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Mariotehplumber Blasts Chris Sabat On Twitter

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it's almost like he wants attention and is good at getting it by getting people to spread stuff like this all across the internet


Thank you for giving us the definition of a troll, Captain Smart Ass.

Edited by Firaga Sensei

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I trolled him to find out what he is truly like, and I have learned he is a jackass! He doesn't ljke Kingdom Hearts and he hates anyone with talent. He truly is one of those souls that will burn in the Underworld!

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seems like you need it if you still play right into them


Ignoring trolls doesn't make them go away.


Besides, tehplumber has dug his own grave at this point. If his internet history follows him into the later stages of his life, he's going to be f*ck out of luck.

Edited by Firaga Sensei

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Ignoring trolls doesn't make them go away.

So instead you spread their name and notoriety, thereby ensuring they get more viewers/subscribers/whatever so they keep doing what they do?Logic, neh.

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So instead you spread their name and notoriety post his shenanigans on a forum where everybody already doesn't like him, thereby ensuring they get more viewers/subscribers/whatever proof of why they're a twatbag so they keep doing what they do even though it doesn't matter because they're already one foot in the grave in terms of social status?


Logic, neh.


I fixed that for you.


And to answer your question: yes.

Edited by Firaga Sensei

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I fixed that for you.

If they had any self-awareness whatsoever they wouldn't be doing it in the first place. I hate to use the cliche term of "feeding the trolls", but that's exactly what this is. Any kind of reaction is a plus for those kinds of people.I mean, venting is all well and good too, but deliberately calling attention to some troll du jour's antics doesn't really accomplish anything.

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If they had any self-awareness whatsoever they wouldn't be doing it in the first place.


Except that they do. And they still do it regardless.


Look, I'm not trying to bust your balls, but can you not be the second person to be called "Captain Smart Ass"?

Edited by Firaga Sensei

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Except that they do. And they still do it regardless. Look, I'm not trying to bust your balls, but can you not be the second person to be called "Captain Smart Ass"?

I wear that title proudly, sir!My point being you're only going to actually make yourself unhappier by getting further into this stuff, and that's a shame. Focus on fun things, happy things!

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I wear that title proudly, sir!My point being you're only going to actually make yourself unhappier by getting further into this stuff, and that's a shame. Focus on fun things, happy things!


Really? Well alright then.


I don't even pay attention to these things most of the time. I just saw it on my Twitter feed earlier today. And I'm not even mad at this either. I'm actually the opposite because a) Sabat's way of dealing with him made me laugh and b) I can't feel anything towards tehplumber because he has literally numbed my ability to feel any emotion towards him other than "...". He's gotten that bad.


So yeah, don't worry, I'm happy and crap. lol

Edited by Firaga Sensei

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Christopher Sabat is one of my favorite VA's. X_X Glad to see him put this dumb troll in his place (even if mariotehplumber is too stupid to see it).


This is the guy who bought like thousands of dollars of Amiibos just so people would have a hard time finding their favorite characters, yeah? Honestly, I want to say that there's no one out there who actually takes this idiotic man-child seriously, but sadly I have a feeling there's some who support him. :/ I think all anyone can really do is ignore is idiotic tantrums and wait for him to fade, unfortunately.

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