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Endless Blade Waltz; Rebirth (OOC/Sign up thread)

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*Punches your face* WHY!!!!

Google was complaining I ran out of space on the drives and I didn't wanna pay the like 15 bucks for more space because that's like 1 dollar's worth of a video game and with like 3 more I could have bought a game instead so i just deleted like half my old files I thought I had a copy on my PC but I didn't cause I'm stupid whyyyyy

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My god. Alexander actually has good stats now. He is not a scientist level IQ anymore :DAlbeit Hektor looks weak. Really weak, agility low as firetruck and defense as well. GG

uhhhh... yeah can i get a re-roll... I don't think my character has an IQ of 9. That makes me feel stupid.

Oume right?You shouldnt be worrying about yourn IQ you should eorry about your health. 3 hp!!!

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uhhhh... yeah can i get a re-roll... I don't think my character has an IQ of 9. That makes me feel stupid.

...I just looked over the page, and God damn it Google you didn't save the rolls for class-boosted stats x.x I'll be rolling those again, god damn it x.x.

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Oh. I recalled that she was a boot-strapping gut-punching warrior, my apologies. However, lucky for you, I feel lazy so I won't be rerolling her.Regardless, it's done, your base stats, once again.On a quick note, you guys made out overall better (someone even landed a 30 stat, which approaches the max possible base stat in the beginning.) Meaning that they're starting strong somewhere.


On top of this, I've done a little color formatting and it looks significantly better.

Edited by Guest

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You going to update your earlier post or gonna put up another link? Im interested in Alex and Hek's stats...

The current link should, in theory, work as it's a link to the sheet itself that I just turned editing permissions off for anyone viewing but myself.



This, in theory, should be the new sheet, it's not done but it has the base stats on it, at least.

For those whom need it, since we are on a new page. I just tested it, it works.

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Holy shit Hektor is practicaly immune to magic (34 resistance! xD), and Alexander has only 9 strenght? he had the same ammount before you re rolled it, bug maybe? or just horrid luck?


Hektor is tied to the highest IQ of 21 with some others, I also like how a gentleman who fights with a cane has the second highest strenght stat of everyone xD he's gonna beat some ass with that thing...

Edited by Scrapmaster

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Holy shit Hektor is practicaly immune to magic (34 resistance! xD), and Alexander has only 9 strenght? he had the same ammount before you re rolled it, bug maybe? or just horrid luck?


Hektor is tied to the highest IQ of 21 with some others, I also like how a gentleman who fights with a cane has the second highest strenght stat of everyone xD he's gonna beat some ass with that thing...

Alex had 5 strength earlier and then got a 3 on the strength boost role. Mind you, he's a warrior, so he rolled two times for the stat, and got the highest number of the two. Yes, your luck sucked.

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Alex had 5 strength earlier and then got a 3 on the strength boost role. Mind you, he's a warrior, so he rolled two times for the stat, and got the highest number of the two. Yes, your luck sucked.


firetrucking A man, and this time he doesn't have high IQ to help him out xD. He has more range with that halberd i guess -_-


Hektor though, holy shit...

Edited by Scrapmaster

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firetrucking A man, and this time he doesn't have high IQ to help him out xD. He has more range with that halberd i guess -_-


Hektor though, holy shit...

I think Hektor decided to swallow half of Alex's luck, consuming the points for himsellllllllf.

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If he hits 1000+ on a crit with that cane im gonna laugh really hard.


DOn't firetruck with this gentleman xD

Well, right now with that high attack, if he critical hits, he already does 72 damage, never mind base stats of equipment.

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Well, right now with that high attack, if he critical hits, he already does 72 damage, never mind base stats of equipment.

Not only that but his resistance stat is the highest of all stats of everyone xD, he's gonna shrug off so many spells.

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Not only that but his resistance stat is the highest of all stats of everyone xD, he's gonna shrug off so many spells.



Now, everyone pooost.

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If I could tell ya, I would.ButbasicallyIkindahavetowritethebiothatIforgot.



You could always make a new OC instead, no harm no fowl.

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