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Yuya Sakaki

Make your own Organisation XIII! (KH13 Summer Vacation Scenario revamp!)

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Ladies and Gentlemen!!!


I bring to you the new revised edition of my KH13 Summer Vacation Scenario! (Ha! He said it! xD) Last year, I did this little thing where I asked the members here that if they were entrusted with a beach house for a whole summer, who would they choose from this very forum to bunk with them during that time. But they could only choose 7 people. Strictly 7. No more. (original thread: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/77577-kh13-summer-vacation-scenario/) Now, since the season of Summer is approaching the Northern Hemisphere (for some people, it's already arrived xD) I thought this would make a nice little random and fun activity. :)


So basically the same hypothetical scenario applies like last time, however I have increased the amount of people you can select this time around. Now judging from the title, you'll definitely be able to tell what the number will be. That's right, it's 13! You're allowed thirteen people to bunk with since the house is now bigger. As the host, I'll start things off:



1) Zola

2) Xiro

3) The Cloaked Schemer AKA Fulminata_XII

4) TheWayToDawn

5) AuraAce AKA ScottishSkarmory

6) ventusluv006

7) Aqua7KH (Wow, the numbers here match. I promise this wasn't intentional! xD)

8 & 9) Weedanort and Hazimie (My dueling buddies :3)

10) Shigehiko (Caramel Covered Ansem joins by default so she takes up no space on the list. This rule applies to all couples here)

11) Amber Cole (gotta have the little sis x3)

12) Aros (by default Sei joins in too)

And unlucky last 13) is... *drumroll* soravids! (How can I put Aros & Sei without him too huh?)


Special mentions to Aries, Psychic_Ketchup, Ashrion, Aang, Xion889, Flaming Lea, Nepgear, Alicia Maddox (sorry mother... xD), SuperiorKunivas, AlixtheMagi13, Lu Xun, Exilra & catmaster0116! I'm really sorry I couldn't include all of you, but I don't make the rules! >_< Oh wait... Okay hate on me all you want. xD



So yeah, that's mine. It was definitely hard to decide, and I can't please everyone. :/ Now to put you people through this torture. x3


*points to you* Show me what you got! :D The fun has just begun!



Edited by Yuya Sakaki

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My list for people in my organization would be:


1. yuya sakaki

2. Alicia Maddox

3. Ruby Rose

4. Soul Eater Evens

5. Lexigirl1997

6. Thewaytodawn

7. Danex Darkfire

8. Natsu

9. AuraAce

10. Shuy

11. aliyarocksyoursocksoff

12. Jackfrost

13. Shigehiko


xD yup!! That's who i'd chose to be in my organization!

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* Caramel Covered Ansem joins by default* lmao. xD


My list:


1. Shinji (Commander in Chief, duh!! X3)


2. SuperiorKunivas- Overseer of Entertainment


3. Trixie- Keeper of Pets


4. Flaming Lea- Dean of Cuisine


5. Robbie the Wise- Moral Support


5. Weedanort- Party Endorser


6. Alicia Maddox- Provisions Specialist


7. Shard the Gentlemen- Scrapbook Keeper


8. Yusei- Medic ( In case things get rough!  xD)


9. Rainbow Dash- Weather Analyst


10. SkyKeybladeHero- Guard


11. Amber- Navigator


12. Hazimie-Chaperone


13. Yatsu- Handyman

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My list for people in my organization would be:


1. yuya sakaki

2. Alicia Maddox

3. Ruby Rose

4. Soul Eater Evens

5. Lexigirl1997

6. Thewaytodawn

7. Danex Darkfire

8. Natsu

9. AuraAce

10. Shuy

11. aliyarocksyoursocksoff

12. Jackfrost

13. Shigehiko


xD yup!! That's who i'd chose to be in my organization!

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* Caramel Covered Ansem joins by default* lmao. xD


My list:


1. Shinji (Commander in Chief, duh!! X3)


2. SuperiorKunivas- Overseer of Entertainment


3. Trixie- Keeper of Pets


4. Flaming Lea- Dean of Cuisine


5. Robbie the Wise- Moral Support


5. Weedanort- Party Endorser


6. Alicia Maddox- Provisions Specialist


7. Shard the Gentlemen- Scrapbook Keeper


8. Yusei- Medic ( In case things get rough!  xD)


9. Rainbow Dash- Weather Analyst


10. SkyKeybladeHero- Guard


11. Amber- Navigator


12. Hazimie-Chaperone


13. Yatsu- Handyman

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Edited by SkyKeybladeHero

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* Caramel Covered Ansem joins by default* lmao. xD My list: 1. Shinji (Commander in Chief, duh!! X3) 2. SuperiorKunivas- Overseer of Entertainment 3. Trixie- Keeper of Pets 4. Flaming Lea- Dean of Cuisine 5. Robbie the Wise- Moral Support 5. Weedanort- Party Endorser 6. Alicia Maddox- Provisions Specialist 7. Shard the Gentlemen- Scrapbook Keeper 8. Yusei- Medic ( In case things get rough!  xD) 9. Rainbow Dash- Weather Analyst 10. SkyKeybladeHero- Guard 11. Amber- Navigator 12. Hazimie-Chaperone 13. Yatsu- Handyman

But... I can only treat feet. And I'm not even competent at that yet. xDPeace!

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1) SkyKeybladeHero

2) Yuya Sakaki

3) Hazimie

4) Caramel Covered Ansem

5) Trixie Lulamoon

6) Rainbow Dash

7) SuperiorKunivas

8) Ruby Rose

9) ~DawnStar2004~

10) Sei

11) Aros

12) Xiro

13) Flaming Lea



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13. Soul Eater Evans12. Sky11. KittensOnFire10. Trixie9. HargleBargleBoo8. Caramel7. AquaKH76. Big Boss5. Blue4. catmaster3. Rainbow Dash2. Ruby Rose1. Weiss (keysofblades)



Oh you won't regret it Shard!

I can cook, make music, I'm also partly medical trained (I can treat all your musculoskeletal injuries)!

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C'mon, I wanna see more lists. (:



Is this will do? xD



I. Weedanort - The Raging Weedswarm xP

II.Yuya Sakaki - The Entermate Extreme xD

III. Caramel Covered Ansem - The Sweet of Darkness xP

IV. Lu Xun - The "Wu" of the Day xD

V. Soul Eater Evans - The Thousand-face Hero :D

VI. Nortanort - The Nort of the Nort! xP

VII. ~DawnStar2004~ - The White-hair Lover xD

VIII. SkyReaper - Warrior of Zephyr :D

IX. Firo_Procheniezo - The Revolutionary Raptors xP

X. Villi1997 - The Amusing Writer xD

XI. Kirie - The Queen of Lolis :D

XII. catmaster0116 - The Melodious Musician xD

XIII. SkyKeybladeHero - The Limitless Sky xP


HUEHUEHUEHUE, So yeah,this is my army of the organization! xD

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