Stardustblade358 806 Posted June 27, 2015 Fiore sat on his bed wearing his pajamas. He had saved the bloody pink piece of hair he had found in the scene and just had it sitting in a sealed up glass. He stared at it for what seemed like hours. The color pink seemed so familiar and yet...he couldn't pinpoint it. He couldn't remember why it seemed familiar. Fiore threw himself down on the pillow, snuggling his face against it. "(K is starting to ignore me more than usual...)" Fiore thought sadly. K was a busy guy, but it still bothered Fiore that K and Eren seemed to be more friendly towards each other while Fiore was just drifting away as just another friend or ally. He didn't like it. "(We used to be best buddies back then! We would always hang out, now K is so busy I'm only called when I'm least he's still my friend.)" Fiore thought as he turned over, pulling the bedsheets with him as he curled. His sniper rifle laying down at the end of the bed with him. Lovi sat on the sofa as she watched the news on the plasma TV. They were giving off a report of last night's robbery and the return of the armored man. She speed dialed Antonio to bother him about it. "Yooooo did you see the news? What a bunch of losers, huh? Obviously if they have had the awesome me in their team they would've gotten away with it!" Lovi said with a laugh. "Well you weren't there so there's nothing you can do much-wait a second why are you calling me? I'm busy here! I have an online test next week and there's orders piling up!" "You're the only person on my contacts that's actually a friend I can annoy I'm SO bored! When is the fun stuff suppose to start?!" Lovi asked annoyed. "When we receive the order. The girl just started her training for ****'s sake." "She should learn faster! The world is getting boring for me!" Lovi rested back, raising her heels up into the air. "Besides, I have news. I overheard my daddy talking, did you know that this city just took over two of its neighboring cities?" "What? That was never announced?" "Apparently it totally happened. Undercover and everything. If the big ones can take a city without alerting their own, I think we should rethink of how we're training this kid." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nora Valkyrie 461 Posted June 27, 2015 Eren watched K and Luci walk in hoping they weren't about to mention the last part of his text. Luckily they hadn't, making Eren give a sigh of relief. Instead they talked on and on, making Eren's dull eyes become duller than before. Finally they were done and looked at him, " K, one of our neighboring nations has sent us a request. Due to the events of you taking over Swindmore and Duncaster, the fellow nation Royal Pirn has requested a Nations Alliance Party between Royal Pirn and Dialucia. I assume it's out of fear that we'll strike for them next, but it's your way on the course. They wish for the party to be held tomorrow night with their Leader and you making a agreement. Of course top officials, like me, will also need to attend. But there should be some slots open for citizens of those from the Rich Class to attend, so we may show that we do indeed take care of our citizens. In other words, dress fancy, make Fiore wear a suit, possibly take that... 'thing', and prepare a speech because were going to be busy tomorrow." Eren let out a sigh rolling back to his monitors, "Because you know how the saying goes... Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." "So I wonder where I'll find Charles today..." Yui asked out loud as she left the school building. She walked 10 more steps when she spotted the very same man looking at her from far away. Yui ran up to him, "How did you get here?..." "I remember the path we took the day you first joined." Charles answered. "Oh..." "Follow me little miss. Our training will begin in a more calming place." Yui looked surprised as she followed him. A calming place to train? Well that was a first. She looked straight at his back wondering what kind of training he would provide. To her he didn't seem like a fighter... ~~~ They were a little far, in a busy yet charming park of the Poor Class. They were near the forest part, where Yui was able to hear the birds sing their songs above the noise of Park goers. Charles took out a mat from his bookbag and laid it out. It was dusty and worn out with holes everywhere. Charles sat down patting beside him to have Yui join him. Yui followed. She stared at him with her doe-eyes, " are we training?" Just then he handed her a piece of pink paper. "Can you fold a Crane for me?" "Huh?" Charles dug into his bag to bring out a perfectly folded origami Crane. It's beautiful blue paper dazzled in Yui's eyes. "Can you fold one of these?" "No..." Yui sadly admitted. "I want you to try to fold one, with only using this crane as your example." He then pulled out a stack of rainbow paper. "And I have many more papers if you need them." "But how will this help me become a Boss?..." "You'll know." He smiled at her "You'll Know." ~~~ "Old Man....I can't do this...." She groaned folding her next piece of paper. She had tried folding the last two papers to match the crane. She folded them so much that the papers began to weither and tare. Yui even checked her phone, to see that half their training session had passed. "So you cannot then?" Charles asked her. "Well I've tried at least 30 times. They're not even as good as your other origami stuff." Yui glanced over at his other works he had been doing while she was working on the crane. "Besides, isn't the crane the hardest one?" "Is that what you believe?" "Well it's what I hear." "Hm, interesting." He took one of her torn up papers, then folded it to become a perfect crane with holes. "How did you do that?! The paper!" He held the crane up to her, "Everything no mater how torn up has potential. Even if the majority disagrees, that one who is the lowest of all have the potential to have the wings of all." That smile of his returned. Yui studied that smile. How could a man that came from the hellish Dirt Poor Class, smile like that? How could he venture about that upon the society they lived in. But then it hit her. "Let me try again." She said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Demise 2,359 Posted June 27, 2015 (edited) "Do we really have to, I don't have any reason to take over the other cities anymore." K sighed. "Now I have to write a speech. Also Luci you're not going to be attending so don't get any ideas." "What? And glasses did you just call me thing you hairless ape." Luci had an evil look in her eye. "Hey master didn't he ask for a raise when he makes more than the upper aristocrats" "He did say something like that" K said while trying to recall the text. "Well how about this, if the party is a failure tomorrow a raise might not be the only thing you'll need. I'll go tell Fiore the news, let's go Luci." While K and Luci were leaving Luci turned around for a second to stick her tongue out to Eren. Edited June 27, 2015 by King Demise Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nora Valkyrie 461 Posted June 27, 2015 (edited) "Brat." Eren mumbled. This would usually be a good time to remonstrance the past, but he wasn't in the mood for that now. Why did he have to do all the work? Sometimes he wished there was some mysterious figure who took charge and all u had to do was follow it's instructions. "Oh least she won't be there. Now we just have to make sure nothing stupid happens." "'s something." Yui held up her very first crane. One wing was bigger than the other, it's tail cropped down than up. The head was a bit twisted, and it stood a bit crooked. "Er..." Charles took it from her to examine, "Perfect." "Wha? Really?" "Yes, even though it may not express beauty, it does show passion from a dedicated artist." "Aww." Yui rubbed the back of her head, "Thanks so much." "And now it's time for the next step." Charles handed her back the crane. "How to use your art for talent. Study my hands." Yui watched as Charles grabbed one of his own cranes. He moved the crane around the palm of his hand, suddenly the crane glowed in light. It lit, then unexpectdaly dashed forward. The crane flew past a branch, cutting off a leaf. The crane then wrapped around the tree, coming back to Charles hand. "WOW." Yui gasped at what she had just witnessed. "How did you-Are you a wizard?!" Charles laughed at her comment, "Afraid not, but this was a talent I had learned from my very own parents. Any normal human can do it, you just need the right focus." "You want me to magically move the crane?" "Well if you think it's just magic then you won't be able to move it. Move your crane to the palm of your hand." "Alright." She mumbled taking her poopy crane to her palm. "Now focus." She did but nothing was happening, which he knew. "Were you shocked when you received the news of your hidden family little miss?" Yui bit her cheek while studying the crane, "Yes...Very." "Was it what you wanted?" "Well no...when I first got the news I thought: Me? You clearly have the wrong person. I rather draw than deal out money and smoke cigars, like the movies show. But then I met all of you, and well there's more to meet. But from what I've seen, your all so me. Lovi, and her loud personality yet caring self. Antonio with his charm, but hidden pride. Mamo, with the smarts but little knowledge of the world around him. Oreo...well Oreo still remains a mystery to me. Kataa...and his belief of survival. Then there's you Mr. Charles..." "Yui, look." She looked down at her hands to witness her own crane floating above the palm of her hand. It sparkled in her eyes. "And we got as far as I wanted you to train today. Good job." "Lalalala la~ Well Steve, tomorrow's the big day!" Steve brought his hood over his head, "Capital party huh? Makes me want to spit." "Ah yes ah yes. Little boy doesn't know what he's getting himself into does he?" "Are you sure you want to peruse with the mission tomorrow?" "Yui-Chan's received three days worth of extreme training. I feel it's time to meet her first boss. Don't you agree?" "We'll see how it goes." Yui Smith ended up keeping the crane, walking home. Luckily she was going home early enough, so she wouldn't need an excuse. She felt exhausted from her three days of training feeling a break was very needed. 'Buzz Buzz!' Oh boy... "I'm going to give your instructions for tomorrow early! Meet at the HQ (fangirl cafe) early in the morning where Steve will give you instructions. Be there by 8am or you'll never see it again~ Prepare for your mission! It's gonna be excitement! From, P" Edited June 27, 2015 by Nora Valkyrie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Demise 2,359 Posted June 28, 2015 While K and Luci were walking to Fiore's room "Master why did you threaten your friend?" "Is that what it looked like? I was only trying to set things in motion." "Master most times you don't make any sense at all. Explain." "Well my dear Luci these those 'parties' are boring and nothing interesting happens. So what I did was challenge Eren to a game. You will see or not, but something will definitely happen." "Master is there one too many screws loose in your brain." Luci was baffled at K's reasoning. "You say that but I know you understand what I mean. It's just difficult to explain" "So you will cause whatever happens at the party by adding another factor." "Something like that" "That still doesn't make any sense" "Well if anything out of the ordinary doesn't happen it's your win." K stood outside of Fiore's door. "Fiore there's going to be a party tomorrow, wear a suit. If you need one just use one my several hundred." "Why do you have so many?" Luci asked. "Why not" K responded. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted June 28, 2015 Fiore looked up from his bed upon hearing K's voice. "A party?" Fiore muttered. He thought for a moment. "Alright, thanks K! But I already have one, actually! I'll get it ready for tomorrow!" Fiore said happily as he jumped off his bed and walked over to his walk-in closet, taking a look at what suit he should wear tomorrow. If a suit was mandatory, then it meant that the party was special, and he wasn't going to be outdone by any other guest! " with blue, or red monochrome." Fiore muttered as he looked down at his choices. What a pain, they were all so pretty! Fiore hurried back to the door, opening it to face K and the girl. He didn't even mind of scowling at her presence, this was an important issue! "K! Milady! Which one should I wear?! Blue with red, or simple red? I feel like the blue with red would be a bit too much but it's always nice to stand out from the crowd!" Fiore said happily as he looked down at his choices, much like a little kid with candy, except with clothing. Lovi looked down at the text, her eyes narrowing as she turned back to talking to Antonio. "You read that, right?" Lovi asked. "I did. I better start telling my brothers I might have to take the day off tomorrow." "Right, I guess I'll see you at your fangirl cafe, tomato head." Lovi said as she hung up. Antonio looked down at his phone and sighed, only to narrow his eyes at the message. "Our first mission, huh? Well, this will either end up good, or bad...I better prepare for both outcomes." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nora Valkyrie 461 Posted June 28, 2015 It was the very next day, and for once Yui Smith was walking right on time! Why? Well in all honesty she couldn't fall asleep, "I think I may have got three to four hours of sleep?...Maybe..." She yawned walking to HQ. Luckily is was the weekend so there was no school for her, but she could barely sleep at all the night before. Since the text she recieved from Professor, her mind was set on guessing on what the mission would have to unfold. The last time she met Steve, he knocked her out from the gut. It made her fear him, fearing what he would do or what kind of mission he would give them. What kind of mission was so important enough that someone had to come to fully explain it? Yui walked on when she finally stumbled upon the cafe. Due to the time, the excitement was down when she walked in. In fact the only people she saw were Charles and Kataa... "Mornin Pinky." Kataa said sitting on one of the tables. "" "Yes, I'm here." Out of the shadows came the hooded figure himself, Steve. "Welcome Sky, in time I see." He walked closer to her making her take a step back in fear. However he walked to the bar instead sitting on one of the stools. "As soon as the others get here, we'll begin." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Demise 2,359 Posted June 28, 2015 "Blue and red" K and Luci said in unison. "I think it looks cool" Luci said. "Yeah. Also be on your best behavior, Eren's fate might depend on it. K had a wicked smile on his face. "Any problem that should arise must be dealt with, is that clear?" "Luci don't give him orders. But yeah, what she said." K and Luci left Fiore's room and were roaming the halls. "Papa I wanna go for a ride" "Sure, if you write my speech" "Done" Luci replied almost instantly. "Do you want to drive-" "Yes!" "Not in that form" Meanwhile "They have accepted the invitation your Highness." "Thank you and sorry for the trouble." The young ruler told her servant. "Make preparations for departure." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted June 30, 2015 Fiore smiled. "Alright! Blue and red it is! I promise to behave, K." Fiore said as he turned. He then stopped and looked over to the girl and K as they spoke about any problems being dealt with. Fiore smiled and gave a small bow. "Why of course. Nothing will go past my grasp, K...ah I've yet to know your name, milady. But I can ask later, right?" Fiore said as he waved and entered his room, closing the door behind him. He walked over to his closet and got the red suit away as he hummed to himself, taking a look at the more extravegant looking red and blue outfit that he would wear tomorrow. "A party huh? We haven't had a party in a long time, now that I think about it." Fiore muttered as he gave a twirl and got the suit away. He walked over to his sniper riffle and picked it up. He walked over to his closet and flicked on one of the light switches, one of the walls of the closet opening up to show a hidden armory with multiple of Fiore's weapons of choices. "Hm~ I better prepare~ Tomorrow will be...quite exciting~" 1 King Demise reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Demise 2,359 Posted July 2, 2015 "For someone who was a cane for over a century you drive pretty well." K sat behind Luci as she rode his motorcycle. "Well since we're linked I kinda pick up your abilities and habits. It's probably a side effect." Luci explained. "So why don't I get any benefits?" "Your half demon aren't you? Besides the master teaches the weaker one" "In other words you leach off of me" "Pretty much" "So what if the roles were reversed?" K asked. "Well we would be full unstoppable demons." "So then shouldn't you be the master since you're stronger?" "Well physically yes, but you have more stamina. And your will power is superior to mine." "We're linked now so don't go off and die now. Also it's getting late let's head back." K tried changing the subject. "Do you know who you'll be meeting?" "Well the King would be my first choice but he recent got ill and is expected to die some time from now. We'll know eventually, the royal family are the only people with blonde hair in the that city." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nora Valkyrie 461 Posted July 2, 2015 (edited) Steve examined the low populated bar,"Well since everyone has arrived I'll begin. Sky close your mouth, you look like a idiot when you stare at me like that." Yui closed her mouth realizing she had been looking at Steve with confusion all over her face. "Now then. Your mission today is orderly planned." He pulled out behind him a white board. "Was that always there?" Kataa whispered to Charles. "I shall draw while I explain to you the mission." Steve uncapped the black marker "Today if you haven't already heard, is the day when the nation of Royal Pirn has an agreement of alliance with Dialucia. This of course will be a fancy party provided by the Capital. Your mission is to have a meeting with the leader of Royal Pirn." "A meeting? As in killing the person or telling them not to sign the agreement?" Kataa asked looking over at Yui. The boss girl was still trying to recognize the fact that there was going to be a agreement alliance party today. "No not killing. We would have another whole nation after us then. And no, they will sign the agreement. It would look to fishy if they didn't or they might betray us and give word of our group. It all depends on that leader's relationship with our own Dictator." "So then, what's the plan?" "Were going to kidnap the leader of Royal Pirn." Kataa's own mouth widen, "WHAT? Are you crazy?! That would be the same as killing!" "Not exactly, if we kidnap the leader we may offer back but for a price." "What kind of price?" Steve drew money on the board, "Royal Pirn is going to want their leader back and they will blame Dialucia's Capital if they do not do something. Our Capital may have to do something, so what other way than a offer?" Kataa looked over with confusion while Yui's eyes were spinning, "So were..." Steve let out a sigh, "We'll talk more about the reason for kidnap later. For now your job is to go to the Agreement party, kidnap the Royal Pirn's leader afterwards, and bring the leader to me, here." "Why you?" "Professor would like to see the person if possible." The group remained silent intill Steve moved on, "Here's the layout. Sky and Antonio, you'll actually be attendees to the party." He dug into the pocket of his cloak to pull out two gold and white tickets. "We were able to receive two tickets, so you two will be disguised as a Rich Class couple attending the party." "A c-couple?!" Yui asked. Steve nodded, "Act as if you were planning to attend the party for a normal cause. Charles, you will be disguised as a butler. I'm sure you know what to do." Charles nodded in response. "Kataa and Lovi you will be in charge of outside duty. Lovi will take the Southwestern wing while Kataa will take the Northeastern. Your job is to make sure everything is running smoothly on the outside, and help the others escape when the time comes. Kill if necessary. We were originally going to have Shimon be a gambler for us, but due to his illness..." "Wait, Shimon's sick?" Yui asked with worry. "Yes, but we have to move on. He'll catch up with us later." Kataa spoke in, "What about Oreo and Science guy?" "Professor has requested them for something else. Do not worry. Now, if you all look behind you there is a rack with bags hagging on. If you open the bags you will find your costumes." Yui looked and walked over. She opened the first bag to find a smooth and neat black suit inside with a pink rose attached, "I think this is Antonio's." She then found something unique. It was a mask. "Oh I forgot to say that this party will be a masquerade." Yui then grabbed the next bag to feel it's heavy weight. She opened it to reveal a long sparkly pink dress that matched the color of her hair. The top was filled with white sparkles while the bottom was ruffled out with pink fabric. Heels that sparkled like diamond were inside with long white gloves. Finally a white mask with smooth royal white feathers patterned all over. Yui touched each item with delicate care. Never before was she allowed to wear clothing like this, she could only watch on TV as people of higher standers then her dance around with royalty like this. Her eyes began to tear up as she realized for once, once in her life she could dress like this. "What about Pinky's hair?" Kataa asked Steve. "Only ten percent of Dialucia's population have pink hair. It's too noticeable with the pigtails." "Were not going to dye it, but she'll need it have it as one big bun. That way it's not too detailed for them to gather info on." "So what about Lovi and I? Do we get outfits?" "You'll be outside, so dress as you please. Remember, get in, act normal, kidnap, bring back to me by midnight. I'm not the type to five faithful speeches so I'll take my leave. The masquerade starts at seven tonight. Be ready by then." With a flick and a go, Steve had left the building. "What a weird guy..." Kataa mumbled then spoke aloud, "Well it seems you three gotta go get fancied up." "B-But I..." Yui looked at all of them with teary eyes, "I don't know how to put stuff like this on...or do my hair to a big bun." Kataa proceeded with a facepalm. (Incase anyone cares to know what the dress looks like: Edited July 2, 2015 by Nora Valkyrie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted July 3, 2015 Antonio picked up his back and looked inside worryingly. "I haven't worn a suit since my graduation." Antonio muttered. "Well too bad." Lovi hissed. She then turned to Yui smiling, holding her hand gently. "It's alright, Yui. I'm used to going to these type of parties. I'll help you get all ready to go. In fact, come with me to my house! I have jewlry you can borrow and make up to doll you up." Lovi purred. She snapped her heads at everyone. "In fact; we're all going to my house to prepare! I live in the rich district, so walking out wearing this kind of thing shouldn't look as suspicious, plus, I have enough clothes for everyone and we can take my limo and look even MORE fabulous!" Lovi said as she chuckled. "You're all so lucky you have me." She added. She began to clap, moving everyone on and about. "Alright, this way, no complaints! To my house, ASAP!" Lovi insisted, pushing everyone out of the cafe with their stuff, all the way to the rich district. Once they arrived at the rich district, Lovi led them all the way across the city to the rich district, and to her house. Antonio's jaw dropped as they reached Lovi's property. "Holy ****." He muttered. "Mom and dad aren't home so don't worry about encountering anyone strange." Lovi added as she led them inside. The marble flooring was recently polished, the glass chandeliers gleamed to a point of blinding anyone who stared at them directly. She led them up the stairs to the rooms. "Alright, Yui and I are going to my room to get ready like the ladies we are. Kaata, you can go inside any of my brother's rooms and pick any outfit you like from their closet. They've moved out long ago, so don't worry. Charles I have a uniform from one of my own butlers that should fit you riiiiiight here." Lovi said as she handed the outfit to Charles. "Antonio, dress up in any other room. Come on Yui~ We're going to doll up~" Lovi squealed, taking the young heir to her room. Antonio looked down at his bag, and then back at the two men. "Er...I'm going to get ready then..." He shuffled away to a random room to change. Lovi closed the door and calmed down, turning to Yui. "I know you're nervous, but truthfully, it's just you being yourself but in a dress. Let me help you." Lovi said. With patience, Lovi helped Yui get into her gorgeous dress. After that was done, she had her sit down on a seat, where Lovi brushed her hair until it was as smooth as silk, before easily making it to a bun, having a single pin hold it still for the night, giving it a graceful touch. Lovi gave Yui simple make up, a bit of blush with a tone of pink lipstick that would go lovely with her dress. "'re missing something." Lovi hummed. She snapped her fingers, hurrying over to her wardrobe before coming back with a velvet box. "One final touch, to make sure no one questions your royalty." Lovi insisted, opening the box. Inside was a diamond necklace with a couple of diamond earrings. Before Yui could complain, Lovi got the necklace and earrings on her. "There we go." Lovi said with a small clap. "You look like a queen!" Lovi squealed, picking up a hand mirror and handing it to Yui. "What do you think? Add your mask and you'll blend right in." Lovi said smiling softly. ... Truthfully it wasn't hard to tell that Fiore was somewhat excited. He was already getting his suit ready, and spent at least two hours this morning to decide what mask would he wear that would match his suit. --- Lovi's house Lovi's room Lovi's dress and mask: Antonio's mask: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Demise 2,359 Posted July 3, 2015 (edited) "Be sure to put into all the drinks" K told his chef what to do for the party. (Master what is that? I remember Alexander giving it to you before we left.) Luci asked. (It's that thing he drugged me with. He said it's only affective against devil kings. I tried to build up an immunity against it, but progress is almost impossible. This is insurance to prevent their devil from getting out of hand.) K explained while riding the elevator to his floor. "Master that plan in its own would cause many problems" Luci appeared next to K as a child. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that. Anyways did you finish my speech." "About that, um it's going well. You'll have it by tomorrow." "Whatever as long as it gets finished." K pulled out his phone and sent Eren 'Did you decide on the details for the party?' "Young miss, his highness wants to see you" the servant said. The young miss ran off in an instant to her father. "Father, you called" she said as she opened her father's room. "Katarina, how old will you be this year?" Her father asked. He always asked strange questions every time she visited him. But since she loved her father she didn't get annoyed whenever he asked her the same question. "Twenty two." She answered back. "Since your meeting with Dialucia's dictator you better not tease him like you did in the past." (Teasing is too nice of a word for what happened) Katarina thought. "Father that's why sending me is a bad idea." Katarina remembered when she was a kid K had visited with his father. During that time she bullied him to the point K started trembling when he saw her. "You two are both adults now so don't let a disagreement as children stop you from moving forward. Also you were able to become a devil King, something our family haven't been able to do in a century. Katarina looked at her bracelet, the form she chose to maintain for her tiger demon. "Right father and my spells are also superior to past generations." "Good girl. Don't be late to your first party as queen." Her father smiled. "Thanks father" Katarina said as she left. Edited July 3, 2015 by King Demise Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nora Valkyrie 461 Posted July 3, 2015 When Lovi grew excited, Yui became half scared yet half grateful. At least someone would be able to help her thankfully, but whatever Lovi planned drove Yui to curiosity. Then, Yui's doe eyes widen as she was grabbed along with the others in order to go to Lovi's house. Yui looked over at Anotonio and Charles who just looked back at her with worry. As they pushed through the Rich Class, Kataa would block his face from the public while hiding his suitcase behind him. Yui had never seen him so nervous before. "Women! Don't you know how hazardous it is for me to be here in the public!?" He yelled at Lovi. When they finally reached her house, everyone who had never set eyes on the Rich Class Housing stood there dumfound. Even Kataa, "Good..." They had got inside where Yui was flabbergasted by the house she stood in. The urge to go 'ooo' and 'aaa' was very tempting but she held her mouth close. Lovi then assigned rooms to everyone. "Thank you." Charles had smiling finding a bathroom to change in. Kataa just stood there frozen with surprise intill Charles had tapped his sholder. Yui followed Lovi, peeking into every room they walked by. Two of the rooms here equaled to the size of her house! She walked into Lovi's room of course amazed by the very bedroom itself, "Wow~ Your bedroom's so pretty." Yui smiled. While Lovi was getting out her dress. Yui looked down at her self. Her own clothes looked like a pile of rags compared to the fashion this room displayed. At first uncomfortable, Yui changed out of her Poor clothes to the dress. Her cheeks turning pink as she realized how different and better she looked with the dress on. Yui sat down, when Lovi touched her hair Yui flinched. WHen she realized it was Lovi, she calmed herself letting the other girl touch it, "Sorry...I'm just so use to people pulling on it." Yui watched as Lovi stroked her own hair, "Sorry if this sounds creepy, but his does feel nice. I've never had my hair brushed by someone else since I wa five. My Mother used to do for me intill she was busy with work. Since then it's just been me touching my hair mainly, unless somebody wants to pull it. I can't really recall a time when someone either stokaed it or pet I-" A small pain reached Yui's head. She flinched in response but quickly it went away. "Nevermind..." Lovi finshed up Yui making the poor girl feel weird. She never had wore makeup before, and man did it feel weird on her, along with the other things. When Lovi brought out the necklace Yui shook her hands like crazy while flabbergasted, "No no no! You don't have to-" Lovi put it on her. Yui looked at herself in the mirror....She was a completely different person. A person she wish she could be instead of the person she was today. Yui grabbed the white mask and put it on. Lovi was right it did blend in, she was all ready to go. "Actually grabbing my sword may be a little harder than expected." Yui frowned realizing she would have to pull up her long dress just to grab it. Kataa came out with a causual suit, the jacket not even buttoned. He wore a blue tie that matched his blue bandaa he still kept on. He spotted Charles who looked like the stero-typical buttler you would imagine. "Whelp I'm ready, I hope those girls don't take forever." Eren texted back, "The event room is ready and prepared for tonight. I have body guards placed everywhere that is necessary, with servants working on the moonlight lighting and what not. I have my announcement memorized and prepared before you finalize your agreement. Just go be social for once instead of talking to that thing all the time, it's better to have a bigger social group my friend. Oh but don't expect me to talk much, Fiore's got that for me. Be ready by 7pm sharp." Eren placed the phone down grabbing his own red mask. It was a night for phantoms to arrive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted July 3, 2015 (edited) Lovi got in her dress and got her mask on. She hummed at her predicament. "Well how about you use a purse instead?" Lovi asked, looking around as she picked up a pink handbag and offered it to Yui. "They never check the rich class anyways. Or you could try and hide it in your bra. Hook it up. That always seems to work in the movies." Lovi said as she took Yui's hand. "Come on~ I bet the boys are dying to see you!" Lovi said with a squeal. Antonio finished dressing up, wearing a plain yet elegant black mask. He fixed the pink rose on his suit as he looked back at Charles and Kataa. "Quite the night huh?" Antonio asked with a sheepish smile. Lovi walked out of the room. "Presenting madame Yui!" Lovi said rather dramatically as Yui walked out. "Wow! Yui you look like a queen!" Antonio said cheerfully. "I know right? Boys will be dying to take her out for a dance! But the mission comes first." Lovi reminded. She was excited, as this was the first real mission that they would have as a group. "You really do look stunning. I could barely recognize you if I didn't know better. Right Kataa?" Antonio asked smiling. He looked around at the group. "Alright, guys. This is going to be rather dangerous. Kidnapping someone of power won't be easy." Antonio said. "Surely it won't be that hard. Usually fancy people aren't much trouble and kind of weak." Lovi said. "As true as that is. We should still be careful." Antonio added. "Right. Unless anyone needs anything else, I'll go get the limousine ready." Lovi said as she walked away. "Do we really need one?" Antonio asked shyly. "If we're are going we are going in style!" Lovi insisted. "Well at least it will be more believable." Antonio muttered, walking over to Yui. "You ready? This won't be easy, but I'll make sure to be by your side as much as possible, alright?" Antonio assured. Fiore walked around in his suit as he watched the entire place come to life with awe. The reception was getting ready, the servants were everywhere, readying themselves and everything for when the guests started to arrive. This would be quite a night. The most thing he was excited about was the food, though. Parties meant special yummy food he could nom on. "I can't wait~" Fiore squealed as he skipped around the place. Edited July 3, 2015 by Stardustblade358 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Demise 2,359 Posted July 3, 2015 (edited) K couldn't help but think that Eren was right after reading his message. "Are you sure I can't attend?" Luci complained while she laid on K's bed. "Positive" K replied back. After K finished getting ready he made his way to the ballroom. He was currently dressed in all black except for his white mask. (It's almost time for the party to start, it's probably going to be a long night) K sighed."How much longer?" Katarina asked. "We'll arrive shortly." The servant responded. "Excellent" For Katarina's appearance Edited July 3, 2015 by King Demise Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nora Valkyrie 461 Posted July 4, 2015 "Are you sure?" Yui asked Lovi about the guards and taking the bag. Lovi nodded, making Yui put her dagger inside the pink purse. Yui hoped she was right, that they wouldn't be on high guard.... Yui was in her heels, which luckily she had wore her Mom's hand-me-down heels before or this would have been horrible. Lovi dragged her out where the other guys stood. Kataa just crossed his arms with his face unamused while Charles smiled at the two girls, "Don't you two look lovely." "Pinky, don't get all love-struck over a guy if he starts talking to you. We have a mission you know." He looked pat Yui "We can't be too carefree though. The Dictator himself will be there so even if it is just a fancy silly party, there will be challenges." Yui thought about that. The leader of Dialucia would be there...This would be the very first time she's seen him...her enemy. Girls at her high school would go on and on about his looks, but how would they really know if they've never truly seen him. No one's really seen him except for the Rich Class and Capital...or so she heard. Yui pondered over what he would look like, "Well if he's a ruler...he must be very tough and powerful. Like maybe he's uber buff with a big fat pointy beard and eyes that look like they could kill..." Yui shivered at the thought. "Whelp, let's get pur dancing shoes on and get going." Kataa sighed. "Dance?" Then it hit her. Yui Smith had no idea on how to all. "Oh no! It's a little late now to learn...I'll just not say anything. Maybe if someone asks I'll just decline by saying I ate a lot...Yeah! That should work!" The Boss girl looked down at all of them and smiled "Yeah! Let's go!" She walked down when she heard Antonio, "Yeah...I'm a bit nerbous about all of this. This being the first time we see the enemy and being in a high class party like this. Oh and the mission of course. But thank you Antonio for being there for me." Yui eyes narrowed as she gave a calming smile. Kataa looked over to see the two smiling when something caught his eyes. It was Yui herself...for some odd reason the way she looked, "She looks so much older. Actually she looks oddly familiar to..." He shook his head "What the h*ll and I thinking?!" They took off. As they sat in the limousine Kataa spoke, "So because we are under disguise were going to need fake names. Call me Kevin Rob." "Yes, that would probably be best." Charles agreed "I'll be Stephan the butler for tonight." "A fake name..." Yui put her finger to her chin in wonder, "Um...I'll be Mary Sue I guess..." "How ironic." Kataa sarcastically replied "Well you two." Kataa looked at Antonio and Yui, "Try your best to look as couple-like as you can. Rich people like all the lovery dovery stuff." "And if we can't?" "Well you can always make out." Yui stared at Kataa with so much disbelief of what he just said. "What? At least I didn't sa-" Charles covered his mouth protecting the poor girl's ears. The ride went on... Eren stood out on the royal-designed balcony looking down at all the visitors walking through the Capital's front doors. Everyone dressed with elgently not giving a care in the world. "What a bunch of fools." He mumbled. Those were the type of people he hated since his childhood. "I wonder if K feels the same way? Probably not, he would of gotten rid of them a long time before then." Eren grinned to himself considering K to be a idiot in his own ways too. "What a world." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted July 4, 2015 Lovi drove as she glanced back. "Fake names huh? Call me Verona!" Lovi said happily. Antonio blinked a few times as he thought of a name of his own. "Toni." He said simply. He then turned to Yui. "We won't kiss. Don't worry." He assured. They rode all the way to the party, Lovi driving right up to the entrance. People wearing glamorous dresses and masks and suits walked around, chattering, admiring the grounds. Lovi parked the limo in the according space, next to every other limo, and stepped out with the group. They entered the property, the gardens decorated with lights here and there, servants offering food, guests chatting and enjoying themselves. "Oh I haven't attended one of these in a long time." Lovi muttered. "This is a first for me." Antonio sighed. "Well, you two should enter through there." Lovi pointed the staircase that led to the grand building. Antonio gave a small nod. He turned to Yui. "Ready?" He asked, taking her hand and gently walking away. "Good luck guys, we'll see you in a few." Antonio said, leading Yui up the stairs, making sure to keep his composure. They reached the entrance, where a few guards stood. "Invitations?" The guard asked. Antonio showed the tickets to them, who took the tickets and gave a nod. Another one asked for their names. "Toni Oann and Mary Sue." Antonio quickly replied. The guard bowed. "Enjoy the party." He said. Antonio thanked him and walked with Yui inside. Classical music played by a band echoed across the hall, the decorations glimmered as people danced and walked around, interacting and chatting. Servants offering drinks and food. The marble flooring clean enough to see one's reflection. "Wow." Antonio gasped, gulping a bit. "This...might be a bit hard?" Antonio chuckled. He glanced at Yui. "Let's walk around? Surely we'll see who we're looking for sooner or later...hey, maybe we can eat a bit too." Antonio suggested with a calm smile. Their mission had begun...this would be a long night. Fiore walked all around the hall, taking notes on everything and everyone, nothing suspicious occurring just yet. When he wasn't playing the role of vigilante as K had asked, he was by one of the many gourmet tables, eating and snacking on the delicious treats. Especially the chocolate ones. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Demise 2,359 Posted July 4, 2015 "Well it could be that I don't care in general about them. They hold no real power so they are not a threat. After all the shepherd herds the sheep" K said as he approached Eren. A jet approached the runway and landed. "Seems like our important guest has arrived." K was able to see the people that exited the jet. (I found blondie in blue. Weird, I get an unpleasant feeling looking at her.) K thought as he looked at the blonde devil King. "Young miss, here" "Thanks I forgot about this." Katarina said as she put on her black mask. As she approached a guard her servant showed him the invitation. "Please enjoy the party your highness." He said as he bowed. "Lord Second is already inside." The guard informed her. (Lord Second, huh. The seems like a long time ago now.) Once she made it to the ballroom she told her servants to separate from her to avoid attention. "Evening miss, can I offer you a drink?" A servant came up to her with a tray that held numerous beverages. "One can't hurt" She said as she took a glass containing wine. "Well here goes" she tasted the wine. (This is better than the stuff back home!) Katarina couldn't help but smile after tasting that wine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nora Valkyrie 461 Posted July 5, 2015 "Wow...this place." Yui examined the capital . Things she could only dream about were here, to the point she wouldn't be surprised if a fancy elephant showed up. Everything had elgence to it, making her feel under pressure due to her status. She nodded at Antonio ready to take on her first group mission. The past three days of training she had strived through would not go to waste! When they reached the guards Yui did her best to remain calm giving a calming smile to the guards when in all honesty her nerves were shot up. They walked inside where Yui was greeted by a room of royalty wonder. Cleanliness and delicacy had touched every aspect to this room, "An- Erm Toni, this place is amazing..." She took a few steps forward listening to his plan, "Alright. I'll look for you in a little bit then." While she was nervous. excitement had filled her too with the specialty of the party. Yui decided to walk to the punch bowl area first, but not before bumping into someone. "Watch it!" The beautiful lady hissed at her making Yui feel terrible. "S-Sorry..." She carefully fluttered around dodging incoming party members having a good time. She reached the table where people where poring the sweet punch from the bowl to their golden cups. Yui watched then walked up for her turn. She grabbed the dipper and looked down to see her own reflection in the punch. "So...this is where my true family use to live?...Wow, what a beautiful home. Even though my bloodline's from here though I can't feel any sort of connection thou-" "Are you going to get your drink ma'm?" Yui looked up to see a man with a red mask on frowning at her. If he were wearing the red mask she feel he would be glaring at her. "Oh yes! Sorry..." She reached for the dipper, but it spun around the rim away from her. She reached again to recieve the same outcome. And she reached again and again and-" The man grabbed the dipper in anger pooring the juice into her cup for her, "Here!" Yui's eyes widen behind her mask, "T-Thank you!" She quickly dashed off to a nearby corner. "What a idiot." Eren scoffed as the girl left the punch bowl. He relaxed himself pooring his own drink recalling what he and K had talked about. On the balcony he and his friend gazed towards the people they particularly weren't a fan of. Eren let out a sigh fixing his mask, "You know with this thing on I can't see as well. Heh. So your speech begins with that women in a hour, try your best to act like you are happy because of these results even though she's not the best... You kept that 'thing' in your cane right?" Before K could get mad he walked away "You know if you were actually a Prince...or King these would be the type of nights where you would change. Kind of like a story book, no?" As Kataa watched them leave he looked over at Lovi, "I'll be in the parking lot, I'm not the party type anyways." As he walked away he spotted a girl without a mask on, she had blonde hair... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Demise 2,359 Posted July 5, 2015 "Well using a cane would make it obvious who I am so I turned it into a chain." K said as he pulled out the chain from under his shirt before putting it back. "I'm not a prince or a king, just a dictator. But I do enjoy a good book." (Since our guest has taken a sip she should pass out for a bit and wake up, unable to use her powers for a bit. I should have at least brought something to drink that wasn't drugged.) K sighed as he looked away from Katarina. "I hope Fiore isn't having a difficult time" K expressed his thoughts aloud. Katarina finished the wine and was now wandering about. (What should I do?) She thought. (Maybe you should dance with someone or find the dictator) (You're still awake Sam?) She asked her demon through telepathy. (Oh course master. Knowing you, you would at least need some help) (What's that suppose to mean?) (Nothing. Forget I said anything.) The demon quickly retreated at his master's anger. (You know Sam, I'm kinda feeling a little tired.) Katarina took off her mask to rub her eyes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted July 6, 2015 Fiore ate chocolate covered raspberries from the treats that were coming out of the kitchen. He licked his lips in delight, almost squealing to himself. But then again, he had a mission to do to make sure that nothing went array...but so far nothing seemed out of place! Everyone was having a blast! He took a drink from his delicious punch and licked his lips to admire the flavor, just barely noticing the lady that walked past him. His eyes suddenly sharpened, noticing of the girl's appearance, specifically, her hair; it was pink. The same familiar shade of the piece of hair he had found in the crime scene the other night. "(Could it be?...well if she lives in the Rich District then of course her hair could be found around here and there...but the security cameras didn't show any that day...)" Fiore thought, smiling to himself. She blinked, his innocent looks once again taking over as he walked over to the pink haired girl, taking a plate of chocolate raspberries with him. "Hello!" Fiore said with a big smile. "Wow, your dress is so pretty! I love the color pink! It matches your hair wonderfully, too!" Fiore said, secretly memorizing every single detail. However the damn mask was blocking him from making any positive identification. "Chocolate raspberry?" Fiore offered the girl as he turned back to the party. "Big party huh? We haven't had this big of a party since the great First passed away." Fiore purred, trying to start a casual conversation as he watched the people dance and enjoy themselves. Antonio walked around discretely, but not without being hit on by a person or two along the way. "(Can I never get a break?!)" Antonio thought, whimpering to himself. He swore that someone just touched his butt around ten minutes ago. He decided to look around for Yui to see if she had found anything interesting, but his attention was caught by the sight of a woman rubbing her eyes, her mask in her hands. Her body language and the look in her eyes made it obvious that she seemed to be not fully energized. If anything she seemed a bit tired, or bored, or sad. Antonio couldn't tell exactly. He walked over, looking over at the woman. "Excuse me, milady, are you alright?" Antonio asked. "I don't mean to interrupt you or anything. You just seemed a bit tired or sick, and I didn't want to walk away without at least making sure you're ok." Antonio said, speaking softly as the gentleman he was trained to be within the academy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Demise 2,359 Posted July 6, 2015 Katarina heard someone speak to her. When she turned to him she saw an incredibly handsome man and was almost at a lost for words. "I'm alright, just a bit tired I guess. It was a long flight, but thank you for your concern." Katarina proceed to put her mask on. Katanrina was hit with another wave of dizziness and fell into his arms. No one else seemed to notice them. K saw Fiore and walked up to him "Hey Fiore how are things going?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted July 6, 2015 Antonio quickly caught her, holding her gently in his arms. "M-Milady, here, allow me to guide you to a seat." Antonio said, now actually concerned. He helped her walk, making sure she didn't fall as he guided her away from the suffocating aura of the party, into one of the lonesome balconies where a stone bench was along with pots filled with gorgeous flowers of all kind. He sat her down and sat down next to her. "There. Some fresh air should do good. Much commotion can be quite overwhelming at times. With the mix of perfumes and the loud talking and music and all." Antonio assured with a smile. " Though you said you flied in? You must be from another city then. How exciting! Oh, where are my manners? I'm Toni. It is an honor to meet you, milady. Though, I wished it would've been while you feeling in better conditions." Fiore looked up at K. "There you are, I was wondering if you were going to miss the whole party!" Fiore said cheerfully. He turned to the girl and then back to K. "Nothing seemed out of place after I walked all around for a while, so I took a small snack break. Now I was just talking to this wonderful young lady! Isn't she pretty? I was offering her some of the raspberries that the staff covered in chocolate. Want one?" Fiore offered as he ate one himself. He piped up once he realized he had forgotten his manners. "Ah! I am so forgetful! I don't think I even have the young lady time to give me her name. Well, I'll do the introductions. Young miss, this is my friend K. K this I haven't gotten her name yet but it surely is as cute as her!" Fiore chimed happily, his cheerful demeanor hiding his calculations. If he could get a hair...a single strand of her hair...he could make a DNA comparison. It was just a speculation. But when you have access to what he does, anything seemed possible in his eyes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nora Valkyrie 461 Posted July 6, 2015 (edited) "Ugg that was so embarrassing! Now I feel more hated than excited...just like always." She could feel water coming from her eyes intill she was suddenly stopped. A young white hair boy had come to greet her wearing a fabulous blue and red suit that looked almost to sparkle. His face of course was covered by a mask. The boy had complemented her hair which Yui was going to thank when a small 'ping' pained her head. She flinched but was able to reject his food offering, "No thank you...the chocolate would get on my white gloves." She wiggled her fingers to show him while offering a smile. "Oh? Really? This place is so amazingly huge and beautiful...I would of guessed there would be parties here all the time." She looked around the room again trying to gain some sort of connection, but none had approached her. However... To Kataa's luck there were small hills surrounded with trees around the capital. "I'll go there, oh but Charles." Kataa stopped the older man who ready to perform his butler duties. Kataa dug into his pocket offering two small peach earphone pieces, "Give these to Antonio and Pinky. Their small enough to blend in and will allow us to communicate with one another. Here's yours, and Lovi should already have one." Charles gave a nod of approval making his way up. Kataa headed for the trees, "It's a good thing I brought these." He grinned holding a pair of binoculars he had just bought with his robbery money. Charles walked in to the busy party where of course people asked him for drinks. Luckily he had found and grabbed a tray when another servant was not looking. Charles filled orders observing around when he spotted Antonio far away. Charles began walking to him while taking care of nearby orders. When he finally caught up he spotted Antonio on a balcony with a passed out girl! Charles quickly walked in, "Sir, I have come with your drink." Charles with the fake name of Stephan provided a glass of wine while offering a look of question to Antonio. Just then a boy that Yui could of guessed was only a few years older than her walked next to the white hair boy. He was dressed as if he were attending a funeral, but the way his suit was made you were able to see the detail and silk that displayed the suit's design. His hair was also black but that just showed off the white mask he had on. Just like her, they wore off colors that brought out their white masks. He asked a question to the white hair boy, as Yui realized her cheeks were glowing past the blush Lovi had put on her. "Darn! If I didn't have these gloves on I would pat my cheeks!" The white hair boy then introduced his friend, "His name is K..." A large burst of pain ripped in Yui's head, but she was able to answer, "M-My name's M-Mary..." The pain grew worse this time making the girl hold her head. "Why does this have to-happen now?! Ah!" She looked to clearly be in pain barely able to hold her golden cup. She glanced at the two, "I'll...I'll b-e over there!" She ran off wondering if those two would follow her in worry. She couldn't glance to look, but Yui ran to a random door and went in to discover fancy stairs. She had entered a empty staircase hallway that was dark except for the moonlight shinning down from the window. Yui sat on the staircase cradling her head, "Ow...why...ow...!!" A sudden flashback flashed in her mind. Her hair being pulled...but someone had saved her... She couldn't see their faces but she knew it was real. "I like your hair, by the way. Pink is a lovely color." Yui's eyes widen when the pain then vanished, "W-What was that?..." Lee just realized she forgot to post Yui's mask... Edited July 6, 2015 by Nora Valkyrie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites