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Do you think Star Wars will feature in Kingdom Hearts III?

Do you think Star Wars will feature in Kingdom Hearts III?  

100 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think Star Wars will feature in Kingdom Hearts III?

    • Yeah, I do! If it does happen, it'll be amazing!
    • Yes, I do. Not that excited for it, though.
    • Nope, I don't. I would like to see it, but I don't think it will be in there.
    • Nah... I wouldn't like it if it did.
    • Not really sure... It's KH -- anything is possible!
    • Another option? Tell us below!

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I'm pretty sure we answered a similar question yesterday/two days ago.


Star Wars is already in Kingdom Hearts. Look at Xemnas.


In terms of KH III, maybe. Although I have a feeling they'll stick with the same/similar worlds until the next saga.

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Yeah, I can see if happening, but I don't want it to. I have never truly watched the Star Wars movies and wouldn't know what was going on, plus I think that Star Wars wouldn't fit very well in KH, but I can still see them doing it.

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In some capacity yes. Maybe some sort of reference in weapons or something.


I wouldn't be surprised if a world was there, but I really don't want it to feature.

Edited by KHSoraKeyBlade

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I'm pretty sure we answered a similar question yesterday/two days ago.



In terms of KH III, maybe. Although I have a feeling they'll stick with the same/similar worlds until the next saga.

There's a difference. Before we asked would you like. Today we are asking if you think it will appear. :)

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I don't think it will really be featured as a world or anything. Maybe a nod or reference. I'd love to see it regardless.


As I've thought about it more though, I actually think Avengers would work a lot better. Like, just a straight adaptation of The Avengers would work pretty well, I feel. 

Edited by Kaweebo

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Star Wars is too similar to kingdom hearts for me, I don't think they would be able to do starwars justice like discussing the force without altering the laws of the KH universe, they are both too similar in terms of lore, yet fundamentally different in terms of rules surrounding the lore. The only way they could feature a Star Wars world is if they followed characters who weren't force sensitive like Han or...yeah, Han is the only recognizable character from the entire movie franchise that isn't force sensitive yet plays a major role, so no I don't think it can honestly happen.

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At first, I was a little skeptical about the idea of Star Wars being in Kingdom Hearts, but slowly, I've accepted the notion, and well, while I'd love to see how Star Wars would work in the Kingdom Hearts Universe, I think that the most we'll get in Kingdom Hearts III is probably a gummi ship mission that references and tributes Star Wars, kind of like Assault On The Dreadnaught from Kingdom Hearts II! But then again, Nomura is a man that's been known to deliver surprises, so who knows what'll happen? :D

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No, I don't think so. The live action movies that were in KH, namely Tron and Pirates, still had a child-like aura.


Star wars is way too serious, and so far only the main story of KH is allowed to be that serious.


As for a character being a summon or a guest, that is much more likely.

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I highly doubt that Disney will allow Square Enix to put Star Wars into KH. Same goes for Marvel. I already put my reasoning the other day, I won't go again. If you want me to go over it again, just ask. xD


But seriously, like I said, I don't think Disney would like this idea and if they allowed Square Enix to test it out, I'd rather they'd do it AFTER KH3, in case it becomes a failure.

Edited by Master Eraqus

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