King Demise 2,359 Posted May 27, 2015 (edited) After the First died, it could be said that the Second wasn't all that well received among the Poor Class. "Lord Second, your breakfast is ready" a servant announced, bowed and left. K. stopped his morning training and made his way to the dining hall. One large table that spread across the room with many empty chairs lined up. K. sat at the head of the table and took a bite out of his bread. He opens a newspaper and begins to read. (Feels I've become an old man.) He spoke to the two servants standing behind him "Tell Eren to send some combatants to keep the violence down in the Poor Class, broken bones are okay if they try to attack them, killing if its a serious threat. That is all." "I understand" said the servant as she left. (Things became more troublesome in the last years of the First's rule. At least I got a hold of some very important family secrets) Edited May 27, 2015 by King Demise Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted May 27, 2015 (edited) Fiore used the cloth to clean up his sniper rifle. The weapon gleamed when the sunlight hit it. It was color black, so dark it could be ebony. It was a piece of art. Fiore had built it and modified it himself. It had the most advanced zoom, it even had a thermal camera. He had made sure that the recoil wasn't so bad either. His name was engraved in cursive on the side. So far he had only used it to scare people. Ever since K became the dictator, things have gotten...chaotic. His own siblings had been taken care of, to avoid a more gruesome term. He didn't know where the bodies went, if they were buried with the family or not. He didn't want to ask, as he could tell it did upset K when it was ever mentioned. So he left it be. But things got even more exciting when he was appointed as K's right hand man. Eren had asked him to use his sniper to scare people off. He would go to the roof of buildings, and shoot at the ground, to make people fear that a sniper was after them. If that didn't work, he'd actually shoot them somewhere, the shoulder or the leg. Usually that did the trick. He didn't know why they hated him so much. "(He's a great leader. He's not mean either.)" Fiore thought. He had heard it all. From curses to death threats towards K. All meant little, as if a single person laid a hand on their leader, a bullet would be going through their heads. Fiore walked in the dinning hall, smiling as he saw K was already there eating. "Good morning, K~" He said cheerfully as he walked in, resting his rifle against his shoulder. "Another day another trouble I'm guessing. Hopefully the weather will stay nice though! It's so pretty today!" Fiore said casually as he took a seat. Edited May 27, 2015 by Stardustblade358 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Firo_Procheniezio 71 Posted May 27, 2015 3 years ago "Na nana na nanana na na nananana." Hummed Sly just he left early giving all detention students a full pardon. The headmaster would not notice as usual and he was free as a bird. So what better to do than take a nice long ... He heard the screech of tires rubbing against asphalt. And a crash. "F***!" He yelled and ran off to see what happened. One of the girls from school was hit by a car And what's more looks like it got to her head since she fell unconscious. The car however was burning and close to igniting the fuel tank. He then noticed the car as the headmasters on which he had played multiple pranks. A wave of guilt washed through him but more importantly instinct kicked in. He Grabbed her and ran far enough that when the car goes ballistic nothing will happen. Then he saw she had a flip phone. "God thank you." He muttered and called the ambulance. Present day: The job he had now was pretty similar to the one three years ago. Except guidance counselor was the one he had now. For multiple reasons nobody noticed when he left the previous school. It was common knowledge that he never took work seriously. Even now he sat with his legs crossed on the table and a stick of bubblegum in his mouth. Nowadays however his rebel work was a tad slow. Well all except the message he received earlier that day. It was the first contact he had with another anti government faction in years and yet the leader of team Fenrirr wasn't needed. Oh he still had the skill but it was useless most of the time. Even so he still dreams big as ever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Demise 2,359 Posted May 28, 2015 Glamring Gun Company is the main weapons provider in Dialuia, is now under the Second's control. That was the message that broadcasted today. (I didn't think my cousin would hand over her company so easily. Going through the First's notes I've found some pretty interesting things. He had a secret bunker under the castle where he hid the most valuable of things. It says here, the cane he always used was able to let out small vibrations and sounds to control people. It sounds like complete nonsense, but this could explain how the people turned on the mafia mentioned earlier. Also why my siblings were easily able to kill each other or why I went along with the First's training.) K. sighed. "No harm in checking out the batcave." He made up his mind and went there without telling anyone or letting them follow. (According to the notes, the cane is made out of graphene. Getting hit by that just might kill you, at least if I'm holding it. There also seems to be a curse on it. Kurt wasn't playing around when he said Father might have a few screws loose when we were kids. 'Only one who has steeled themselves through hardships can conquer the Master or remain the Slave' Yeah that makes no sense. He should've at least wrote what it means, instead of putting your deepest desires will be put to the test. Probably a gypsy curse if anything. Father did stop using the cane in his last year despite getting weaker, was he becoming the slave instead of the master.) K. found the it and grabbed the black cane "Looks like that was-" K. started seeing images from the past of a girl with pink hair. "Was I just tested?" K. looked at the cane to see it was a jet black katana now that had a faint red aura. (What the hell is going on) he thought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lady Aleister 1,677 Posted May 29, 2015 "Yukiteru!!" Yukiko called from outside. They had just revived a letter. She ran inside to her brother. "We got something in the us." she said to him. Yuki ripped open the letter, opening it up and showing it to him. “Hello, my name is Professor. Fluffalluffikins III, but you can just call me Professor. If your receiving this message, you are the unlucky one who has to deal with their bloodline! Sucks for you! Did you know that 73 years ago, a family member of yours fought for the Sky family. Yes, yes! You! However, due to certain circumstances, your family member was to surrender and become apart of the pitiful lower class, eventually having a family leading to you. I take it that most of the members at the time have died, but it’s your turn! Not all hope has been lost! You see, I’ve recently discovered that there is one remaining person who has the bloodline of the Mafia family from 73 years ago! However…she’s an incredibly nitwitted 15 year old, who has no clue of her own bloodline. Troublesome right? That’s where you come in! Your job is to follow my orders each day, and train that idiotic girl to become the next Mafia Boss who can finally defeat the line of Dictators. Your award will be massive, and you’ll also become a badass! Who wouldn’t want that?! If you don’t follow my messages, you’ll be killed From, Professor. "Professor....Fluffwhatwhatkins?" she simply asked. Truly, Yuki didn't half pay attention to any of the letter. "Well this is interesting..." she muttered. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arya Stark 1,337 Posted May 29, 2015 The Nuban worked slowly, cleaning one of his assault rifle, humming a tune from his childhood. His phone buzzed in his pocket. He wondered who it could be from. Rather few people had that number, and even fewer that would just casually text him. He set down the gun part and the cleaning supplies so he could dig his phone out from his pocket. He read the text, then set the phone down on the table, next to the dismantled gun. He once again picked up the part he had been working on and began cleaning once again. He thought about the message. It couldn't be true right? Just an eccentric client? But no, it could easily be true. He had little recollection of his family, and considering he had spent so little time with them, it was extremely possible that he was descended from mafia. The thought brought him a flash of joy. His work was actually in his blood! Never would have figured that. But the thought that came after brought a full smile to his face. This job might be what he finally had been searching for. It just might be. The Nuban picked the phone up again, and texted back. "Just tell me what you need, and give me the cash afterwards." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nora Valkyrie 461 Posted May 29, 2015 Eren was playing around with his new toy, or more like new advancement. He has finally reached the success of hacking into the Capital's wall! This was a amazing achievement for now all the entryways to the Capital belonged to hi....K...they K. Speaking of K. Eren texted to K and Fiore, "Come check out my brilliance." He could brag...once in a while. He deserved the right to. Yui was drawing out of boredom again, as if anyone would care. The girls infront of her were talking about how handsome they thought the Dictator was being young and all. The guys were well...being guys. The Roughiess weren't around as usual, unlike Middle School they rarely showed up. Some of the students even believed they became rebels, trying to defy the government. Yui looked at the clock, "After school I have to go deliver that old man's ramen...again." Text Message to All: "Just so you know I cannot respond to your texts. Your first assignment is to meet in the Middle Class' Open Park. You will meet your other teammates there. Try to spend a little get-to-know time with one another. As to how you get there, well you'll figure out something. You have intill midnight. Good Luck. From, Professor." Steve began to walk out the door... "Wait." He looked at the Professor. "Not just yet..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted May 29, 2015 Fiore frowned as K walked away to do his thing. He didn't even say hello. There wasn't much Fiore could do about it, however. K's position wasn't an easy one to begin with, and after what he had to do with his siblings...surely he hasn't fully be the same. But he was still K, nonetheless. Just that he was much busier and adult than he was before. He knew that K at least acknowledged his existence. He was just busy. "K~ You're so mean~ You don't even give me kisses on the cheek anymore!" Fiore said with a small whine, sarcasm in his voice as he pointed his cheek. No avail. He slightly shrugged his shoulders. "It's ok. I'll ask for a hug later." Fiore chuckled. He could never get angry at K. A while later, right as he was finishing his own breakfast, he received the message from Eren. He drank his milk and picked up his sniper rifle from the chair and made his way towards Eren. Maybe he had a mission for him! It would be nice. Fiore strolled casually into Eren's office. "What's up Eren? Did you finally get a girlfriend that didn't slap you across the face?" Fiore asked teasingly, sticking out his tongue playfully. "Oh unless you have something for moi to do!" Fiore said as he pulled up the rolling chair and made himself comfortable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Demise 2,359 Posted May 29, 2015 K. dropped the katana and it turned back into the cane. (There should be something about this in the book.) K. flipped through the book to try to find information on it. (I wonder how long I've been here.) K. thought as pulled out his phone. (A message from Eren and looks like one hour has passed. Did I really hold the cane for an hour? This day just gets weirder.) K. closed the book and decided to look around. He found a wall that said Sky. He stood in front of it to read it. The wall opened up from the sides revealing a hidden room. A computer voice said "Owner confirmed." (Yep, nothing suspicious here.) he thought as he went inside. (Wait, Sky was the name of that mafia in Father's notes. 'Once that mafia was defeated I collected all of their valuables which were like this cane. The cane fulfills the owner's desire if they can handle the cost or bypass it like I did. The Sky family's treasure should work in the same way but I cannot get them to work. There must be some requirement' is what was written. The cane seemed to work for me and that machine said I was the owner.) K. decided to grab the cane again, it didn't change like last time. (What caused it to change last time? Hmm? Change into a katana) The cane changed but K. started having a serious headache and dropped the katana from the pain. He started grabbing his head (The cost, paying something like this and my body already above human limits.) The headaches stopped and the katana changed back into a cane. "We its not like anyone else can use it" he said as he grabbed the cane and went to see Eren. When K. got there he saw both Eren and Fiore and said "Don't ask about the cane" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nora Valkyrie 461 Posted May 29, 2015 Eren was playing with 'his new-found toy' in his own words intill Fiore rolled next to him.He glared at the strange boy, "The day women aren't so hormonal is the that will happen..." It was true, he wasn't too keen on the female race nowadays, but anyways... "I've done something you may like, but I'll wait intill our fateful leader shows up." He said that....and ended up waiting 45 minutes... "Where the hell is he?" He growled looking at Fiore than the clock on his computer. Than as if he were summoned, K showed up. "Where the hell have you'v-" "Don't ask about the cane" If this were a normal person, he would have simply ignored that request and researched into it. That cane made him wait for 45 mins for Pete's sake! However, because of his respect for K, he followed orders. Besides...hadn't the First Leader carried that exact same cane before? "Alright you two, I have achieved something you'll enjoy. I've hacked into the Capital's walls." He smugly showed his computer screen that displayed at least 20 different cameras. "Unlike past Advisers. we now have full access to the entryways and passages into the Capital. We can even control the shot guns that are hidden inside... We've gained full control thanks to yours truly." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted May 29, 2015 "Don't ask about the cane." That was the first thing he said. Fiore raised his hands in the air, deciding to follow the advice. "I won't ask...~" Fiore said with a low hum. On another note, he was impressed by Eren's accomplishment. He wasn't much of a technology wizard himself. So he was pretty impressed. "Sweet. So now we can keep record of who enters and leaves the city." Fiore said with a smile. People who entered and left the city were kind of rare though. Only certain people for vacations and so on, and even like that it was rare and unusual. "I don't think the guns are necessary just yet, unless there is some revolts trying to take down the wall. But they haven't gotten that bold when it comes to stuff like that." Fiore said as he crossed his arms, glancing over at K. "Still, quite impressive, right K?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scrapmaster 1,731 Posted May 29, 2015 Maxwell was watching the news about the gun company, "Glamring gun company, not a bad company to count on for weapons, their weapons are good quality and not that expensive, of course, he had contacts in that company from a few jobs back when he was just starting, he didn't care much about the news overrall, he had done one or two jobs for the new dictator, so he hoped that he wouldnt find much trouble when calling upon the company again. He was heading to his kitchen to make a sandwich as his phone rang, with another message, this time with a location, which brougth a small smile to his face, but soon reverting to an annoyied look, he was just about to make a sandwich, but he couldnt really waste time, he went to his room, and pressed a small switch bellow his bed, which made a "clank" sound when pressed, soon enough his closed slid to the left, as a hidden door was revealed, opening it with his key, designed for it, he soon found himself in his own armory. The weapons ranged to knives, to assault rifles to shotguns, nothing too extreme, there was his stealth suit too, which was also fitted for combat, and easily foldable, folding it, and placing it on his backpack, and doing the same with his favorite pistol, he didn't think he'd need to take his sub machinegun with him, so he didnt, and headed off, closing everything behind him, and heading to the open park. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SolarFlare12 226 Posted May 29, 2015 (edited) I felt the gentle breeze tickle my face. I felt myself nodding awake, the first thing coming into view... Is... A mass ball of fluff. "Hehe CreamPuff your fur tickles~" I only received a 'purr' for a response. I noticed my surroundings. I was on the floor, next to my bed. Again. I chuckled at myself, "Haha Oro did it again CreamPuff." I gently lifted up my cuddly kitty on my bed and got up to close the window. "Achoo!" I held my arms, "Its been a bit chilly huh?" I said that only wearing a T-shirt and shorts. I plopped on to my bed beside CreamPuff checking my phone. "Huh... Nothing. Oro needs to gets some friends." I pouted at myself. Then suddenly my phone buzzed. Except on of my hands on to my face. "Ow...OH I GOT A TEXT FROM SOMEONE." I held my arms up with my phone. Hello, my name is Professor. Fluffalluffikins III, but you can just call me Professor. If your receiving this message, you are the unlucky one who has to deal with their bloodline! Sucks for you! Did you know that 73 years ago, a family member of yours fought for the Sky family. Yes, yes! You! However, due to certain circumstances, your family member was to surrender and become apart of the pitiful lower class, eventually having a family leading to you. I take it that most of the members at the time have died, but it’s your turn! Not all hope has been lost! You see, I’ve recently discovered that there is one remaining person who has the bloodline of the Mafia family from 73 years ago! However…she’s an incredibly nitwitted 15 year old, who has no clue of her own bloodline. Troublesome right? That’s where you come in! Your job is to follow my orders each day, and train that idiotic girl to become the next Mafia Boss who can finally defeat the line of Dictators. Your award will be massive, and you’ll also become a badass! Who wouldn’t want that?! If you don’t follow my messages, you’ll be killed "The Dictators huh?" I read the last line, "Hehe I like this guy's personality. Sounds like we'll get along." My phone buzzed again. "Woah that was quick." "Just so you know I cannot respond to your texts. Your first assignment is to meet in the Middle Class' Open Park. You will meet your other teammates there. Try to spend a little get-to-know time with one another. As to how you get there, well you'll figure out something. You have intill midnight. Good Luck. From, Professor." "Oro thinks this sounds like fun!" I hopped out of bed slipped on my red pants, switched into a light yellow shirt, and pulled over my red and white polka dotted sweeter. I walked downstairs along side CreamPuff. "Morning Mum! Morning Da!" "Morning Oro." My mother smiled at me setting down a plate of waffles for me. "Woah Waffles!" I smiled, "Thanks Mum. Oh by the way Oro won't be back till midnight." My mother and father spoke at the same time, "Did you find a girlfriend/boyfriend?" "Mum! Da!" I said spitting out my waffles. I wiped my mouth and walking towards the door, "Oro's going out then!" I said picking up my backpack with two lamps sticking out. "Oro can't wait to meet new friends." (I'm so sorry btwz. Its super long. Ugh) Edited May 29, 2015 by SolarFlare12 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Demise 2,359 Posted May 29, 2015 "This is pretty amazing actually. Good job Eren. Now with this we can start taking over neighboring cities." K. declared as his eyes sparkled. Send a battalion into the other four cities. Fiore lead a small group into the city and force their leaders to surrender it publicly to my rule. Eren make sure everything works out smoothly. GGC does not sell weapons to anyone during this time." K. told them his plan "It won't be easy, so do you two think you're up for the challenge?" K. said with smile. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted May 30, 2015 Fiore smiled at K and gave a nod. Finally some work. It had been a slow week. Not that it was bad or anything. But it was in times like this that K acted more of himself rather than leaderish. Fiore gave a small bow and tapped his sniper rifle. "As you wish, K. We do love challenges, after all." Fiore said as he took out his phone. "You'll be watching my progress from here, right Eren? I'm counting on you to tell me anything you see that can help me out. Or that seems out of place." Fiore said as he tapped his shoulder playfully. He then blew a kiss to K and turned around. "I'm off then!" Fiore said as he started to walk out. This would be difficult indeed. The leaders of the city would be hard to convince, wishing to be able to keep their own rule under K's. But things had to be done. One way or another. Fiore walked out with a small group of armed men. Where things to get violent...well, that would be discussed later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nora Valkyrie 461 Posted May 30, 2015 (edited) A Conquest to Conquer the country already? Now at a time like this, when Dialucia's was still in a fragile state? What was his leader/friend thinking? "Have you completely thought this through?" He asked. But then Fiore seemed ready to move fact he was leaving. "Dammit, can't these two realize that this will go nowhere at this particular time?!" He thought. Eren glanced at Fiore while he was leaving, "Your chances of death are very high..." Eren then looked at K, "You ok with sending your friend off like that? School was over, and Yui was riding her delivery bike. The old man's hot ramen wasn't going to deliver she got paid. Yui hummed a small tune as she traveled through the slum parts of the Poor district. It was a cheery song that opposed the atmosphere, but it helped calm her. She braked infront of a small shack-like house and hopped off. She walked up to the front door and knocked, "Your ramen is here Sir!" The door then opened, only always, "Thank you. And how are you today?" "Just fine." She said handing the ramen. "Nothing new for a gal like you? No boyfriend." "Ha ha, no. Nope, nothing new for pinky." "Well what a darn shame. See you soon then?" "Of course." He handed her the money, and off she went. She rode off, in the mid of day, her mind wandering to a fantasy that could never happen. A cycle of poor, that could never vanish. Edited May 30, 2015 by Nora Valkyrie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Demise 2,359 Posted May 30, 2015 (edited) "Fiore, remember this is a covert operation, no one sees, hears, or knows you. If negotiations fail kill them and then invade. Do your best." K. said to Fiore as he left. "At least give me some credit. GGC supplies to everyone in the country, they will be lacking since they can't receive guns from them. If the leaders don't submit to my rule they will be dealt with. Also I need your help with something." K. said as he showed Eren the cane. "According to Father's notes its a cursed weapon of the highest tier. I think it helped him control people or the sort. Here look." (I desire a katana.) The cane changed into a jet black katana with a red glow and K.'s headache wasn't as bad as before. K.'s lilac eyes had a faint glow. Edited July 8, 2016 by King Demise Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Penny 128 Posted May 30, 2015 Waking up, Briennai took a look at her surroundings. Her eyes scanned the dirty, muddy city streets and she looked down at the concrete pavement. "Another day," she sighed, picking herself up. "If I don't find food soon, I won't see the sunrise again" she stated. She attempted to walk but a wave of dizziness overcame her. Five days without food really take a toll on one's body. "Maybe I should go beg at that store again. I might be able to steal some food while I'm at it." Walking on shaky legs Briennai stumbled her way to the store. "Can you spare some change ma'am? A dollar for a child in need sir?" She begged for hours until she passed out from hunger. Two men in trenchcoats came up to her. "Is she the one sir?" one asked. "Yes, she is the one we have been looking for," the other replied. They picked her up, took her back to their car, and took off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nora Valkyrie 461 Posted May 30, 2015 "It seems one of them is being kidnapped, old man." Steve said watching the old monitor. "What a bunch of idiots. Take care of it please, if she can't make it to the park there will be problems." "Gotcha." And with that he ran off, taking a random spear with him. "Well that's interesting." Eren said with dry humor. Now that he thought about it, the few times he's been out of his office, he had seen the First with it. A cane that turns into a ancient sword, with a looming red aroma, how compelling. "Where have you found this from?" He asked K, studying the sword itself. "If what you're saying is true, then...what do you plan to do with it?" Along the graveled roads of the dirt poor, Steve road a scooter he stole, catching up to a car. The car was being driven by two men wearing trench coats. Steve drove next to the Driver's window, and before the man could notice, Steve drove the spear through the glass...and him. Steve flicked the guy out of the car and jumped in. The other trenched man looked in panic, but not before Steve threw him out of the car too... With two broken windows, and a passed out girl in the back, Steve drove off to the Middle Class Park. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Demise 2,359 Posted May 30, 2015 (edited) K. changed the katana back into a cane and his eyes stopped glowing. "The First left it for his successor. The notes don't mention anything about Father being able to change its shape. I don't even think he had full control over it. There are others just like this out there. Maybe not as strong but still others out there" K. told Eren. (The notes say that when the five spheres are under one King the true power of the objects can be released without being the master.) Edited July 8, 2016 by King Demise Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SolarFlare12 226 Posted May 30, 2015 "Well Oro is here. But..." I looked around, "Oro doesn't think anyone else is here. Oro was hoping to meet other people." I gave a big sigh, I sat on the edge of the big fountain that in the center of the park. Families, people with dogs, teenagers roamed the park laughing and smiling. Negativity appeared here and there. A pretty normal day here the the Middle Class zone. I looked into my backpack, forgetting what I've placed in here. Two lamps, some snacks, lunch that I believed my mother sneaked in, and lastly my toys. So I picked out my purple and blue yo-yo. I didn't know how long it would be for the others to get here. But I realized, "How will Oro know with they're here for the same purpose?" I shrugged, "Oro will figure it out when the time comes." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Soul Eater Evans 4,045 Posted May 30, 2015 Yukiteru walked bristly towards his sister, always quick to reply when she called out to him. The letter they had received stated that their family had a chance of reward with the condition of raising what seemed to be an idiot. As he read it aloud quickly, Yuki had a devious expression. "Basically, if we train a girl, we'll be rich in no time." A flying pigeon arrived in the next minute. Stating that they needed to head to the middle-class park, the teen dragged his sister to their destination immediately. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arya Stark 1,337 Posted May 31, 2015 The Nuban glanced towards his phone when the next message came in. He nodded as he continued to clean his gun. He was nearly done now, just one more rub... and there. The Nuban put his rag down, then in about 2 and a half seconds, he put the handgun back together. When he was growing up, if you couldn't put it together in under 5 seconds, you didn't get dinner. With motivation like that, you get fast. He stood up, and began to grab his stuff. He placed the handgun in it's holster, twirled his knife between his fingers before sliding it into his sheath. He grabbed his crossbow from it's spot on the wall, then quickly manipulated it until it was the size of a small box. Portability is always important. The Nuban clicked open a secret compartment, and from the contents, selected several bolts. There. Now he was ready. The Nuban had gotten into the habit of never leaving the house without at least two weapons, three preferably. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted May 31, 2015 Fiore went with a guard who dressed casually. They took a ride in a normal looking car as the others would meet them later on, keeping communications through phones. They would start at Duncaster, and move clockwise until reaching the biggest one; Heathcliff. Getting into the city was actually very easy. Each city had its visitors in and out constantly. The guard drove up to the wall, showing the IDs to the officer before being let to drive through, and into the city. It was similar to their own, but with a much less...rebel sense. Fiore looked out the window smiling. "What a pretty city! I can't wait to have it under K's control...maybe we could come here for vacations once in a while after we do!" Fiore said casually, the guard simply nodding. Regardless of the age difference, Fiore was above him in terms of power. Fiore looked down at his phone, texting the others in the other car. "Let us head straight to the mayoral building. We'll look like tourists, or simply citizens walking around. The boys should be able to create a distraction long enough for me to sneak into the office where the leader is at." Fiore said. He didn't had his sniper on him. He would have to leave it in the car, otherwise it would be too obvious that something was up. "Will you be able to handle it on your own if things get out of hand?" The guard asked. Fiore gave a small nod. "Of course. Don't worry about it. I know exactly what to do." Fiore said with confidence. Today, Duncaster would fall under K's rule. One way or another. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nora Valkyrie 461 Posted June 1, 2015 "So your saying there are others out there who weild to this power you surely posses." That's a leering discovery Eren wanted to know more of. Finish the wall and now this, things never end. "Do you assume there are others possibly in the other cities, which is why you want to conquest? you think any wielders are here?" He asked raising an eyebrow. How far did K want to take his leadership? With this skill he required he could conquer hundreds, no thousands of people in just a blink of an eye. He could change the face of what leadership is from what the First had taught everyone. But for a 17 year old....youngest to highest they say. Steve drove into the park, he grabbed the passed-out girl and gently pushed her out of the car. He dropped a rice cake on her, then drove off. He drove behind a few trees where he was able to have a view, "Yep I just laid the girl out there. Hopefully the assigned ones will see her there and all gather." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites