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Never played FFVIII, but FFXIII has a terrible plot and a even worse narrative which only makes the plot weaker than it already is. Boring characters and gameplay as well.

To each his own. I love FFXIII.

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This is a lie!  X-2 is the worst game ever made. : P  But no, I'm just kidding (well, sort of : P).  I haven't played FF VIII myself so I can't say for sure, but this is all good to know and bear in mind when I go to consider the game.  I love the soundtrack, however.

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Yep, one of the worst in the series. People say that the Square Soft days only produced good Final Fantasy games. 8 was the exception. It was a hint at how bad the games would get later. Although I’d take it over 12. At least 8 had the over the top anime nonsense you expect from the series. 12 stripped almost all of it out and what you’re left with is a bland RPG that’s without flavor and is dull as dirt with a run of the mill plot and boring characters. 

Edited by Gameguy3003

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