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Been Playing Birth By Sleep Final Mix on Critical Mode.

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[Mild spoilers for Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep - Final Mix]


This holiday I picked up a preowned PS3, KH 1.5 and 2.5, and Final Fantasy X/X-2 with some money I received. I played KH2 on normal and beat it, and then started BBS and decided I wanted a challenge. So I started it on critical as Ven. It was not particularly hard or easy, it seemed to be a good balance of both. I mean I grinded a lot and got about 10-20 levels higher than the world's level. But then I got to the second to last Vanitas boss fight. Dear Lord, I kept on getting floored and losing thirty seconds into the fight. Eventually by some stroke of luck I was able to defeat him, and then I started the last boss fight. I take back that last fight being hard, that was a piece of cake compared to this fight. My last attempt was January. I would have completed it by now, but I have been at college. So studies come first. But finals are next week. So you can bet that I am going to finish this game soon. 


So that was my first critical playthrough experience of a Kingdom Hearts game. What was yours?

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