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Film Marvel's Spider-Man Film Will Star Peter Parker!

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Hey there everyone, how's it going!?  Well then, as you all probably know by now, Marvel and Sony struck a deal in which Spider-Man will now be crossing over into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which is just splendid news for all of us Spidey fans! X_X  Anyways, a lot of debate was going around as to which direction Marvel was going to take now that they had Spidey in their custody.  Obviously, Peter Parker was the first choice, but a lot of others were also talking about Miles Morales, the young man who became Spider-Man in the Ultimate comics.  A lot of speculation was going around, but apparently, Marvel decided to go with Parker.  Here's the link to the article!




I'm just glad that this time around, Parker is already Spider-Man, which means that we don't have to see an origin story again!  I imagine that anything regarding his origins will be saved for flashbacks.  Anyways, what do you all think?  Are you all excited for this news!?  Gah, I just can't wait to see Spidey appear alongside the Avengers! X_X

Edited by Shigehiko

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Haha, that's right!  Marvel wanted to ditch the origin story and put Parker as an already established Spider-Man! :D


I'm so glad. This literally just reaffirms how great the MCU tends to be. Opening of the film should just be Spidey standing on a balcony humorously paraphrasing his backstory. Watching the first Avengers right now in anticipation of the second one and can't wait to see Spidey in Avengers 3.

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I'm so glad. This literally just reaffirms how great the MCU tends to be. Opening of the film should just be Spidey standing on a balcony humorously paraphrasing his backstory. Watching the first Avengers right now in anticipation of the second one and can't wait to see Spidey in Avengers 3.

Haha, that'd be an amazing way to start the film! X3  And haha, I've been watching all the MCU movies with my two best friends/soul brothers Jonathan and Dennys in anticipation of Age Of Ultron! :3


Cool , i'm kinda sick and tired with the origin story anyway .

Haha, yeah, it's a good thing that we know the origin story is out of the picture. xD

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No origin movie? Well I guess that's both a relief, a disappointment, and a conundrum, as I'm really perplexed as to how they will explain how he got his powers. Flashbacks? Well, maybe it could work, but it might be very difficult to mix the drama of that story with whatever plot is going on already without making it seem too brief or intrusive. But, I think it could be done and done well, provided it's handled directly. So long as the characters and story are fleshed out well and the casting choice for Peter is smart, I will be greatly looking forward for this new Spidy.

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No origin movie? Well I guess that's both a relief, a disappointment, and a conundrum, as I'm really perplexed as to how they will explain how he got his powers. Flashbacks? Well, maybe it could work, but it might be very difficult to mix the drama of that story with whatever plot is going on already without making it seem too brief or intrusive. But, I think it could be done and done well, provided it's handled directly. So long as the characters and story are fleshed out well and the casting choice for Peter is smart, I will be greatly looking forward for this new Spidy.

Yes, my thought is that the way Spidey's origins will be explained is via flashbacks, and I'm certain that it could work!  It'll be interesting to see how Marvel takes its spin on its iconic web-head!  Now I'm just desperate to know who'll be the villain!  I hope it's a Spidey foe we haven't yet seen portrayed on film! :3


This is very old news

Yes, I know it's old news, but this article was written yesterday, confirming that Peter will indeed be the one to be Spider-Man in the MCU, since weeks prior, it was unknown whether Marvel would stick to Peter or decide to go a different route with Miles Morales. :3


I'm glad, I grew up with Peter Parker... Miles Morals is cool and everything, but Peter Parker is truly the only Spider-man! 

Yeah, Peter Parker is da man!  Although I'd like to see Miles Morales somewhere down the line! :D

Edited by Shigehiko

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Yes, my thought is that the way Spidey's origins will be explained is via flashbacks, and I'm certain that it could work!  It'll be interesting to see how Marvel takes its spin on its iconic web-head!  Now I'm just desperate to know who'll be the villain!  I hope it's a Spidey foe we haven't yet seen portrayed on film! :3


Yes, I know it's old news, but this article was written yesterday, confirming that Peter will indeed be the one to be Spider-Man in the MCU, since weeks prior, it was unknown whether Marvel would stick to Peter or decide to go a different route with Miles Morales. :3


Yeah, Peter Parker is da man!  Although I'd like to see Miles Morales somewhere down the line! :D

Maybe Chameleon? He was Spidey's first big bad back in the day. :3

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Maybe Chameleon? He was Spidey's first big bad back in the day. :3

I like the sound of that!  And if I remember correctly, Chameleon took the appearance of Spidey and made a bad reputation out of him!  It'd definitely be interesting to see how this could play out in a film!  I like the way you're thinking! :D

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What, Im kind of upset that there won't be a miles morales spiderman, not as upset as Donald glover, but disappointed nonetheless, if they wanted to do this right, marvel would have rights to Peter Parker spidey, and Sony can have access to miles morales Spider-Man. Marvel can use the regular spiderman title while Sony can have ultimate spiderman be the title this will seperate the two series and make the miles seem a tad bit cooler and then later down the road they can have both Spider-Man's in a crossover movie one day...oh god, Sony, marvel, you're already in bed together just make this happen please.

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