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Half Life 3 (not) Confirmed (for now?) so says Gabe himself?

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Yeah so there is that although it dose say in the video that Half Life wasn't mentioned by name so their is a change for it to come out, I never really gotten into Half Life at all or any Valve games for that mater but still just some little info for you all who have gotten into those kinds of games.

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It kinda has to come. :/ I haven't finished HL2 yet (Although I love it), but from what I've heard, episode 2 ended off on a cliffhanger. Also, HL3 was mentioned long, long ago. We know it's coming, it's just a matter of when. Reporting on stuff like this is pointless, to be honest.

Edited by Akame

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It kinda has to come. :/ I haven't finished HL2 yet (Although I love it), but from what I've heard, episode 2 ended off on a cliffhanger. Also, HL3 was mentioned long, long ago. We know it's coming, it's just a matter of when. Reporting on stuff like this is pointless, to be honest.


HL3 rumors are like KH3 rumors- they're not gonna stop until the game comes out, and even then probably not for a few weeks.


And oh my god, HL2 Ep. 2 has like the most infamous clifhanger in video game history. Imagine if SE stopped making KH games after CoM and had been working on KH2 for the past decade; that's about the level of blue balls people got and continue to get from Valve.

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