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The Disappearance Of The Moon [1x1 With AuroraSky69]

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She looked at him and whispered to him."Yes there is. Reason why is because..."She looked at the river trying to think of a way to tell him that she can too. "Um.. never mind."She said still looking at the river water.

She kept on thinking about the wolf and the little blue light they saw not to long ago. "Did anyone else see them?"She said under her breath.

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Chad looked at her. "Tell me. It can't be that hard, can it?" He said. "...You can see them too can't you." Before she could speak up, he said, "I know you can... because of this." He pointed to his scarred eye, the eye that could see auras.

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Bella's eye's got wide when she heard what he said. She turned her head slowly to see he was pointing to the scar on his eye. She couldn't speak at at all.She nodded yes to him. "You can see them with your scarred eye?"She asked him.

She blinked her eye's twice to make them change color again. She saw where the aura signal (?) Was coming from and it was coming from his eye with the scar.

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"...Uh, yeah." He answered. Then they heard a yell.. it was a little kid laughing and yelling at the same time at his dog; Mushini, who was playing with his dog, Jin, as he did everyday. "Hey Jin come back!" He said as he ran. the dog ran up on the bridge. Chad, with his 'aura eye' saw a Satomi power Orb strapped to the dog's neck... that must have meant it was a canine warrior. Satomi Power Orbs come from Kusa village, and they are the symbol of peace, and justice.


"..Hm." He said, upon sight of the Orb. Mushini eventually caught up to Jin. "Sorry," He said to Chad and Bella.


"Uh, it's fine Mushi." He replied, as Mushi started walking the dog home.


(It was all I could think of for now, and I didn't want this RP to die.)

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(I don't want it to either)

Bella smiled at Mushi and watched him walk away."It's fine."She said to him as Mushini kept on walking away. The dog kept on walking and then he turned around and ran towards Bella and tackled her. She fell down to the ground laughing and petting the dog. Mushini ran back over to where Bella,Chad and his dog were."I'm so sorry Miss. He's usually not like this."

Bella stood up and wiped the dirt off her pants and smiled. "It's fine."She said to him kindly.


(All I could think of sorry)

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Chad helped her up as she got up, and watched Mushi and Jin walk away. He smiled. It seemed that no one had their eyes on them, so Chad got up from his sitting position. He held his hand out for her to take. "Come with me... I wanna show you something." He said.

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She took his hand and got back on to her feet."Thank you Chad, and what is it you want to show me?"She asked him.She looked at him for a minute and then she forgot her eye's were still red. So she blinked twice again to make them go back to there normal color.

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"You'll see," He took her outside the village, since none of the villagers were watching... they would probably just stop them. Outside the village waited the most large and beautiful field of all Nippon... Shinshu Field. (This music plays:

) Rife with vegetation, a Guardian Sapling right in the middle of the field, (A guardian sapling is a huge cherry blossom tree that protects an area from the darkness as long as it is in bloom.) many, many animals roaming the place... there were more than three paths to other places, but there were three main paths, to important places: Kamiki Village, The Moon Cave (The cave where they slayed Orochi.) , and Agata Forest. Of course, since the moon disappeared, darkness started slowly rolling into Shinshu Field... so they couldn't be too careful. Of course, the darkness hadn't taken much of the field yet; it was still very enjoyable.

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Bella's eyes widened when she saw the beautiful field. She walked right next to Chad as the both entered the Shinshu field."Wow this place is beautiful!She said in amazement at what she was seeing just then at that moment.She walked over to the cherry blossom tree and she just looked up at the tree and how pretty it looked.She turned and walked back over to Chad and smiled."I'm sorry I got carried away. Why did you bring me here Chad?"She asked him smiling still.

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(Axel it said File not found so it didn't come up.)

"Well thank you for showing me this place it's really beautiful."She said to him. Then she heard him ask her if she wanted to see Tama the man who was making the fireworks for the festival."Um are you sure he won't mind if we just go and see him uninvited? I don't want to be rude or anything to anyone I don't really know."She said looking at him.

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(Darnit; I forgot it was 100 years after Okami, so Tama can't still be alive lol. How about Tama-Chan? ;D I dunno LoL. Hmm... Hanabi. Yea Hanabi is a good name.)


"Nah; He'll be fine." He answered. Then he remembered, Hanabi was pretty much nocturnal; he slept at day and was active at night. "But maybe we should go to his house at night, not now."


~That Night~


They had actually stayed at the field the whole day... (I'm gonna make them see Sunterasu soon.) Even though the moon was gone... there was still the light from the stars. If you looked very closely at the stars, you could see 13 different constellations. Contellations of the Gods. Chad named them all outloud... "(I can't remember all their names all their names so yea xD let's just say he names all 12 and then...) ...and Sunterasu." He finished.

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"You know all those by heart don't you?"she asked him and laughing a little about what she just said.

"That's cool how you know them all."She looked at the last contellation of the god Sunterasu in the sky.'That looks like that Wolf I saw in town earlier.'She thought to herself in her head.She kept looking at that one contellation.

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"Yea." He looked back at her. He forgot they were supposed to go to Hanabi's house. Before he could say anything about it though, he noticed a wolf watching them from a distance. It was standing next to the Guardian Sapling. It was the wolf from earlier, and in his dreams. And even... in the constellations. He found himself staring at it, wondering what it was, then snapped out of it. "Uh.." Was all he muttered out, from the initial shock of seeing that wolf again.

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Bella turned to him and looked at him for a second."Are you okay Chad?"She asked him with concern. She looked in the direction he was looking and saw the wolf was right there watching them. (Stalker)

Her eye's widened when she saw the wolf. she couldn't find her voice for a minute then she finally said."Chad can you see him to? Can you see Sunterasu, too?"She asked him not looking back at him.

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"...Yea. I think so."


Ankami was still on Sunterasu's head. So Sunterasu started to walk away... yet... Chad had the urge to follow her for some reason. He didn't know why, he just did.

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Bella started to get up from off the ground and she walked slowly towards the wolf."Chad come on..."She said as she kept walking towards the wolf and Ankami.


"Sunny! Look that one girl is walking towards us!"He said jumping up and down on the top of his head.

Sunterasu stopped and turned around to see Bella was walking towards them both. He just stood there.

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"Uh...right." Chad said, and followed.


Sunterasu turned back around and kept going. She wondered if they would keep following her... Sunterasu kept walking and walking, and eventually got to a tunnel that lead to Agata Forest.


Chad and Bella followed. The forest had a sense of evil in it... it wasn't a strong evil, though. It seems in different parts of Nippon... the evil was weaker, or stronger. This had started since the moon disappeared.


Agata Forest even had a small cursed zone. The cursed zones were marked by black areas, outlined with red... probably red because it resembled blood. And black resembled darkness.


A black and smoky tendril suddenly shot out of the cursed zone straight at Bella. Chad quickly unsheathed his scimitar which was strapped to his back and sliced the tendril in half before it could reach Bella. He now had a look on his face that basically said, 'I'm not getting a good vibe from this place.'

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Bella turned around and saw that Chad had just saved her from something that was about to attack her.She ran over to him and stood in front of him. "Chad are you okay?"she asked him in a worried voice.She had a,"I hope's he's okay." look on her face.She was worried that he might have gotten hurt by whatever was going to attack her.She still stood there looking at him waiting for him to answer her.

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"Yea, I'm fine." He answered. He turned to look at her. "What about you..?" He asked. He noticed Sunterasu walking toward these sort of ruins in the forest, with Ankami still bouncing on her head, happy as he could be. But he turned his attention away from them for now and turned back to Bella, waiting for an answer.

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"I'm fine, thank's for asking."She said to him then put a smile on her face. She turned to see Sunterasu. She saw her walking away still.She saw Ankami still bouncing around. She laughed quietly and turned to Chad."Should we follow them,Chad?"She asked.


Ankami kept bouncing on top of Sunny's head. He turned around and saw Chad and Bella talking."Hey Sunny! I think there not going to follow us anymore!"Sunterrasu just kept on walking away deeper into the forest. Deeper into the darkness.


Bella waited there for Chad to answer her question.

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"That's up to you." Chad answered.


Sunterasu entered the ruins. The cursed zone was much stronger here. But nevertheless, Sunterasu kept walking. Ankami interrupted the silence by asking something. "Hey, Sunny. Who do you think those teens were? I don't think they were normal people." Sunterasu moaned in response, but she did consider what he was saying. She turned around and looked at the entrance to see if they would follow them.



(This part is a joke, it doesn't happen in the story..)


Chad comes in the ruins and he's all like "WAZZUP"


And Ankami's all like "WAZZUP"


And Chad's all like "WAZZUP"


And Ankami's all like "WAZZUP"


And Chad's all like "WAZZUP"


And Ankami's all like "WAZZUP"


Sunny: Stfu.

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"I kind want to see where there going."Bella answered Chad.She kept looking at where she saw Sunny and Akami last.'I wonder what there going to do and who there are.'She thought to herself in her head.She turned to Chad and said."We don't have to go if you don't want to you know I don't want to force you into doing something you don't want to do."she said and smiled at him.

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"Heh, you think I'm gonna back down?" He crossed his arms with a snicker on his face. "I'm not chicken." He teased. He stepped towards the eery ruins and entered. If it wasn't for Sunterasu's divine white light it would be pitch-black in there. Hm... wonder where that wolf and that sprite are going, anyways. He walked towards them. He looked back to make sure Bella was behind him.

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Bella walked behind him. She looked ahead to see if she could see Sunterasu and the other blue fairy thing was still walking.

She walked right behind Chad. She didn't say anything to him.


Sunterasu stood there looking at Bella and Chad coming there way.

Akami jumped up and down."Sunny there coming! I wonder why there coming our direction!"He said still jumping up and down.

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