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Nora Valkyrie

How to Raise an Idiot Mafia Boss (RP) [4X4]

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Katarina was still unconscious when The handsome man was talking to her. Katarina awoke to find herself in her room or rather what looked like her room from a decade ago. "This place again?" "That is correct master" the demon replied to her. "Sam, what happened, why are we in my subconscious again?" "I defended against it in time and brought us here." "Defended against what exactly?" "I'm not sure but this sensation is familiar" "So how long are we going to be here?" Maybe 10 or 15" Sam said unknowingly. "10 or 15 what?" "Maybe 20" Sam started recosidering his previous decision. "You useless tiger!" Katarina yelled at him in her anger. "Pl-please forgive my incompetence my very wise master" Sam started groveling in fear of his master's wrath. "Well first your punishment" Katarina smiled as she snapped her fingers. Sam started to combust for a few seconds. "Thank you for your mercy master" Sam barely managed to say that much. (I'm lucky she decided to only use fire) Sam thought while also cursing his master.


"No thanks" K said while rejecting Fiore's offer. K noticed something was off about Mary. "Hey Fiore that girl doesn't seem to be alright, perhaps she could be sick." K looked to where she ran off to. He used his excellent hearing to focus on the sound of her shoes while she ran to find out where she went. (Eren did say to be more sociable and crowds weren't ever my thing) K decided to justify his reason for following her. "Fiore I'll go check up on her." He told Fiore before walking off. K saw her sitting on the staircase. "Um Mary are you alright? If you are feeling unwell I could have a doctor take a look at you." K said while sitting besides her.

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Antonio looked up smiling, holding the unconscious girl gently so she wouldn't fall over. "Ah, thank you, Stephan." Antonio said, taking the drink, and the earpiece along with it. He quickly got the earpiece on, and looked back up at Charles. "I found her barely capable of standing up by her own. She passed out so I brought her out here to get away from the crowd." Antonio explained, looking down at her. "If she doesn't wake up soon we might need to ask for a doctor." Antonio said as he looked down at his drink. "(You know. There is one thing that the guys didn't exactly give me...)" Antonio thought as he stared with a blank expression. "(And that is a photo of our target...)" Antonio thought, clueless of the fact that she was resting unconscious right against his shoulder. Suddenly, a transmission from Lovi herself. "Er, guys, I like, found a jet parked in the private parking lot of the place. I think that whoever we're suppose to pick up is already inside." Lovi whispered into the com. "Hm? We don't even know how they look like, sadly. Did any of you bring a picture?" Antonio responded softly.


Fiore watched as the girl ran off. He nodded at K. "Alright, I'll continue my watch. Be careful." Fiore said. The moment he was out of sight Fiore's eyes sharpened with slight anger. He couldn't get the hair sample. Maybe later but...still. There was just something odd about her. It could just be that she was a complete clutz for being part of the highest class, who knew. But Fiore didn't feel comfortable just having her walk around...whatever, K was with her. Nothing she can do while he's around. Fiore scoffed a bit, turning as he began to pace around, investigating. Someone had to know about her, right? If she was important enough to gain entrance...someone just had to know something about her.

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"Picture?" Kataa responded back through the transmitter while lying below in the bushes observing the Capital through his binoculars. "That crazy Professor nor his assistant provided any." Kataa looked around to finally spot Antonio and Charles with... "Is that a girl with you guys? What, is she hung over? We don't have time to babysit, we already have a pink hair girl to watch over. Speaking of which...has anyone seen Pinky?" Kataa looked up at the helicopter on top, "Lovi, can you find any details with the helicopter, possibly a name?" 


Eren walked around spotting a angry looking Fiore strolling along. Reluctant at first Eren walked up to the fabulous dressed boy, "Party not your thing maybe?" He let out a small chuckle, "But really, what's wrong with you?" Eren looked around to realize he had yet seen the leader of Royal Pirn show up beside K nor him. "Have you seen the Royal Pirn's girl yet?" 


Yui held her head letting the pain smooth away. She wanted to recall the memories that flew by her head but right now she only wanted to relax her brain not damage it further. She kept that way intill she heard the door open with a voice talking to her. It was the same guy with the white mask. "No...I'm good but thank you, K was it?." Yui carefully watched as the guy sat next to her on the staircase, "Sorry to scare you, I've just been getting weird massive headaches recently." Yui let out a sigh of relief as the pain finally went away, "Actually this whole week's just been weird...I'm not very liked from where I come from. I'm a really big clutz who fails and gets F's most of time, with people picking on me constantly. Yet when I came to this party I was so happy and excited." Yui hugged closed her knees together bringing them to her chest to hug. The moonlight was brighter today than the day she went on a robbery with Kataa "This is the first party I've ever been too, and it's wonderful! Everyone here is so lovely and elegant...and then their's me..." The tears that had left were returning to her eyes again, "I've bumped into multiple people, messed up on getting a simple drink, scared you and your friend...a-and I don't even know where my f-friend is." Why was she even talking to this guy she Just met? Telling her all that she's been feeling the past week...month...years...all her life. Yui realized with all that had happened during the week she had no one to vent to, no one to really tell or care how she felt finding out she's this 'missing Mafia Boss'. It truly scared her...it did. The makeup was starting to burn her eyes causing her to reach when she realized she had to mask on. "Ow...my eyes..." It was just K with her so maybe it wouldn't be bad... "Sorry if this is against party policy." She reached for her mask, slowly about to take it off...

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(A noble failing like that is unheard of and its her first party. She doesn't really have the air of a regular noble, well whatever. I rather avoid making her time more difficult,) Normally K would have her investigated for the odd things she said, but he ended up feeling to sorry for her to actually go through with it. (Is she crying? Did I mess up somewhere?) K panicked briefly in his mind before speaking. "I'm not really sure what goes against party policy, but here." He said while holding out a piece of cloth for her to wipe her eyes with. "Messing up is part of life, you'll eventually get it right. Even if your life isn't the best, there are still moments when it feels like it is. I used to held to lowest position in my family, My existence wasn't even important. Now you could say I'm like the family head." K tried his best to console her, something he's never been good at. (There is one more thing I could try. Light spells are usually for healing.) K thought about using a light spell to relax her. "Pardon my forwardness, Mary" K then placed his right hand on Mary's head and used a light spell that clams the nerves and relaxes the person. (Good thing this one doesn't release a light) "Also I could help you look for you friend." K smiled. 

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Antonio pouted. "Well surely they could've at least given us a decent description..." Antonio murmured. He looked down on the girl, still holding her. "She was feeling sick, so I asked her if she was alright and fainted! I caught her and brought her over. I can't just leave her alone!" Antonio insisted. As much as he was on a mission, his conscience wouldn't leave him alone were he to leave this girl unconscious and alone for anyone to take her and do whatever. "Er...well she went out to explore and get a drink but right now I have no idea where she is, currently." Antonio said with a nervous chuckle. "She should be fine. She can fend for herself, surely. If she can't this is the perfect way to learn. Besides, we have someone else to find...if only we knew how the target looked like..." Lovi sneaked around, getting closer to the helicopter as she avoided the security guards. she looked around the helicopter. "It's more fancy than I've ever seen." Lovi muttered as she then looked over to the side. She gasped. "It's from the Royal Pirn. Unless the giant gold letters with the emblem on the side are a lie." Lovi explained. Antonio gave a small nod and sighed. "Hold on, I'll try to get the girl with someone. But I'm not leaving a lady alone." Antonio insisted. He turned, gently shaking the girl on the shoulder. "Milady, you truly are sick. Did you come here with anyone we can contact for you?" Antonio asked softly.


Fiore's expression softened as he turned to Eren with a small smile. "Just investigating as ordered~" Fiore said as he chuckled. "I had found something interesting on the scene of the crime from the jewelry store, and I found a certain interesting someone that my instincts was telling me to connect. I wanted to get a hair sample but she looked sick and ran off. K ran off after her." Fiore explained. "And I don't think I have. I don't even know how she looks like, exactly...could it be that girl that K ran off with? The two are currently alone behind the scenes, K wanting to make sure she was alright...oh the rumors that could spread if we're not careful!" Fiore said dramatically with a gasp. He looked down at his chocolate raspberries and offered him some. "Do you want some, by the way? They're great!"

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"Gah! That's right I can't show anyone my mask or they'll know my identity!" Yui realized this when K handed her the cloth. She was rather surprised by this action giving a small, "Thank you..."  She turned her head away from him, lifting her mask just a tab to wipe her wet brown eyes. She did this while listening to him, then turned back around to feel him place his hand on her head, just infront of her pink bun. Suddenly all the worry and stress that was in her began to dissolve with only that fuzzy memory playing through her mind again. Especially when he smiled at her...it felt oddly familiar. Infact it made Yui quite sad for she realized that after this she may never see this kind person again. She wanted to tell him her real name and the fact she came from the Poor District but knew Kataa would kill her if she did so. Plus their whole mission would be ruined... Yui looked at him and gave a smile that would of remained you of a small child, "Really? That would be amazing!" She stood up clutching the cloth, "You know...it's weird but I keep having this memory from what I was younger. I can't remember most of it but it was with these kids pulling my hair and some boy came up and rescued me. He too patted my head like you did." Yui glanced at the door, "Shall we go?" 


"Hm, a DNA sample of a girl's hair? Your skillful enough, you'll probably get it when she returns. Of course if K lets you." Eren said while looking at the time, "He better hurry up with whatever he's doing, we have a speech due in fifteen minutes." Eren took the snack Fiore offered him, eating them while saying, "Hey, at least we'll have a excuse if anymore people ask who the Mother is to K's child." 


Charles looked over at Antonio, "Sir Toni, I'll take care of finding your partner intill you find help or answers." Charles nodded and walked off with his tray of drinks in hand. 

"Alright, and if you see Pinky tell her to meet up with Antonio. We had enough play, now it's time to get back to business." Kataa said through the transmitter. "Also, Antonio I would just leave the girl. We don't have time to deal with her now. If your really worried I can watch her from here, but you need to find Royal Pirn's leader." 

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"Nnn..." Katarina woke up. "What happened." She looked around and found herself sitting in a chair next to the man she was talking to earlier. (I guess he helped me) She tried to deduce what happened. "Thank you sir. My name is Katarina Martina. Thank you again for your assistance, I must have been really tired. Flying from Royal Pirn takes a while." Katarina bowed to the handsome man.


(I think I have a similar memory, sounds like my first and only day of school...wait. Nah it's unlikely) K quickly got rid of the thought. "Well there's a reason you're remember it now, you'll have to figure out what that is though." K stood up and opened the door. "After you"

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Antonio smiled as he turned to see the girl shift around. "Ah, you're awake, thank goodness. I was worried." Antonio said. He heard her out, where she even mentioned she came from Royal Pirn. Antonio paused momentarily...ding...ding...ding...DING. "(THIS IS HER.)" Well, at least he thought it was her. Who else would gain an invitation to attend to a party on a whole other city? Royalty, of course. He kept his cool, however. Not wishing to alarm the target. He kept his sweet smile. "I'm Toni. Flying from so far away, it is understandable for you to be dizzy. Here." Antonio said, offering her the drink that Charles had brought earlier. "In case your thirsty, of course." Antonio added, as his face turned one of concern. "However, if you're still feeling weak, would you allow me to escort you somewhere where you may rest, or with someone you might know? After seeing you faint like that earlier, I don't think I would be able to leave you without knowing you're in good hands." Antonio insisted with a bow of the head.


Lovi, hearing every word through her own earpiece, started rushing through the bushes, and the property. When she heard guards coming, she didn't hesitate to jump into a couple of bushes, avoiding detection. She looked up from her hiding place, twigs and leaves in her hair here and there. Antonio had the girl in his hands, quite literally. "Guys, Antonio is with the girl. The only thing that leaves us is getting her out and into the car...did anyone mind of thinking ahead for that?" Lovi asked with a nervous chuckle. She had her arrows and a carry-on bow in her purse...but they needed her alive, not dead. "I think the grand dance is coming up, so there will be commotion here and there but unless one of you brought some chloroform she could like, scream, and alert everyone else." Lovi spoke as she walked back, waving the twigs and leaves off her hair. "If only we had tranquilizer darts or something...I could easily shoot it from afar with my bow. Kataa, you're already a criminal in your own way, do you have any ideas?"


Fiore gave a small nod. "Yeah. I haven't seen the child around though. It's a shame, I bet she would've loved a big party like this." Fiore said as he glanced around, his eyes scanning the crowed. "Hm...isn't the big dance coming up?"

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"It's going to have to be d*mmit.." Eren cursed while glancing at the time. "Without those two around we have to hold up the entire speech! Well, at least we can distract everyone with the dance intill we find K and whatsherface." Eren proceeded to walk over to the Musical Conductor over in the corner, "Dance Program please."

"But isn't the spe-"

"Yes! I know! Dance Program please!"

"Y-Yes Sir!" The Conductor raised his baton having the orchestra play.


"Thank you." Yui walked past K to enter the ballroom again. "Has the speech started yet? You know it's weird I have yet to see the leader yet." Yui talked to K as they walked around. If she could just find Antonio or Charles they could hurry and finish this mission. Just then music blared out providing a  slow-like jazz song. Before they knew it people were slow dancing everywhere. "Oh the dance must be starting..." Yui said feeling awkward with standing between couples dancing together. She couldn't dance herself... "Well I hope they speed up the tempo some." Poor Yui.


Charles was busy blending in with his butler service while looking around for Yui. He had yet to find her when suddenly the big dance started. Now it would be even harder to find her! "I'm afraid the big dance has started and I have yet to find the lil miss." Charles informed the others. "I will keep looking for her, but if you wish to kidnap the leader, you must let me know to speed up my search process."


"Got it." Kataa answered back. "And Antonio, I have a solution..." Yes he was a criminal, but he rather not be noticed at the moment. This could be easily solved by.. "You'll need to knock her out when she's not looking." This could be the biggest challenge Antonio would ever have to face in his life..

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"Yeah the leader will eventually appear." K said with a hint of sarcasm. "I'm not really a fan of dancing myself." Although K doesn't like dancing he still had to learn it to be a proper nobleman, instructed by his father. "But since everyone else is doing it, why don't we give it a shot? Don't worry I'll lead." K tried to reassure Mary who probably couldn't dance due to her clumsiness.


"Thank you, Toni." Katarina took the drink form him and put the glass to her lips. (I wonder what really was the cause. Good thing he was here to help me) Katarina's face was slight flushed. She took a sip. (Wait, is it the drink?) "It seems like I might need your assitance again Toni." She looked at him with sleepy eyes.

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Antonio gave a soft nod, getting the drink away and setting it down on the floor. He helped her stay sitting up. "What do you need?" Toni asked, the hand that rested behind Katarina beginning to tense up, his fingers twisting before setting his palm straight. "(I'm sorry that I have to do this.)" Antonio thought. "Is there someone you need me to get, or do I help you get to someone?" He asked as he glanced around ever so slightly. Everyone was busy with dancing, there were no guards on the balcony, and the music was loudly blaring along with the cheers and chatter of the people...it was the perfect scenario. He scanned her neck, before making a presumed location of the jugular vein on her neck. She had sleepy eyes...she wasn't fully awake or at least conscious. Even if she was, her body would be slower to react than normal. Suddenly, quickly and unexpectedly, Antonio slammed his hand against the side of Katarina's neck, hitting right on the vein, hard enough to interrupt the blood flow to the brain, knocking her out.


Fiore chuckled. "K has you working overtime doesn't he?" Fiore asked as he looked over at Eren, worrying here and there about the details. Fiore's sharp eyes caught glance of the pink haired girl he had seen before, and of course, K. "Well, you don't have to worry about K. It seems he's found himself a dancing partner." Fiore said as he pointed over. "Now though...Eren, tell me how does this leader look like? If you tell me how she or he looks like I should be able to spot them. Nothing can miss my sight." Fiore suggested. He was small enough to run through the crowed of people, and his eyes trained to lock onto a target for around a mile away should be able to easily spot someone he looked for. It had worked before, hadn't it?

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"Eh? Really? Because I mean this is like the first time I've danced bef-I mean! Dancing with a partner! Because well my footing and all..." Yui had begun to mumble to herself while looking downward to hide her flushed face. Her right eye glanced around at everyone dancing, and well K had volunteered to dance with her. The only time someone ever or will do. She looked at him, "Well...because you asked. Let's go!" Yui looked around, watching the dancing women in the posture they had. They had their left hands on the shoulder and the right holding the other's hand. Yui proceeded so with K, "Sorry..." It was times like these where she was lucky her pink hair matched her complex for her flustered face would show. With the heels she had on she was about the same height as K, so without them she had to be shorter compared to him. "Let's just move around here...to be safe." She could only hope things would go ok, but with K for some odd reason she found comfort. 


Eren looked over at Fiore, "If you can find her it will make my life more enjoying, so yes. All I know is she has blonde hair with green eyes. At least from what I've seen. She has to be wearing something above the rest, so look for a blonde women with the best dress on. I'll go look after K, as soon as you find her we need to start."


Charles had spent at least another five minutes looking intill he spotted a bun of pink hair. It was Yui. "I found her." He told the others. Charles hurried along but then abruptly stopped to see what she was doing. 


"Oh good, that was easier than I thought it would be for you." Kataa praised Antonio seeing his work through the binoculars, "Well we just need Pinky and we can- Charles, you found her? Good, take her back." 

"I can't just yet." Charles replied. 

"What? Why?" 

"She's having a dance with someone." 

"A dance?! Look, I know she may seem cute right now and all but we don't have time for her to be acting like Cinderella." 

"Just wait..." 


"It's times like these you want to treasure the most." Charles said playing a past old memory.

"Well alright..." Kataa sighed. "Antonio, you shoul- Crap! Someone's coming! Act natural!"  

Edited by Nora Valkyrie

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Katarina felt a sharp pain and blacked out once again.


"No need to apologize." K gently grasped Mary's right hand with his left and held it up to about shoulder level. He placed his right hand on Mary's left hip side. K took a step back lightly pulling Mary's right hand, signalling for her to follow. K took a step to his right with his right foot, then followed with his left. His left shoe touched the ground before he stepped to the left with his left foot and followed with his right. While K was doing that he was slowly leading Mary, turning into a box-like shape. K kept it at a speed where Mary wouldn't have any difficulty keeping up. 

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Antonio quickly held Katarina and turned her, so his back was facing the doorway, leaning down as he pretended her to kiss Katarina. A guard walked by and blinked at the scene, slowly backing away before he could interrupt them. Antonio stood still for a minute before he moved. The grand dance was happening, and everyone was distracted. "Lovi, get the limo ready." Antonio said. "Yes sir." Antonio glanced around and looked down the balcony. No guards in sight, and there was a few bushes down there, besides it wasn't that tall. "(Carrying her through the door would be too risky.)" Antonio thought, suddenly throwing Katarina over his shoulder. He hopped onto the ledge of the balcony, before dropping down, just in time as Fiore walked by, looking around and into the balcony. "No one..." He muttered with a sigh, walking away as he continued to look for her royal highness of the Royal Pirn. Antonio dropped down, holding Katarina in his arms before falling into a bunch of bushes. He grunted, sitting up as he shook his head. "As soon as she's done with that dance, get her back to the limo." Antonio groaned, referring to Yui. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around Katarina as he picked her up in her arms bridal style, her head resting against his shoulder. He stepped out, brushing any leaves off him and Katarina before he began to walk. His expression softened, walking past the guards. "Sir, is everythi-?" One guard asked, and Antonio quickly got one of his fingers over his lips, signaling for him to hush. "She had too much to drink." He whispered. "I'm taking her home early. Excuse us." He smiled, and the guards understandably backed away, letting Antonio pass as they couldn't see Katarina's face due to the jacket covering her. He walked all the way to the limo, no one else around but Lovi, who waved him down as she opened the door for them. "Now this is what I call a lucky break." Lovi said amazed, Antonio entering the car and setting Katarina inside, laying her down softly. "Yes, but we cannot get too cocky. We have to hurry before they find out that she's even gone."

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"Is this really what those silly princess stories are like?" Yui wondered as she carefully followed K with their dance. Yui stepped one foot after the other occasionally watching her feet to make sure nothing went wrong. However with the way K was leading her she felt like she didn't even need to check. She was getting it! She was actually dancing! Yui was realizing this making her give the most happiest grin she had ever given in years. 


"What's the status Charles?" Kataa asked. 

"She's very much enjoying herself." 

"Alright..." Kataa sighed, "Give her one more minute, then get her out of there! We need to get going."


If Eren were a bit older he probably would be out on those terrible 'let's get drunk!' adventures. He rather do that then deal with what was happening now. At least Fiore was looking for him, he even might reward him later. The glasses boy was walking when someone quickly grabbed his shoulder. Ereb turned around to meet a sweaty and panicked fool guard from Royal Pirn, "S-She's Missing!" 


"S-She's Gone!" 

Out of annoyance he held all night, Eren grabbed the guard's chest proceeding to a slap across the face. Now others were watching, but he didn't care at this point, "What Do You Mean Shoulder?" 

"Lady Katarina! She's MISSING!" 



"I don't want this night to end...I really don't." Yui thought in her head as she gleefully danced. " I don't want to have to never see him again either..." She was refering to K, and as if on cue Charles was spotted in the corner of her eye. 

"Miss. Mary..." 

"Oh! Stephan!" Yui had to force their dance to stop which she did in regret. 

"I'm afraid it is time for us to leave for the night." 

"Oh...all right," She looked back at K. Then as if only her heart could determine her actions she quickly gave the boy a hug before he was able to say a word. She whispered to only where he could hear, "Thank you for this night...really..." She let him go and looked back towards Charles, "Alright, let's go." The two walked towards the front door entrance (acting as causal as they could) while Charles whispered to her what they had accomplished. "Already?" Yui looked up at him, "That's great! Well I mean not for her though..." They made it to the door when two guards suddenly stopped them. 

"You may not leave yet." 

"But why?" 

"We have news reporting in, apparently the Royal Pirn Leader is missing." 

Yui hid her worried look. 



"Sir! Your being rational." 

"I KNOW!" Eren screamed. "Just go find her! Find her now!" 


"You know it's kind of ironic how you two want to leave now...actually why would one of our own butlers leave?" The guard asked referring to Charles. 

"Good Question." The other guard replied. "But hey! The pink one's kind of cute, why don't you come with us instead?" He smiled at Yui slowly holding his hand out to her- 

Charles swatted the hand away, "That's enough." 

"Hey now." The Guard glared. "Hm, I wonder if you have something to do with that girl's disaperence." 

"Why would we?" Yui glared back. 

"That sounds like a cover-up, are you saying you did?" 


"Ok..hm let's make a deal. If you come with us we won't say anything." 

Yui stared at them then at Charles becoming panicked. She wasn't sure on what to do. Till something surprising happened. 


Another guard came in, "The Phantom Armor Man! He's back!" The people in the room stared with confusion at first intill a distant explosion could be heard causing chaos in the room. People screaming and running causing Yui to lose track of Charles till he grabbed her arm. Charles ran dragging Yui behind him when she suddenly fell. She tripped to the ground causing her mask to fall off. 

"My mask!"

"We don't have time I'm afraid." Charles picked her up, heaving her over his shoulder. 

As Yui looked back at the chaotic crowd with her violet eyes she mumbled to herself, "K..." The two ran till they stopped at the balcony. 

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(She learns pretty fast) K was impressed with Mary being able to learn as fast as him. (And her smile is beautiful.) Eventually Mary left with Stephan after a hug and a parting message. K was left speechless. (Master your face is all red) Luci's voice startled K. (Luci you should be resting) (There's no way I can do that with your heart racing. We're linked so when your heart is racing like that, it's like an alert for me. It usually means you're in danger.) After K listened to her explanation. (I don't like how it is completely one sided.) (Not exactly you could do it if-) K heard the guard mention the phantom armor man followed by an explosion. (Damn I hope Fiore, Eren, and Mary are alright) (What about the guest?) (...right she was here too) (Some leader) K conversed with Luci as he ran through the crowd. "Luci, do something about the crowd" Luci appeared next to K in her adult form wearing a dress. "Are you fine with me charming them?" "Just do it already" K urged her. Luci stood on the upper level looking down at the chaos. "Everyone clam down!" Suddenly a lot of people stopped running and started walking. (I'm guessing Father used something similar when he got rid of the Sky family and built his own army.) K analyzed the situation. "See to it the guests are safe and find Eren and Fiore" K told a nearby guard. "What will you do Sir?" "Eliminate the threat" "Yay we'll get to kill that armor guy." "Luci clam down, and we can't kill him. At least not here." K and Luci were both showing a savage smile. Luci went back into K's shadow while he was making his way to an exit. He noticed something on the floor. (This is the mask Mary was wearing) K picked it up and put it in his inside pocket of his blazer. (Master you better not do what the prince did in Cinderella) "I was just worried about her." K eventually made it outside and saw a figure. K pulled off his chain and turned it into the black katana. (Master the armor guy should be just up ahead) K prepared himself for battle.

Edited by King Demise

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The moment Kataa decided to play villain for the party, **** hit the fan. Everyone flipped. People were walking, and running. Cars and limousine drove off and out into the city. Inside their own limousine, Antonio held the unconscious Katarina, Lovi sitting in the driver's seat. "I think they might've noticed that she's missing." Lovi said. "You think?" Antonio asked sarcastically as he looked out the window. "We are in big risk sitting here. Yui, Charles, you better get over here, ASAP. Kataa, do you want me to give you back up, what's your plan? We have limited time before they end up checking this one limousine and find us with the unconscious leader of an entire city!" Antonio hissed, his usual cheery and calm demeanor slightly fading. But he quickly regained his calm. "What do we do?" Lovi asked. "We wait." Antonio said. Lovi shook her head. "I just hope we don't get killed for this." Lovi murmured. Dying wasn't exactly on the schedule.


Fiore heard the explosion, everyone loosing their minds, hurrying for their lives. "What is happening?!" Fiore asked. A guard hurried to him. "The armored man is attacking!" He said. "F*ck." He hissed, hurrying over. "Do you need your weapons?!" A guard asked. "Get me my sniper and red bullets!" Fiore ordered, rushing across as he found a window with a perfect spot. He opened it, the guard coming back with his sniper Anro and bullets as red as blood. Fiore clicked the sniper, loading it with the red bullets as he looked through the scope, aiming for the armored man. "He won't be escaping this time." Fiore assured, shooting once, the bullet hitting the armored man, sticking to its armor. But unlike the last time, this bullet was different, exploding upon contact.

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Charles was running with Yui while explosions filled the sky. It was a chaotic mess down there, but that didn't stop Charles from running across the hallways to reach downstairs. "Hold on." He told Yui as she was on his shoulder hiding  her face. They made it outside where they spotted people walking...

"They're calm?..." Yui questioned when another explosion filled the sky. "Ah!" 

"We'll have to hide in  bush for now. Guards are coming." Charles found a hidden spot with trees and plants everywhere. He put Yui down observing the outside waiting to see if the coast was clear or not. 

Yui stood there in worry about Kataa, what was going on, her teammates, and even K... "Is Kataa out their fighting by himself? Is he ok?" She clutched her gloved hands, intill... 

"I say I'm pretty ok." 

Charles and Yui turned around, "Kataa?!" It was Kataa himself carrying his suitcase while in his suit. He came through the bushes as the way he looked before the party had started. "

"Your alive!" Yui's violet eyes widen. "But wait...if your here...Then why are the guards attacking over there?" 

"Oh they are attacking someone with armor..." Kataa explained. 

"Then who?" 



Charles and Yui both gave dumbfounded looks. Yui practically yelled, "Oero?! Why is Oero is there?!" 

"I was just doing my duty when out of nowhere happy-go-lucky shows up. I was going to fill It with what had been going on, but It insisted that It had a duty to do for the Professor. Oro talked to me saying you guys would probaly be stuck up there if nothing had happened, which I could agree. So we discussed a plan and well, now it's put to action."  

"So you put Oreo up there to deal with the guards! That's way to far Kataa! It could get hurt!" 

"Pipe down Pinky, It has it's gun lamps with It. In fact I really didn't make up the plan...Oro had the fake armor itself..." 

"Fake armor?" Yui was very confused when she heard some guards dash by." 

Charles looked out, "We need to get out of here. It seems Oro has a plan set in motion..."

Kataa nodded, "And it's not going to work if we stay here. Oro will probably meet us soon, if that is what the Professor if asking of It. Come on let's go. Antonio and Lovi likely already heard us and are waiting." 

"But..." Yui mumbled, yet they already dragged her. 


"Pinky, where's your mask?!" Kataa sounded frustrated as they ran towards the limo. 

"I dropped it..." 

"Great, now they have another step to exposing us." Yui looked down in shame when they finally spotted the limo. A big explosion erupted making the three run even faster when they realized how close it was to them. They finally made it, hoping in with Kataa yelling at Lovi, "Drive Women Drive!" They were off... 

Yui gave a sigh of relief when she noticed a blonde hair girl infront of her. "Is that...the leader of Royal Pirn?"

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K saw Fiore's exploding bullet hit the armored man. (That armor is made out of something pretty sturdy to survive an explosion,) K thought as he rushed toward the armored man. K kicked the armored guy and pointed his katana from a distance. K turned to look at Fiore "Hold your fire!" K once again looked at the armored guy "Tell me, why have you come to attack my house?" K kept his blade pointing at the armored guy. 


Katarina was suddenly regaining consciousness. She noticed a girl with pink hair was staring at her. "Huh? What happened?" Katarina found herself in a limo surrounded by people. (Okay remain clam, I'll just burn them to ashes) (You can't master, you ingested too much poison. You can't perform spells and you don't have much strength.) The demon told her. "So you know what happened now?" Katarina asked. "Its poison for demons, for devil kings it usually knocks them out and they are unable to use spells.) (Well there's nothing I can do about it now. I ended up getting kidnapped again, just great.) Katarina notice Toni was among the people in the limo. "It looks like I've been kidnapped, so do you work for the dictator or are you some other party?" Katarina questioned them.

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Lovi slammed the gas, and soon they were off, pedal to the metal. Lovi drove them off and away from the party. They were safe, and out of the guard's eyes. Blending in with the rest of the retreating guests, and into the night. Antonio gave a nod at Yui. "Yes, she is." Antonio assured. Her highness then regained consciousness, but was calm, not really fighting back, but reasonably questioning her predicament. "We work for a separate party, milady. We assure you we mean no harm...we simply wish to make things right and fix certain things here and there. We have no relation to the dictator whatsoever." Antonio explained, his cheerful nature still with him as he smiled ever so brightly. "Trust me, if you were to be harmed, you'd be dead already." Lovi added. Antonio glared at her, Lovi catching his glance through the mirror. "What? I'm being honest? We have to hand her over anyways." Lovi drove around, the city getting darker and darker, as it lacked light the further down they went. Eventually they reached the HQ, the popular cafe that they had declared as their second home.


Fiore was about to shoot another one of the special bullets. But upon K's orders, he got his finger off the trigger. "Be careful, K." Fiore murmured. He turned to the guard. "Any sign of the princess yet?" "None. We're still lookin-!" "Then looking faster! If she doesn't show up I'm pretty sure Eren's head is going to be served on a silver platter."

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I held my hands in front of me. So this is his plan. Pretty risky deal he has set here. I didn't think he would send me here already. A change of clothes and a few accidents here and there and BOOM I'm here. "Let me answer you with a question, Lord K." I put my hands around my helm, the guard's trigger fingers twitching. "Why would you have a party with such an opportunity for an attack?" I dropped my helm revealing my character. I smiled, "Don't you think you should have more security?" I could feel the tension rising. I put my arms out and my hands in fists. "I know the drill come on, cuff me." I looked back to see if everyone left already. Hm maybe this worked more nicely than I though. I thought as I knew of my rough night to come...


(I've been gone for a long time. Sorry!)

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Yui was worried for Oro, K, and those poor people for who knows if they had been shot at or not. What a party..seriously. Yui looked at the girl from the Royal Prin with a little unease. Unlike the rest of her team, she was able to see Yui's violet eyes. "Um...hello..." She mumbled. If the girl weren't slightly hung-over she would probably be intimidating. Yui let out a sigh as she let the others do the talking. She laid her head against the back of her seat replaying the dance she and K had one earlier. It was so nice... The way they danced together with ease it was like...


She snapped back to reality to see Kataa yelling at her, "Jeez, that wasn't like the 4th time I've called you! Why is your face redder than usual? Oh, and were here." Yui looked out the window to see the cafe lit up in the dark sky. 


The group walked in where luckily the Cafe was closed. They walked in with Antonio holding the Leader in his hands. Steve was there his arms crossed, "Eleven PM. Not bad." 

Yui dashed in, "What does Professor want with Oro?! We had to leave him the-" 

"Where's your mask?" Steve asked her." 

Yui clenched her dress,  a tad fearful, "I..." 

"I had taken it off of her to help her be able to see the incoming bullets that were approaching." Charles answered. 

"And where is it now?" 

"I had accidentally let go of it as we were running."

Yui looked over at Charles with surprise. 

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(A third party, how annoying. Well if they did kill me, Dialucia would get blamed. But the end result would probably be Royal Pirn being burned to the ground. I'm relieved Kazuki didn't hate me enough to kidnap me.) Katarina noticed someone said hello to her. (Master that girl-) (Yeah I've noticed) Katarina said cutting off the demon. (Well her eyes are a bit darker, but she should hold the same potential as Kazuki.) (One is rare enough but two, master we'll end up as stepping stones for those two.) (Sam you panic too much, we still have time before then.) The limo stopped and she was carried into a cafe. 


"The party wasn't my idea" K answered. K saw the attacker's face and was confused. "More importantly, are you male or female?" K pointed at a nearby guard. "You, cuff the intruder."  

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I saw K's confusion in his eyes and body language. And his question only made me laugh. "Excuse Oro Lord K. But why would you worry about such a small detail about Oro? Oro thinks that's your last worry. But. Oro will tell you. Since Oro just wants to be friends with you." I smiled as I felt the cold metal cuffs 'click' around my wrist. Just the sound of the click told me this wasn't a hard lock to open. I opened my eyes as I began speaking again. "Oro simply doesn't have a gender." I looked straight into his eyes. "Now let Oro ask you! A question... Since it would only be polite since you and Oro friends... What's your next plan?" I made tension rise again when I make a shrugging pose. "Of course you don't have to tell Oro now. Just know Oro will get the information one way or the other. But... don't worry Oro won't tell. Interfering makes Oro's fun more boring." I motioned a zipper closing in front of my lips. "Then again you're probably too tired and fed up with Oro's introduction. So... Would you kindly take Oro to Oro's cell?" I looked at the other man who stood there. Fiore I believed. K's friend. Oro guesses he'll be Oro's friend too someday. ​He was interrogating me. But still with this thought in mind I just smiled and listened. Then spoke again, "Oro knows Oro's boundaries. Oro doesn't kill for no reason. No 'good' people were hurt trust Oro." I grinned again.


-- Meanwhile --

"Honey!!! Have you seen our precious Oro!?!?!" (Mom)

"No! I haven't seen her!" (Dad)

"Where could he be?? He didn't tell us anything!"

"Honey, I'm getting a call!"

"Who is it?"

"Its- wait a moment honey. Yes? Uh huh. Okay. Oh. Whew. I was worried. Thanks Dad. Whew Oro's just staying at my Dad's place tonight. He said his phone died and he didn't have his charger with him."
"But I put it in his back pack..."

"But at least we know she's safe." 

"Whew he scared me..."


​I knew of the mission everyone had. But the professor asked me to try experimenting things and create some special 'gifts' for the group tomorrow. Because he said they needed to be well equipped... "Well another long night to go..."


Where am I? Am I dead am I alive...? Why does it feel like my body is rock... Wait... I sat up looking around. And saw a blurred out blob of a figure next to me. When suddenly I had arms wrapped around me. "AH!"

"What is it Shimon?" Its was my mother. Whew. "Oh mom. Its nothing. What happened?"

"You passed out because you had a fever."


"Yes... I was worried you slept for 2 days."

"2 days!?" But then my stomach growled.

My mom chuckled, "You want to eat?"

"Yeah." I smiled.



Edited by SolarFlare12

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Antonio held Katarina. Not harsh enough to cause her to bruise but enough to keep her from running off. Antonio turned to Steve, who seemed concerned that Yui wasn't wearing her mask, understandably. "I'm sure that after the panic began to ensue, no one even cared to take notice of her face, or anyone's face for that matter. Guards were running all over to attack the figure, and the people were running for their lives...even if she lost the mask there's a very low chance that anyone will be able to memorize her face from a second's glance." Antonio said, hoping to calm down Steve if he was in anyway angry. Lovi stepped in. "And if it's by any chance that the mask was expensive or whatever I can just buy you guys another one. Nothing big, ya know." Lovi said as she then pointed at Katarina. "BUT we totally got the target! So even if Yui got in trouble getting the target unharmed has to give us some points, right?!" Lovi asked.
Fiore unloaded his sniper rifle, dropping the red bullets before returning them to the special box, and handing them back to the same guard that had brought them. He rested the rifle on his shoulder as he walked over to Oro. "You know that attacking this place, this party is going to end up getting you in worse trouble than what you might be expecting...you could've killed someone." Fiore hissed. However his way of speaking only made Fiore tense up even more. "You dare to make a threat against the rule of Diacula?! Are you seriously asking for a bullet through your forehead?!" Fiore asked, hissing as his fingers twitched. Had he have a handgun at hand he would've left Oro without functioning knees.
Edited by Stardustblade358

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