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Note: This is the sign-up and discussion thread for Once Upon a Fantasy.  The actual RP is located here: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/86738-once-upon-a-fantasy-rp/

We took a short hiatus this summer and will be starting up again with a slightly fresh start.  Events have already taken place, but I'll happily provide a recap for those who would like to join back up again.  During our hiatus we have a lot of the same cast, but have also lost a couple of very special players in like.  If you're interested in joining we'd love to have you!  Please review the rules and post your character sheet.  Thanks!


This RP was inspired by Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, and Once Upon a Time.  After Vanitas enacted a curse, all characters--villains and heroes alike--were sent to the real world where they lived new lives, without even a single memory of their past selves.


It all started when the heroes were trying to prevent Ultimecia from casting this curse, leading them to break into her castle . . . .


“Is this it?” Lightning bent over and examined a scroll tied with a red ribbon on a pedestal in Ultimecia’s tower.  The wind roared around them, blowing the curtains rapidly, the dim gray sunset casting whatever little light existed within the room.  Locke walked over to her, taking the tiny scroll from her hands and examining it.  Eventually he nodded.  “It must be.  Yen Sid told us that it would be here.”


“But what do we do with it?” Lightning inquired.  But before Locke could answer, the doors to the tower burst open, and in strode Ultimecia.  The tall woman’s eyes casually swept the room, meeting the two heroes’ gazes unflinchingly.


“Well, well,” she said, drawling, “it looks like the savior and the treasure hunter failed their friends after all.  You didn’t expect me already, did you?”


Both Lightning and Locke looked at each other.  The scroll remained in Locke’s fist, but there was no use hiding it: Ultimecia already knew it was there.  The sorceress sent Lightning flying into a wall with an aerial spell as she proceeded on to the poor thief.  “Now then, I will give you options.” She looked mercilessly into his eyes, her cold ones bearing down into his.  “Either you can give me the scroll without a fight, or I could kill that one first”--she smiled ruefully--”whichever calls out to you most.”


“Think again, lady!”


Locke let out a rattled breath of relief, looking over Ultimecia’s shoulder.  She whipped around to see Ventus, grinning widely, the mini scroll clenched in his fist.  The woman rose, turning to Ventus stonily.  “Be careful with that, boy.  You’re meddling in very dark magic that you don’t know how to control.”


“Well, lucky for you”--the boy’s grin widened, and for a moment his eyes flickered golden--”I actually do know how to use this dark magic.  And unlike these dufuses, I’m not afraid to use it.”


Suddenly everyone’s heart sank within the room.  Lightning slowly rose, groaning as she extended a hand toward their ally.  “Ven--”


The boy laughed, a merciless cold laugh that sent chills down her spine.  “Guess what, Light?  I’m not Ven.  I  never was.  It was all too easy to use you guys to get me into this place, and now, now I have what I want.”  He tore off the red ribbon and unrolled the scroll, his eyes skimming it longingly.  “Now I finally get to go home.”


“Not how you think!” Ultimecia shouted.  “It’s darker than you could even imagine.  It will take you to that world, yes, but you will lose everything to do it.”


Again the boy smiled, shaking his head.  “That’s the point: I don’t have anything to lose.”


With that, he unrolled the scroll and blew on it, sending its words off the page and into the room.  A cloud of smoke infiltrated the air, and for a moment all was perfectly still.


But only for a brief moment, before chaos struck.  The winds picked up, almost to the point that it caused the Ven-look-alike to lose his balance.  It threw Locke off his feet and knocked Lightning back into the wall, now unconscious.


“What’s happening?!”  Locke demanded, glaring from the boy to Ultimecia.  The sorceress clutched her chest, eyes downcast and breathing hard.


“Everything . . . will be stripped of us.  Our homes, our memories.  Everything that matters.”


Before another word could be uttered, a clap of thunder roared, and this is where you are, and where you’ve been for as long as you can remember:


Destiny Beach.


You live in a city located alongside the coast of Florida.  You’ve been here for as long as you can remember, and you cannot remember a thing beforehand.  However, you don’t even notice that you don’t remember, nor do you care.  Everything is how it’s always been, and magic is nothing more than a fantasy.  Some of you are now doctors, shopkeepers, secretaries, teachers, and some of you still can’t find your place in the world.  Everything stayed this way for a time, until the boy who could unlock the secret--and the spell--arrives on Destiny Beach.


For a few rules:


1.) No Godmodding (this includes controlling or killing another person's character)

2.) No speedhacking (don't land blows on another person's character until they respond, et cetera)

3.) Follow the RP rules and guidelines stickied to this forum

4.) No duplicate characters (meaning two people can’t be Sora, et cetera)

5.) Pairings and romance are fine, but no yaoi or yuri, please

6.) Keep everything PG-13.  I can understand some swearing and violence every now and again, but no explicit scenes, gore, sexual themes, or language that needs this @#$%! done to it. : P

7.) Please be sure that your posts contain a minimum of four lines.  I won’t bite anyone if they do it once in a while, but short posts are difficult to work with and it means more work for the other players communicating with that player.


Now, for the characters: you may choose up to three Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts characters, provided that they play a significant role in the series (like, well, don’t choose the unnamed bartender) and that they aren’t already taken.  As character roles fill I will be listing them in this main thread here, so please be sure to refer to it before creating any character sheets. There will be some special roles for certain characters that I will outline and guide through the RP (Sora, Vanitas, Lightning, Ventus, Locke, and Ultimecia, to name a few), but beyond that it’s pretty free reign.  Please fill out the character sheet below:



Original Game:

Destiny Beach name:


Current occupation:

Destiny Beach backstory and personality:


Taken characters:

FFVIII Ultimecia -- Integrated into the story

FFVI Terra Branford -- Emerald Sustrai

FFVI Locke Cole -- Mystics Apprentice

FFVI Kefka Palazzo -- Mystics Apprentice

FFVIIYuffie Kisaragi -- Emerald Sustrai

FFVII Tifa Lockhart -- Emerald Sustrai

FFIX Zidane Tribal -- Shard the Gentleman

FFX Rikku -- Rikunobodyxiii

FFX Auron -- Scrapmaster

FFXII Balthier -- Rikunobodyxiii

FFXII Fran (Vierra) -- Shard the Gentleman

FFXIII Serah Farron -- Rikunobodyxiii

FFXIII Lightning Farron -- Sabre Lily

FFXIII Oerba Dia Vanille -- Mystics Apprentice

FFXIII Lumina -- Rikunobodyxiii

FFXIII Snow Villiers -- Rikunobodyxiii

FF T-0 Seven -- Sabre Lily

FF T-0 Sice -- Rikunobodyxiii

FF Record Keeper Tyro -- Shard the Gentleman

*KH Vanitas -- Needs a player (temporarily filled)
KH Roxas -- Aqua7KH
KH Terra -- Emerald Sustrai
KH Aqua -- Aqua7KH
KH Xion -- Sabre Lily
Edited by Mystics Apprentice

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I'd roleplay Paddra Nsu Yeul if that's allowed.


Character: Paddra Nsu-Yeul

Original Game: FF XIII-2

Destiny Beach name:  Yuki Campbell

Appearance: Her clothes would be:  http://i00.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/664757754/Korean-new-font-b-vans-b-font-coat-girl-winter-clothing-students-sweater.jpg

Current occupation: Florist Clerk

Destiny Beach backstory and personality: With her calm and alluring personality, she found herself working at the front desk of a flower shop, arranging the store to her own tastes. She secretly wishes to explore more of Florida, but never found a concrete reason to. She spends most of her time at the mall, walking around aimlessly.


Character: Ramza Beoulve

Original Game: FF Tactics

Destiny Beach name: Ran Williams

Appearance: Clothes:  http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NzAwWDcwMA==/z/TJYAAOSw~CRTrNtq/$_35.JPG

Current occupation: Delivery boy for Pizza Hut

Destiny Beach backstory and personality:

Using a small motorcycle to deliver pizza, Ran works to help people even if he goes unnoticed. During his free time, he rides around the city, hoping to serve as a vigilante in case of crimes. Knowing that true heroes are those who are unnoticed, he also takes the time to help people in need without offering his name. Feeling a sense of nobility, he likes to wear dark, formal clothes even during his normal routines.

Edited by Soul Eater Evans

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I'd roleplay Paddra Nsu Yeul if that's allowed.

You've got it!  I'll go ahead and reserve her for you, and once you get a chance you can fill out the character sheet of her modern-world self. : )

Edited by Mystics Apprentice

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Okay, dibs Vanitas and Tidus. Will totally fill out character sheets when I get home later.


Edit: And Riku. Must remember to dibs Riku.

Edited by Oblivion 22

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I'll take... Aqua and Roxas. (I would take some FF characters but sadly I feel I don't know much about most of the FF games to take one yet /shot)

*gasps* You haven't played any of the Final Fantasy games?!  You're missing out! : P  But nah, I'm just kidding; that's completely fine.  I'll pencil you in for Roxas and Aqua, and feel free to create your character sheets for them at your earliest opportunity. : )


Okay, dibs Vanitas and Tidus. Will totally fill out character sheets when I get home later.Edit: And Riku. Must remember to dibs Riku.

Got it!  Vanitas has a rather special role, as he is the one who had enacted the curse and the only character--besides Ultimecia--that still remembers everything.  Feel free to give him any kind of life you'd like, though his role in the plot is a bit more linear than others.

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Got it!  Vanitas has a rather special role, as he is the one who had enacted the curse and the only character--besides Ultimecia--that still remembers everything.  Feel free to give him any kind of life you'd like, though his role in the plot is a bit more linear than others.

Okay. I'm sure I'll be able to think of something for Vanitas. Hehehehehe~... Also, I'm cool with the linear stuff. It might help to keep me focused.

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*gasps* You haven't played any of the Final Fantasy games?! You're missing out! : P But nah, I'm just kidding; that's completely fine. I'll pencil you in for Roxas and Aqua, and feel free to create your character sheets for them at your earliest opportunity. : )Got it! Vanitas has a rather special role, as he is the one who had enacted the curse and the only character--besides Ultimecia--that still remembers everything. Feel free to give him any kind of life you'd like, though his role in the plot is a bit more linear than others.

Oh I've played quite a bit of plenty of FF games! My problem is that they're all so hard I haven't beaten a single one. (Unless Theatrythym counts) I feel like I don't know much about most of the caracters to control one yet. If anything I would take maybe Aerith or perhaps Vaan or Fran, but like I said before I'd rather wait. Hm, Denzel or Marlene would be a cute pick too hm...

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Okay. I'm sure I'll be able to think of something for Vanitas. Hehehehehe~... Also, I'm cool with the linear stuff. It might help to keep me focused.

After seeing you with Chase from The Normal Club I have no doubt of this. ; )  Thanks, Oblivion, and I look forward to seeing what you create for these three!


I'd also like to reserve Ramza Beoulve.

Sounds good.  I'll put you down.


Oh I've played quite a bit of plenty of FF games! My problem is that they're all so hard I haven't beaten a single one. (Unless Theatrythym counts) I feel like I don't know much about most of the caracters to control one yet. If anything I would take maybe Aerith or perhaps Vaan or Fran, but like I said before I'd rather wait. Hm, Denzel or Marlene would be a cute pick too hm...

Ah, sorry about my mistake!  For some reason I was thinking that you probably hadn't played the games, hence the unfamiliarity, but I'm sure you'd do great if you've seen even a bit of their selves in Final Fantasy!  Still, I can understand your hesitancy in playing someone that you don't know if you could fully grasp.  Given the setting and that each character will be a little OOC with their real-world selves you could probably do it and even be a little off, but I'll leave that choice up to you.  I don't mind it either way.  Also, if you change your mind later in the RP and someone's still available you can take one up. : )


And now, a leader should lead by example, yes?  Here's my character sheets, though I'm changing up a few of my characters.



Character: Locke Cole

Original Game: Final Fantasy VI

Destiny Beach name: Skylar Dean

Appearance: Tall and average weight, with pale-brown locks hanging long in his steel-blue eyes.  He generally wears baseball caps

and other hats, jeans, and just the average button-down or t-shirt.  He wears a lot of blue.

Current occupation: Gamestop clerk, and in his spare time he volunteers in an organization to help orphans.  There's been times when he's not-so-honestly retrieved food and clothing for these children, but his heart is in the right place.  Once a thief, always a thief.

Destiny Beach backstory and personality: Locke/Skylar lives in a small apartment off the beach where he can gaze out the window at a marvelous oceanside.  He is quite a loner with no real goal in mind, yet he earns a living working as a sales clerk in a Gamestop.  Skylar has befriended a few of the orphans that he works with, along with others in the organization.


Character: Oerba Dia Vanille

Original Game: Final Fantasy XIII

Destiny Beach name: Rachel Norman

Appearance: Red hair usually pinned back in a ponytail, and sometimes let down, however it is rather fluffy when she does so.  Her eyes are emerald green, usually hidden behind glasses.  Vanille/Rachel wears a lot of skirts and blouses and seems always ready for a party or outing.

Current occupation: Veteranarian

Destiny Beach backstory and personality: Vanille/Rachel is a girl who often sees the good in everyone.  Her primary focus on Destiny Beach is to show her kindness to all, and finds her career as a vet to be very satisfying.  Vanille is very social and outgoing and has good relations with most people on Destiny Beach.

Edited by Mystics Apprentice

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I'll post my sheets later when I actually have time to do it x.xI hope to see a Terra too~

Terra is actually one of my favorite characters, and right now I'm contemplating swapping him out for Kefka.  I'll see if there's much interest in him.  If not . . . *gets ready to give Kefka the boot*. 


Having said that, if anyone really wants Kefka I'd be happy to give him off to a good home.  Just let me know.

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Can I be Lightning? And Xion?

Excellent!  I was really needing a Lightning, as she plays a huge role in the story.  She is a special character and her path is somewhat linear, like Vanitas, but you can still have free reign on her real-world creation, personality, et cetera.  She'll just be guided more concretely than other characters.  I'll put you down for both, and please feel free to fill out the character sheets when you should find the time. : )

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Excellent!  I was really needing a Lightning, as she plays a huge role in the story.  She is a special character and her path is somewhat linear, like Vanitas, but you can still have free reign on her real-world creation, personality, et cetera.  She'll just be guided more concretely than other characters.  I'll put you down for both, and please feel free to fill out the character sheets when you should find the time. : )

I'd do it now but it's busy at work and I need to multitask on my two sheets.What LRFFXIII outfits can I keep is currently my only question :P((And why no yuri :( *god of Yuri is sadface*))

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Poo. Too late for two characters I was hoping for. Oh well. I'll go ahead and post this one and figure out who else I want.


Character: Lumina (Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII)

Destiny Beach name: Eclair Coil

Appearance: http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/085/c/f/look_at_this_place__by_scott13_2-d5ze2bv.jpg

Current occupation: Waitress

Destiny Beach backstory: Eclair moved to town later then some of the other residents of Destiny Beach, but proved to be a popular person after she got a job at the local diner. Chatty and friendly, she likes talking with the customers as she takes their orders, even knowing some of the regulars' orders by heart. While some see her as odd, that doesn't stop her from living like the life of the party.

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I'd do it now but it's busy at work and I need to multitask on my two sheets.What LRFFXIII outfits can I keep is currently my only question :P((And why no yuri :( *god of Yuri is sadface*))

No problem.  Please take your time with it. : )  You're good so long as you make it before the RP starts up.  As for the outfits, hmm . . . .  It is modern-day and none of the characters really bring anything with them from their former lives, but I'd say if there's a couple of outfits from Lightning Returns that look like they could fit in feel free to use them!


Sorry about the yuri/yaoi rule.  It is nothing personal to anyone; I just don't wish for it to be in the RP.


Actually, can I switch out Terra and Terra (FF6 and KH) for Rydia and Edge?

I'm on it. ; )


Poo. Too late for two characters I was hoping for. Oh well. I'll go ahead and post this one and figure out who else I want.Character: Lumina (Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII)Destiny Beach name: Eclair CoilAppearance: http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/085/c/f/look_at_this_place__by_scott13_2-d5ze2bv.jpgCurrent occupation: WaitressDestiny Beach backstory: Eclair moved to town later then some of the other residents of Destiny Beach, but proved to be a popular person after she got a job at the local diner. Chatty and friendly, she likes talking with the customers as she takes their orders, even knowing some of the regulars' orders by heart. While some see her as odd, that doesn't stop her from living like the life of the party.

Were you interested in either Noel, Zack, Edge, or Rydia?  The latter two are now available, and I'm unsure if Zack and Noel will be played for sure.  I'm holding them for a friend just in case, but I can let you know within a day or so if they remain unclaimed.  Either way, Lumina/Eclair is definitely accepted!  However, all of the characters awaken in Destiny Beach and have no recollection of living anywhere else beforehand, so pretty much all of the characters arrive at the same time with the exception of Sora.

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No problem.  Please take your time with it. : )  You're good so long as you make it before the RP starts up.  As for the outfits, hmm . . . .  It is modern-day and none of the characters really bring anything with them from their former lives, but I'd say if there's a couple of outfits from Lightning Returns that look like they could fit in feel free to use them! Sorry about the yuri/yaoi rule.  It is nothing personal to anyone; I just don't wish for it to be in the RP. 

1.) Can Lightning be Sheriff/Resident FBI? I feel she's best fit as law enforcement. And am I allowed to have Lightning and Xion live with each other?

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1.) Can Lightning be Sheriff/Resident FBI? I feel she's best fit as law enforcement.And am I allowed to have Lightning and Xion live with each other?

Actually can Terra be Sheriff? After all, his fall to darkness could fit in with being manipulated by the big bad, like Graham in the show.

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Actually can Terra be Sheriff? After all, his fall to darkness could fit in with being manipulated by the big bad, like Graham in the show.

Sure. I'd prefer Lightnng head up an FBI field officr in Destiny Beach really, I feel like that would fit her far better.If not, ex-Marine Deputy would also fit Either way, Xion is gonna be her suicidal ward who's become a thing for Lightning to protect (since Serah is kinda MIA...)

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