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Nero Kunivas

What if Square-Enix screws us over? (KHIII Discussion)

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Really? Was it an alpha trailer? I thought it was beta. Huh, I guess not. The thing though is this title has been in development since 2010. This is now five years. Could it not be possible that the things that they were showing over the past couple of years was stuff they already did and it is just a mask so as to keep the hype tamed at a reasonable level? Besides, since you mention voice acting, in January 2014, Haley Joel Osment said they will probably start voice acting over the summer. July comes around and he is asked about it again. He says he can not say a thing ON PAPER which means he signed the contract and voice acting was already underway. Then come Mr. Farmer in December. He says they are done and it will be out this year, but then had to retract and say it's release is unannounced. That probably is a cover up to avoid bleeding. They probably are farther than we think in progress and just are showing old stuff to take hype. Think about how many times you have seen talk on the internet about how legendary it will be. If you show such a sought-after title as it is, hype and expectations go through the roof and become unreasonable. That is why SQEX will probably not mess with us and show KH3 at E3 2015.


You're setting yourself up for disappointment

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You're setting yourself up for disappointment

Maybe. That is why I actually hope and not expect. Although, all the teasing that was happening lately should mean in a way that we'll will see something, but you never know.

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I kinda hope they're NOT gonna talk abour KH3. I'd rather have them announce a HD remake of Dream Drop, or much more likely the Unchained Chi western realase date.

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