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Bad Grammar

How much can you tolerate?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. How much can you tolerate?

    • None, I'm a grammar nazi. GRAMMATICK HIEL!
    • It gets on my nerves when people don't correctly use grammar
    • As long as it is readable, it doesn't bother me unless its really bad.
    • I don't care at all
    • wAt iz diz GrAmerz U speck off?

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How much bad grammar can you tolerate?


Please select whatever applies.


This includes bad spelling as well.


Personally, I chose the third one.


The third option got messed up a bit. It's actually "As long as it's a joke I don't care. it doesn't bother me if its really bad.

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Sorry, but not much. xD I want to be an author when I grow up, and write stories all the time, my longest being 500-something pages. Naturally I just type everything I would in a story, and I just can't stand abbreviations. It takes me forever to figure out what on earth they've typed. It takes away the fun if you don't understand what you're reading.

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Sorry, but not much. xD I want to be an author when I grow up, and write stories all the time, my longest being 500-something pages. Naturally I just type everything I would in a story, and I just can't stand abbreviations. It takes me forever to figure out what on earth they've typed. It takes away the fun if you don't understand what you're reading.


My Dad's former boss always says "Do not use an abbreviation unless 3 million people know it."

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fixed your poll forr yaa

&idc as long as i can understand what they're saying, unless its in an actual written piece, like roleplay posts or stories or et cetera. then youre an idiot if you cant be bothered to use proper grammar, like you'd be an idiot to not use proper grammar when giving a speech or reading something out loud.

idk if that made sense, im not one for wording things in an understandable way aha;; (':

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koko dosnt gett wht u men abut bad gramarzz? koko fels ofended D8



It annoys me when it's so bad I can't read it xD It hurts my eyes sometimes ;;

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It's really annoying, bad grammar. Especially on the net. At least in RL, people don't talk like how they type on the net. This makes me happy, because some people have atrocious spelling and grammar skills, especially a select few members that come on this site.

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Well, once in a while, it's perfectly fine. Same if it's just their writing style; it's excusable. But if it's shows up in every single post when it's not a joke, then something is wrong. I swear, I asked this one guy on another forum if he could write properly like 10 times, and to this day, I still continue to see him butcher the english language beyond recognition.


Thank god people don't talk like this in real life.

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If it's not unreadable, I'm okay with it. But if it's an entire run-on smushed together or just SO bad, I can't stand it. ._.


If people are joking around and it's understandable that that's what they're doing I'm okay with it as well.


If someone is writing or role-playing though I really think they need to be careful when writing. Also, sometimes when someone starts a topic there are occasions on here where I HAD to change the first post of a topic so it made more sense. Some topic starters were that bad with their grammar and what not. Other people couldn't jump into the discussion. o-o


Run-on's and random capital letters for some odd reason bother me a whole lot. If it's a bad run on like:


"Hello my Name is Kaiso and I am Looking Forward to Chatting on This Website because I Love Kingdom Hearts and I think that This website Looks Cool I can't wait To Be a part of The Discussions Because everyone sounds like they're So Cool and So Fun this Website is Just amazing I love it."


I've seen it a few times. o_o... those bother me.


If it's minor mistakes I can pass by it without it really bothering me, but if there's more than one I kind of..... yeaaah. o.e

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I love seeing people with nice grammar skills and it's a pleasant to read things by authors/writers that use grammar properly. I can't stand reading fanfics with horrible grammar or anything that relates with writing. Like if I see a few misspelled words then that just makes me stop reading it all together and when I read a book and see misspelled words or incorrect punctuation then I feel like I died inside a little. o.e

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Someone on some website posted such a terrible post once. I couldn't stand it. It bothered me at the fact they were trying to be so serious... it was just so sad.


I tried to encourage the person to use proper grammar and it was a rather lengthy and somewhat insulting post (even though I had no intention of insulting said person)


Then the Secretary General (this was a game clan centered around an alliance. The secretary general is what we might call a President or Prime Minister) told me to take down what I said. Which I listened because that is a forum I spent a really long time at and liked a lot.


that is what made me create this thread.

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I barley have any patience what so ever for it, I'm always pretty irritated when someone uses bad grammar on here, one carreer I want to make could be a author so I like seeing close to perfect grammar

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I'm no grammatic expert myself... but, I absolutely HATE it when people spell bad unnecessarily.

When someone types "2" instead of to/too/two... or "U" instead of "You"... I get INFURIATED.

I mostly gripe over spelling...



And I like how some people on here are complaining about grammar... when some misused it themselves.

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Yes, it gets annoying most of the time especially here in the Philippines, where 75% of the population really have no idea how to use proper grammar. To me and probably most people, proper English grammar is a sign that you're a dignified, educated person. We even have what you call the Jejemons, a vast group of people who use what most people refer to as Leet Speak via text and the internet. Although I'm not really pissed by it, it's enough to make me want to stop talking to a person using it. It's just a little annoying because sometimes no matter how hard I try, I really can't understand what they're trying to say.


But I barely correct people. Sometimes I just don't wanna feel like a know-it-all douchebag so I refrain myself from correcting people's grammar.

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if you can understand it, and read it, even if it sbad then its okay. hey maybe the person has deslexiya, or something. can not judge bro. jsut move on and go with the flow.

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..........I tend to do this when things become boring, like how I was telling people that we "hav lobstrz 4 evybdy!!!!" but that's only when I troll, if somebody does it unknowingly, then it means they don't actually know grammar, which is bad for anybody over 10 :( It's sad when people actually can't spell IRL, because that means they should really be getting off the forums and back into their English Classroom, at least before the spelling gets out of hand for good.......


Basically, troll/joke posts = fine

Unknowing bad spelling = fail, get back into the classroom, and once you're done, make me a sandwich

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Spelling doesn't bother me that much, as I am usually able to tell what they are trying to say. It is the post that have no punctuation whatsoever that annoy me. Also, I hate it when people don't capitalize things. I am kinda in the middle for abbreviations. The really only annoy me when I don't know what they mean, or are used very excessively. I also hate the word "Lol", and am myself trying to stop using it.


In short:

i rly h8 it wen pepl dont use punctuation and write rly long sentences w/out very well grammer and just keep going on forever & dont think they need capitilization and use hrd to undrstand abrvtions*


*To be honest, it killed me a little inside to write like that. And I actually found it very difficult to actually use bad grammar.

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@ Fredfred By any chance was this person Rue? Cause 1 Im sure his atrocious grammar is intentional cause if you check his earlier posts its actually humanly possible to understand him but then it gradually degenerates into his present attention grabbing word vomit! Then 2 hes probably the worst offender for god awful grammar on the site

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It drives me absolutely insane.



I AM a grammar Nazi. There's no getting around it. I try not to comment, really, because I know it gets people annoyed when I nitpick their spelling and punctuation errors, but, honestly... I really struggle to stand it.


I can bear it and not get irritated when it's just the odd typo or something; everyone makes them, including me. Especially me. I type like an imbecile half the time. But when there are constant spelling mistakes, abbreviations, not enough or too many punctuation marks... Gahhhh.


And, when someone can barely spew out a single sentence without horrible mistakes, and it's utterly unreadable? Ohhh boy, I get mad. I practically hold pointless grudges against people who do that- I'm just like "Well, THEY can't spell, what an idiot. Guh, IGNORE." Yes, it's bitchy, but I can't help it.


It's already been referenced here, but it IS funny how a couple of people here are all "I HATE BAD GRAMMAR PEOPLE" when they are just as terrible. I know, people might have dyslexia or something, then it's forgivable, mostly. I can look past it, sure. Buuuuuuut... some people get huffy because they're younger, which is... ridiculous, really. It's no excuse. I've seen "younger" members on here, not in their teens, who can spell and use correct grammar just fine. I could use it LONG before I was in high school- before I was ten.


btw, ''None, I'm a grammar nazi. GRAMMATICK HIEL!'', 'nazi' needs a capital N, and it is spelt 'Grammatic Hell'

...It's not supposed to be the English spelling. It's like "HIEL/HEIL HITLER" only with grammar instead of Hitler. I can't spell THAT, heh, I know. I'm kind of being a hypocrite there. Oh, and I will have doubtless made at least three stupid grammar or spelling mistakes in this post, simply because I'm talking about it. Sod's law.

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I'm not perfect at gramar, and I'm a 100% fail when it comes to spelling, but it does kinda piss me off when posts have, like, numbers and random ass abreviations that no one can read.


I'm probably being a major hypocrit right now. xD

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