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What is your country's traditional food?

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Right now I don't have any photos of the foods I eat, but yeah, Puerto Rico has some very delicious delicacies!  Trust me when I say that when  you taste the food here, you won't want to eat anything else ever again! xD  Some of our main foods are Rice with Beans, Soups, mixtures of vegetables with meat, and other kinds of foods! Stardustblade pointed out some neat foods from over here, and well, I know that my favorite food is White Rice with Corned Beef!  Corned Beef shall always reign supreme for me! xD


But yeah, here in Puerto Rico, we consume a vast variety of foods from other countries, but we have our own unique flair! :3

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It tastes nothing like chocolate. The taste is actually quite hard to explain, especially since it's been such a long time since I last ate it. Maybe it was something like porridge but with stronger flavour, sugary but also sour...? That didn't explain much I think? :D


It did, actually.

Sounds a bit too sugary to eat.


Bad milk + Rye + Sugar = mammi


Okay got it.

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Since we're almost all from different countries, I'd like to see what's your country's traditional food :D


I'll start :3



Cow Paws


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Feijoada à Transmontana (Mainly beans, pork and cow)


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Francesinha (Bread with ham, steak, sausages, an egg, french fries, and beer sauce)


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Carne À Alentejana/Portuguesa though

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