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A KH3 world I think will be in the game.

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Now this all a theory I have and I'm open to hear if you agree with me or not. Okay so normally in a KH game we get a secret boss that always ends up in the next game and revolves around it. So something I just noticed in Dream Drop Distance. One of the secret boss's was a dream eater; a frog to be precise. Now I just thought that maybe this dream eater was created as a secret boss because they couldn't get the rights to use the Princess and The Frog and was nearly hinting at this as a world for KH3. So like I said it's just what I believe and you guys can disagree with me.

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It's true that secret bosses become characters in later games: Unknown to Xemnas, Lingering Will to Terra and Mysterious Figure to Young Xehanort. But they don't get their own world. I like your idea, but I don't think a random enemy (or pallette-swap of a random enemy) will inspire a world; if anything, the world would be there just because the film came out relatively recently.

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Are you talking about Lord Kyroo because I think of him more as a minigame enemy than a secret boss and that's because he isn't really hard to beat.


I like your theory though. These 3 Dream Eaters (Lord, Sir and Chef Kyroo) do look like scrapped enemies for a Princess and the Frog world.

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I wouldn't consider Lord Kyroo to be a secret boss. Plus there have been legit secret bosses that have nothing to do with future games. Kurt Zisa and Phanton at the clock tower are good examples of this.

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I thought the only secret boss in DDD was Julius.

Yeah this frog isn't even a boss. It's just a dream eater, and one of the easiest to kill at that. It just takes forever to kill since it has 12 bars of HP.


While it's very possible this suggested world might be in KH3, I don't think this is a hint at all. It doesn't resemble anything in that movie other than the fact that it's a frog prince. If it were, it'd be the /only/ dream eater to represent a Disney character. Another reason why I don't think it is...

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