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Have you been deeply inspired by anything from Kingdom Hearts?


75 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you been deeply inspired by anything form Kingdom Hearts?

    • Yes! Inspiration came from a quote.
    • Yes! I was inspired by a character.
    • Yes! I found insperation in one of the plot points of the story.
    • I never really thought about it.
    • No, nothing really jumped out at me.
    • I was inspired by something else (and will post the details bellow).

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Have you been deeply inspired by anything from Kingdom Hearts?


"If you have a dream, don't wait.  Act."

Edited by CrownedCyborgHDMaster

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Hmm...well, I don't know about dEEPLY inspired, but drawing Ansem over and over again, helped me to discover an art style I'm comfortable with! :)

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Yes, the Kingdom Hearts series has definitely inspired me, Riku's story in particular!  His road of redemption and conquest of the darkness was filled with trials and tribulations, and he had to face his own inner demons in order to make peace with himself, and that, to me, is very inspiring!  Imagine the fact that you are working in the shadows for the good of your friends, and you decide not to let them know so that they don't have to worry about you...that's intense stuff!  But yeah, I relate to Riku's character a lot, because I myself battled with my own insecurities and self-doubt in my early years, so I strongly feel for Riku, ya know?

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I never really thought of it, nor didn't have the time to think.

I guess the whole series in general has really inspired me some kind of way. I wish I know--"what"... 

It's storytelling makes me feel better. I felt a bunch of emotions. 

Sora, pretty much cracks me up with the funnies, and all that was going on with him. 

Riku: Of all of the things that he has gone through, that makes him into what he is today.

Kairi and Aqua: Both of them are ladies, and in a way it kind of reminds me of the talk I have with my dad; about me being a woman and I need to learn how to protect myself from predators. I could kind of put myself potentially in their shoes. 

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No. A few other games have inspired me (mainly from a game design perspective). Namely SNES RPGs (FFIV-VI, Chrono Trigger, EarthBound) Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, and, most importantly, Xenoblade.

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I've always loved how Sora's hair resembles Taichi "Tai Kamiya" Yagami hair. Coincidentally, Tai has a friend named Sora Takenouichi (who resembles Nami from One Piece, who has a similar name to Namin'e. ) Also, Terra resembles Sasuke Uchiha in terms of his hair.

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I've always loved how Sora's hair resembles Taichi "Tai Kamiya" Yagami hair. Coincidentally, Tai has a friend named Sora Takenouichi (who resembles Nami from One Piece, who has a similar name to Namin'e. ) Also, Terra resembles Sasuke Uchiha in terms of his hair.


That's not inspiration, that's just comparing similar designs...

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Hell yeah! KH inspired me in every way! It got me into anime, drawing, everything. It is truly the reason why I am like I am today. Most of the things about myself I can trace back to KH, especially my love for stories and whatnot. I was inspired by everything in KH. The music, the story, the characters, everything. Especially Aqua. She's my favorite character and role model. I want to be responsible, grown and strong just like her. Most of all, KH really inspired me to be strong and see that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and it also made me want to help others see that light as well. That's what really means the most to me.

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But it is inspiration because back then it got me into the KH series.


Again, not inspiration.


See, to be inspired by Kingdom Hearts would mean that something from the franchise, whether it be a character, quote, moral etc had an impact on your life. 

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Maybe not inspired, but ever since I got into the series, I find myself sympathizing with people more than before. I see people for who they are inside more than other people do.

My (creative) writing has gotten a lot better, too. My essay writing still sucks.

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I wouldn't say "inspired" by anything in particular, no. I enjoy the series very much, but it hasn't caused me to change the way I would normally act, other than to recommend it as a series =P

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It made me think about all the connections and ties I have with people, even if I'm not linked to them directly. Actually, it made me realise that everything is linked to everything in this universe. Especially people and how hearts are shaped according to your connections.


"Hearts are made of the people we meet, and how we feel about them. They're what ties us together even if we're apart! They're what... Make me strong."



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"No matter how deep the darkness, a light shines within." That's pretty much a summation of how Kingdom Hearts has inspired me over the years. And really, each character's story is very inspiring in their own way! Its hard for me to pick just one thing or one aspect of the series that has touched me. I absolutely love Riku and Axel's stories of redemption and Sora's story of light and how his heart is always open to strangers and his free and unassuming acceptance of others. Roxas and Xion, who just want to live together as a family. And Ventus' undying loyalty to his friends. Yeah, I think Kingdom Hearts is VERY inspiring indeed. <3 

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