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Continuing their theme of animation-to-live-action, Disney has decided to create a live-action film based on the Night on Bald Mountain segment of Fantasia. This is interesting in that it is not the first segment from the film they have adapted into and idependant live-action film. A few years ago they adapted the Sorcerer's Apprentice, though it was not a blockbuster hit like Maleficent or Cinderella. Also interesting is the fact that Chernabog, the main character of Night on Bald Mountain was considered for inclusion in The Sorcerer's Apprentice film but was cut so that, if they made a sequel, he could have a larger role. I wonder if perhaps Night on Bald Mountain will serve as a sort of sequel to The Sorcerer's Apprentice because of the fact that they are both segments from Fantasia, because of Chernabog's consideration for inclusion in the latter, the decision to save him for a biggerror role in a sequel and him being the focus of the former. The film itself has great potential for incredible visual effects, however I'm a bit concerned as I read that they are likening it to Maleficent. I actually liked Maleficent but, not having human intelligence, Chernabog would simply not work as an anti-hero. He is a mindless force of chaos and destuction representing chaotic evil rather than the organized evil of Maleficent. He is the most evil being Walt Disney ever created, Disney's version of the devil himself. No maniacal plan, no motivation, he is evil for evil's sake and nothing more. Lately Chernabog has been showing up in more and more Disney related media however, with the exception of Kingdom Keepers (now those would make fantastic movies), he never quite seems to get the representation he deserves. While his boss battle in the first Kingdom Hearts game was fun it admittedly came out of nowhere and added up to nothing, the one in 3D was even worse, a glorified Drop sequence rather than a proper boss battle, and when he appeared in Once Upon a Time he appeared for one episode and was easily dispatched by being tricked into crossing the town line. I'd like to hear what you guys think about all of this.

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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Something Tells Me Disney Is Starting To Run Out Of Original Concepts To Use.  Their Only Option Would Be To Either Make Something That's Been Done Before, Or They Will Have To Destroy The Innocence Of Something By Twisting The Original Story.  The Second They Did In ONCE UPON A TIME -- MANY TIMES!!


Yet, A Night On Bald Mountain As A Live-Action Movie?  Sounds Like They've Gone TOO Far.  After All, The Original Segment In "FANTASIA (1940)" Is Meant To Represent The Devil / Satan Gathering His Followers.

Edited by SoraDaxjer28

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I didn't like Maleficent and if their making this live action movie of Chernabog akin to Maleficent than I would not like as well. Plus if believe this live action movie will be on it's own with no connection to that Sorcerer's Apprentice movie. I would like if they made Chernabog the main villain and I would love it if they take their time and develop a decent story and develop Chernabog to become the evil Chernabog in Fantasia, and have a hero character to stand against Chernabog. Maleficent didn't work out for as an anit-heroine in Maleficent and so I hope they don't make Chernabog an anit-hero because he's supposed to be the devil. But's that my opinion.

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Something Tells Me Disney Is Starting To Run Out Of Original Concepts To Use.  Their Only Option Would Be To Either Make Something That's Been Done Before, Or They Will Have To Destroy The Innocence Of Something By Twisting The Original Story.  The Second They Did In ONCE UPON A TIME -- MANY TIMES!!


Yet, A Night On Bald Mountain As A Live-Action Movie?  Sounds Like They've Gone TOO Far.  After All, The Original Segment In "FANTASIA (1940)" Is Meant To Represent The Devil / Satan Gathering His Followers.


To be fair, Disney has always ​plagiarized borrowed from other sources; all the classics like Snow White, Cinderella, Pinocchio, The Jungle Book, etc. are all ripped from old fairy tales or even actual published books. Very rarely have they actually come up with an original idea. So if they're gonna steal, and they will, why not steal from themselves?


That said, a Night On Bald Mountain movies doesn't sound like a great idea (doesn't help that I don't remember hearing anything good about The Sorcerer's Apprentice, though I never did see it). If they're really trying to base it off the Fantasia segment, then there just isn't a lot to go off of- though the same could be said of Pirates of the Caribbean, so what do I know?

Edited by HeyMouseSayCheese

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Oh my goodness, this is exciting news!!! As a child, the Bald Mountain segment of the film has always had the biggest impression on me. I used to fear Chernabog so much...seeing him awaken, and summon all of the demons from the bowels of the canyon scared me silly!! But, as I grew older, I began to appreciate the feature more... And even developed a certain sentiment for the dark being. It remains one of the best put-animation- to-music creations I've ever seen, and even to this day, it has become impossible for me to listen to Bald Mountain without seeing Chernabog's image, or to see Chernabog's image without hearing the music play in my head. They are inseparable units, it mentally cannot be done.


With that said, the only thing that concerns me the most, is that the film industry will (excuse my language) bastardize this work of art in the most inconceivable of ways. A harsh foreboding, I know, but adaptations are very hit and miss, and....well.....Disney has a very bad habit of sprinkling sugar on that which is MEANT to be bitter, and making bitter that which is already sweet. Point in case, Maleficent. A woman who's name LITERALLY means "evil" is a good guy now? And not only a good guy, but a victim to some development- deprived male character? Come on now....that's a slap in the face to Disney himself. And then there's the other extreme...Alice and Wonderland. Although some aspects of the live action film were cool (Hey, it's Tim Burton. He's a visual genius) Story wise, it was so bizarre and convoluted, that it felt less like Alice and Wonderland, and more like a dark parody of it. Even some of the beloved characters were strangely represented...a shadow of their original selves. Alice herself was so dry and devoid of personality, that I could have expected more from my pet goldfish.


The point is, it's cool that they're actually considering putting the big guy on the big screen once again, but just- please. For the love of ANSEM, do it right!! Don't give us a trailer of some Twilight-looking teenage boy, slap wings on his back, and call him the Devil. NO! Don't do that shit!! If the world wants a monster, then damn well give them a monster! Give. Them. CHERNABOG!!

Edited by Caramel Covered Ansem

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Oh my goodness, this is exciting news!!! As a child, the Bald Mountain segment of the film has always had the biggest impression on me. I used to fear Chernabog so much...seeing him awaken, and summon all of the demons from the bowels of the canyon scared me silly!! But, as I grew older, I began to appreciate the feature more... And even developed a certain sentiment for the dark being. It remains one of the best put-animation- to-music creations I've ever seen, and even to this day, it has become impossible for me to listen to Bald Mountain without seeing Chernabog's image, or to see Chernabog's image without hearing the music play in my head. They are inseparable units, it mentally cannot be done. With that said, the only thing that concerns me the most, is that the film industry will (excuse my language) bastardize this work of art in the most inconceivable of ways. A harsh foreboding, I know, but adaptations are very hit and miss, and....well.....Disney has a very bad habit of sprinkling sugar on that which is MEANT to be bitter, and making bitter that which is already sweet. Point in case, Maleficent. A woman who's name LITERALLY means "evil" is a good guy now? And not only a good guy, but a victim to some development- deprived male character? Come on now....that's a slap in the face to Disney himself. And then there's the other extreme...Alice and Wonderland. Although some aspects of the live action film were cool (Hey, it's Tim Burton. He's a visual genius) Story wise, it was so bizarre and convoluted, that it felt less like Alice and Wonderland, and more like a dark parody of it. Even some of the beloved characters were strangely represented...a shadow of their original selves. Alice herself was so dry and devoid of personality, that I could have expected more from my pet goldfish. The point is, it's cool that they're actually considering putting the big guy on the big screen once again, but just- please. For the love of ANSEM, do it right!! Don't give us a trailer of some Twilight-looking teenage boy, slap wings on his back, and call him the Devil. NO! Don't do that shit!! If the world wants a monster, then damn well give them a monster! Give. Them. CHERNABOG!!

If Disney knows that Chernabog is a representation of the Devil, they will make him a representation of the devil.

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I sure hope so! I'm tired of villains being watered down. >.>

Read Kingdom Keepers. They treat them right. Book 1 is called Disney After Dark. But yes, as I said before, a creature as evil as Chernabog can not be shown in a redeeming light.

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Read Kingdom Keepers. They treat them right. Book 1 is called Disney After Dark. But yes, as I said before, a creature as evil as Chernabog can not be shown in a redeeming light.

What I find funny was that Kingdom Keepers came after Kingdom Hearts. It would be crazy if those two had a crossover.

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What I find funny was that Kingdom Keepers came after Kingdom Hearts. It would be crazy if those two had a crossover.

No. No. Keep Sora far away from the Keepers. He'd probably short circuit their holograms. You know he'd want to be a DHI and beat up the motion capture equipment trying to make it happen. Lol Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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