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Wolf on the Run

The second keyblade war

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Sanchez went back to the world that never was and closed the portal then he saw a girl sitting ther so he sat back away and watched her to see what would happen to see if she was good or bad wondering wich 'side' she was one 'why was everyone talking about sides whats going on' Sanchez thought to himself

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Mark turns his head fast and thens say "I can sense light in the world that never was but that can't be right that worlds meant to be abandend ever since the organization was deafeted better go check it out" so mark headed off to the worlld that never was

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Name: Zena

Age: 17

Keyblade: Last Judgement

Style of Fighting: Speed And Deception

Side: Dark

Appearance: Blue hair with green eyes

Short Bio: Zena grew up in Radiant Garden, with an urge to cause destruction wherever she went. She cant control it, and now travels among the worlds with her new keyblade in search of anything she can ruin.

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Sanchez saw this guy appear on the world so Sanchez kinda ducked and hid from the guy he pulled out his keyblades but layed them down just in case he was going to attack then he noticed it was like he was looking for him because he would look around then get a feeling and move towards Sanchez

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sapphrix accept

when mark arrived in the world that never was he could sense the light even better and straight away he knew what type of light it was so he said "its alright i can come out i'm not a threat i'm a keyberer of the ligt to and my keyblade will prove it to you just come out and see"


all placesfor darkness keybarers have been takin no more darkness until we get some more light keybarer

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Zeno jumping from from roof to roof in twllight town looking for people to join or fight.Zeno walks through a forest and gets lost but teleports to the Keyblade Graveyard and looks around and sees no one there but just sit's there waiting for someone to show up.

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Zena chuckled to herself as she appeared in the world that never was. "hmm... looks like a good place to ruin. Let's see what i have to deal with." She was about to turn a corner when she saw someone. She heard what he spoke, and hopped in front of him summoning her keyblade, and pointing it directly at him. "well well, what do we have here?"

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Sanchez stood up and piced up his keyblades put them away "what kind of light am I" Sanchez asked "I read your mind if you wanted to know how I knew you thought that" Dexer said to him then got closer to him then Sanchez got chills and saw this evil looking girl summon her keyblades then Dexer summons his

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"well i'm guesting from the look of your keyblade a dark keybarer but not a smart one u do know your out numbered to to one right look behind u and you'll see what i'm talkin about girl and even with out that other guy here i could still take u cause u dont look that tough to me

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sero looked around he got bord..this place is notihgn..it should all die all of it ...everlast one on this world shod be killed..he was still cold then he moved a little he then appeard abouv the twilight town he poitned his finger at a builidng then he swung down and the builign was spilt in half he looked at hte peoply runing for the live's lhe just keep swingin his arm and evertime another builign got detoryed

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Menos teleported to Sero. He remembered him a little. "Stop, we don't need too much attention on us right now." He said putting a barrier over the running townspeople. "We're going to need them later on." Menos sensed more people with actual power and disappeared in a flash. "See you later." He said in the disguise of a wisp. Menos appeared on top of the clock tower.

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Sanchez showed his hidden angel wings and flew to the falling building and caught it then welded it back with his fire abilities then Sanchezthrew his keyblade at her and it stuck into her then exploded (It wasn't lethal just an attack) inside her knocking her down "Did that hurt?" Sanchez yelled to his oppenent

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"wow this place is dead i'm so out of here" said Zeno.Teleports to The World That Never Was and see's keybarers fighting "Hey mind if i cut into the party" Summons outshiner and kicks Sanchez and throws keyblade at him and then shoots a dark fira at mark then jumps in the air and lands on a building and then cuts a piece of it and then throws it in the air and charges dark energy into it and throws it at mark.

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mark looked at the rumble of the building then said "Most beginner keyberers can do that but it takes skill to do this" Mark throw his keyblade at the girl with all his streagth and just before it made contact mark moved his rist and it went straight right from her coliding with to building and making nothin but dust of both building then mark said my dad was a keybarer to and he though me thinks about the keyblade u couldn't even imagin

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sero saw menos and stoped what he was doing...i wonder where he whent to any way..ill stop for now but later ..ill detorye everhting incloudign him if he tryed to stop me aigan i wotn care abotu his life even if he is family..he flot's back down to the gorund slouly then he was gone he left to the world of darkness agian thinkign about stuff that was unneeded then he opend another portel to the world that never was

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Sanchez saw him which side is he on though is he an Ali or an enemy Sanchez just kept watching the girl and make sure she wouldn't attack him he figured the guy who found him would watch his back Sanchez then put shields around all the buildings just incase someone would knock them down agian this way they wouldn't fall

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mark calls to the light keybarer "Hey man that guy who just appered hes not a light keybarer he must be with her so keep your guard up and keep an eye on the girl for a sec i need to get somthing i only take out for special avents

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Sanchez then made a nobody emblem shaped shield appear and a pheonix flew up behind him and attached giving him pheonix armour his wings became pure flames and his amrour was red with yellow streaks and his helmet was the shape of the pheonix's head then his keyblades flamed up Sanchez had dreamed of this happening but it had never happen to before then Sanchez looked at his Ragnock's End and watched it shine

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When Mark was back he had a piece of armour in his and then he said "First time i evr youst my dads old armour i hope this works" work put the piece of armour on and then hit a circle part by his sholder there was a bright light and then marks intire body was covered by the armour "Hey it worked now lets have some fun outhkeeper and alloyblade try a bet us darkberers"

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"Well well well lets see what you can do" said Zeno.Makes a clone and clone teleports behind mark and we shoot 50 dark fira's at him and then kicks mark in the air and throws Sanchez at him and throws keyblade at the both of them and keyblade re-appers in my hand and then does a combo and then knocks them into the ground while charging a dark fira "BURN" said Zeno and shoots the fira at them while there on the ground."Ha that was to easy just wish they could put up a better fight."

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Then out of nowhere mark says "U know if your goin to attack someone it would be a good idea to make shore there not a fake and u of all people should of been able to see we were both fake yikes u really are beginners art ya kid u really need to learn something origanal to"

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Sanchez stood up real easy "Are you sure" Sanchez said with a smirk brushing dirt off of his arm then he put away his keyblades and shot a beam of fire hitting Zeno and hitting him into the air then Sanchez jumped up to him pulled out his keyblade stabed him with his Two Become One then hit him with his Ragnock's end and slamed it into Zeno forcing him into the ground and leaving a massive crater then Sanchez jumped up into the air and preformed ragnock on him and walked back by mark

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"Ha that did a number on me i see you guys are not playing around here Daaaaarrrkkk Explosion!" A dark blast come's from my body and blows everything away then stabs Sanchez in the back and then throws him into a building and attacks him with my keyblade then throws my keyblade into the air and shoots a beam of darkness at sanchez then freezes him with blizzard.Then shoots a huge dark fira at mark then teleports him to twllight town.

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Ryan teleported to Twilight Town "I sense some darkness here.. but right now I better find Noah and Will..." muttered Ryan. He was in the Sandlot.


Noah was in Twilight Town at the Mansion "Too much darkness here... I better fight them but I have to find Will and Ryan..." Noah walked around Twilight Town


Will fought some heartless at Travese Town and summoned his Oblivion and defeated a bunch of heartless "There that was simple..." muttered Will

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