Aqua7KH 5,395 Posted December 2, 2015 Miguel whipped his head around to look at Grim all while rapidly gesturing his hand around in Stiles' direction. "But he started it!" Miguel complained, to which Stiles rolled his eyes. "You are acting like a child..." He uttered. Grim then left, and what happened next surprised them both. Miguel's jaw completely dropped. He had to suppress a loud snort. Stiles meanwhile rubbed the back of his head, but got his rifle ready. It was... Strange. But it'll do. The husband meanwhile was crying, looking down hopelessly as he begged for mercy. "Please...!" He cried. "Don't hurt my wife! Do whatever you want to us but let her go!" The second man growled. "He's not going to listen to us! He's going to kill us either way!" The leader grinned. "I like this guy. He speaks the truth. Now-" he suddenly grabbed the woman by the hair, and yanked her up which caused her to shriek. "Say goodbye to your precious wife and-" "Uh, boss!" "What the f*** is that?!" The leader instantly turned around and saw... A zombie? He threw the woman to the ground. "What the hell?" The leader asked. "Whatever, kill it!" He took out his gun and aimed for Grim, but suddenly a loud gunshot rang through the air. The gun was shot out of the leader's hand instantly which caused him to drop to the floor and clutch his now bleeding hand in pain. "Agh!!!" He yelled. The leader's goons looked around fearfully, going to aim where Stiles was before Stiles began to shoot. He shot at the ground at first so that way he wouldn't risk hurting the people he was trying to rescue. As they were going for some kind of cover, the husband grabbed his partner and wife, and ran to the nearest boulder to cover behind. Miguel honestly was distracted by Grim, and didn't even realize a firefight just started. He took out his handgun instantly and began to shoot, shooting one of the goons in the chest twice before he dropped to the ground. Another one ran straight for Grim, with his knife out and ready to kill. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted December 2, 2015 The distraction worked like a charm. It was better than all other distractions he had made before in his life, at least. He watched the bandit run straight at him with a knife of hid own, maybe hoping to kill him and run off away from being killed. Grim waited for the right moment, and once he was close enough, he dashed forward, his tail wrapping around the bandit's wrist before pulling him forward. As the bandit was pulled forward, Grim pulled the knife in the man's hand, turning it against him and jamming it right into the man's stomach. The man gasped in pain, Grim only pushing the knife further in before pulling it up his body, almost like gutting a pig. Almost like he had done it before. "I hate people like you." Grim hissed, before pulling the knife out and stabbing the man right in the neck, the two tumbling over onto the ground as Grim made sure to slice right on the jugular, pulling the bloody knife out to let the man bleed to his death. Grim threw the knife to the side, glancing up as there were now two goons dead and one rather terrified and hurt leader. He scanned the area and quickly made his way to the large boulder where the three victims were hiding from the gunfire. Grim walked over to them carefully. "Are you three alright?" Grim asked, moving his blood covered hand up to move some hair out of his eyes in order to see them better, and the other way around. "Don't worry, we don't mean any harm." Grim explained, moving some hair behind his ear. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aqua7KH 5,395 Posted December 3, 2015 When Grim approached the prisoners hiding, the husband stood protectively in front of his wife. The second man was about to punch Grim with his tied hands. However after seeing that Grim meant no harm, the man lowered his fists and the husband turned around to calm down his hysterical wife. "We're fine..." The husband said with a small accent. It sounded city like, almost. "My wife is just scared..." The wife meanwhile, was on her knees holding her stomach. She was visibly frightened, as she was shaking and crying from the whole ordeal. The second man crossed his arms and looked to the side. "You helped us. So you can leave now." "Hey, don't be rude you ass" The husband hissed. "This man saved us." Meanwhile, Stiles walked out with a small sigh at the bloodshed. It could never end in peace could it? He approached the leader on the ground and knelt down to talk to him. "Who are you and where are the rest of your people? Are they near here?" He asked. The leader growled and snarled at Stiles. "firetruck... You!" He ground out, spitting blood in Stiles' face. Stiles only sighed, wiped his face with a handkerchief and took out his knife. "I thought so..." He said he with a sigh, taking his knife and driving it into the leader's temple. Stiles wanted more info about the bandits and if they lived near, but Stiles knew he wasn't going to get information from the leader. Meanwhile Miguel grinned and jumped right out from his place in the forest. "Hell yeah! I haven't felt like that in forever! Guadaaaa~" he hurried over to Grim, and grinned. "Oh man, I haven't had that mix fun- oh!" He said, noticing the prisoners. "Lo siento, I didn't see you guys there." The husband gently petted his wife's hair. "Please, what would you like from us? I'm afraid we don't have anything to give you... We've been looking for medication and food all day for my wife. As you can see she's pregnant..." He said with a frown, kissing his wife's forehead as she continued to cry. "Thank you so much for saving us." The second man grumbled and looked to the side in aggravation. He really didn't like Grim or anyone there, honestly. "..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted December 3, 2015 Grim looked over at Miguel and then at Stiles. It was understandable that they were wary. In this world you had to be, otherwise you could end in situations like the one they had just ended. He used his tail to quickly free the man from the rope that kept his hands tied, and hid it just as quickly, not wanting to alarm them further. "Well, actually. A few hours of walking from here lies New Dystopia. It's a city full of survivors that are trying to rebuild a society of their own within what's left of the fortified city. They have food and doctors. You should be able to get help there. But..." Grim smiled. "You can stay with us for the day if you want. You must be tired...and unnerved of what just happened. We have a farm where we have made it our home. Surely we have enough space for three more. Plus, Stiles here is a doctor. We have five others back at the barn, including two children." Grim explained as he walked over to Miguel and wrapped his arms around him. "I'm Grim, by the way. This is my brother Miguel. Surely we can have them as guests for the day, right?" Grim asked as he glanced at his brother and then at Stiles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aqua7KH 5,395 Posted December 4, 2015 Stiles ran a hand through his head as he stood up, and cleaned his knife with a handkerchief he carried with him. Stiles was a pacifist, but when it came to... These people, he wasn't afraid to put them down. With a small shake of his head, Stiles went towards the now freed prisoners. "I apologize for taking so long... I tried to see if the leader had any information on if there were any bandits nearby. I suppose for the next few days we're going to have to be more careful just in case there are any bandits near." He listened to Grim, and smiled as he held a hand to himself. "As Grim said, I am a doctor. It'll be a pleasure for me to care for any of your injuries... I also may have some medication that might help with any sickness or pain caused by pregnancy. How many months?" The woman looked up to her saviors, and then to her husband. Her husband turned and spoke to her in a different language, to which she replied. With a small nod, she spoke up, quietly with fear still evident in her voice. "...Six months." She said with another accent of her own. This one was thicker and different; French. "I feel much pain... Very pain... Little food..." "I've been trying my best to find more food for her to help with the baby... Please, we would love a night under roof." He turned and spoke to her in French again. "Two children...?" The woman asked. The husband chuckled. "Yes... Two kids." He looked to Grim. "My wife loves children." The second man piped up, looking very aggravated. "Are you shitting me? We're just going to stay at a random ass house?" He asked. "Shut up." Came the reply from the husband of the woman. "My wife needs rest and we have no plans for shelter tonight. So can it." Miguel crossed his arms and piped in. "Firstly, Guada I don't think you need to ask el doctòr that premission." "In all fairness it was my barn before I welcomed you in, just to say." Stiles cut in. "...Well whatever, Guada and I say they can join, so they can join, there." Miguel uttered, which Stiles shook his head as he placed his knife back in its holster. He honestly had no idea what Miguel was even going on about. "And you there, pendejo," Miguel began, looking to the second man now. "We're being nice and all to you, so don't piss me off please." "He has a habit of doing that..." The husband muttered, shooting the man a glare which caused him to huff and look to the side. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted December 4, 2015 Grim mentally wondered if the rivalry that Miguel had against Stiles would ever stop. Mane one day, but not today. He looked over at the man, obviously not very trusting of it all. "I understand you are upset and wary. But we assure you to mean no harm. Come on, the farm isn't that far away from here." Grim said as he offered his hand and helped them up. He glanced at Stiles and at Miguel. "I'll go ahead and tell the others that there is no threat. Knowing Jack he will be trigger happy as long as he's nervous." Grim said, and like that he quickly skipped away, hurrying back to the farm. Once he got there, Krampus and Jack sighed in relief. "Wag happened?!" Cupid asked, sliding down the ladder. "I heard gunshots and stuff, is everyone ok?!" "We are fine...actually we are having guests over. The people we helped are a man and a husband and a pregnant wife. We offered to let them stay the night here." Grim explained. "Pregnant?" Krampus asked, smiling. "Well Ill be dammed, I haven't seen a pregnant woman since Miguel's mom." He chuckled. Grim walked over to Ash and Nicholas, rubbing their heads. "See? Everything went ok. We are even going to have new friends staying over." Grim explained. "Ok...but what's pregnant?" Ash asked innocently. Just as quick everyone glanced at each other before looking back. "Well, you'll see when they get here." Grim assured. He almost forgot that most likely these children don't even know of the birds and the post apocalyptic bees. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aqua7KH 5,395 Posted December 5, 2015 Nicholas watched from a bale of hay as Grim arrived. He was fearful that something bad may have happened, but upon seeing Grim's face Nicholas couldn't help but let out a small sigh of relief. Grim announced that there would be people coming over, which Nicholas honestly didn't like. He was tired of new people, and tired of having so many people around him. Honestly Nicholas would've hated Cupid and Jack if it wasn't for the fact that he knew them since he was even younger. "Pregnant...?" Nicholas asked, saddening as he slid off the bale of hay and walked to where Ash and Grim was. "That means when a lady is going to become a mommy, and have a baby..." He uttered, looking down and tightening the scarf that was around his neck. "My mommy was pregnant when she..." He looked towards where Grim just existed the forest. "..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted December 6, 2015 Ash gasped in amazement. “A baby?!” Now she would never stop asking Stiles about it once he got here. Grim looked down at Nicholas and smiled softly, rubbing his head and gently rubbing his cheek with his thumb. “It’s ok Nicholas. It will only be for a night, you know? In this world we have to help each other. A good deed leads to another.” Grim assured, leaving a gentle kiss on Nicholas’ forehead. “Don’t think too hard about it, ok? It will all be fine.” Grim assured. He stood up and turned to Jack. “Do you think we have enough food to share?” Grim asked. “Heck yeah, plus there are eggs and stuff from the animals.” Jack assured, hurrying over to his bag. “By the way, how did you guys manage to get the bandits?” “I created a distraction.” Grim said. Jack gasped, looking at Grim wide eyed. “Grim…you STRIPPED?!” “NO! Not that distraction ANOTHER distraction! I pretended to be a zombie!” “OH! Thank god you had me worried.” “Wait, Grim has stripped to distract before?” Cupid asked from his place up in the hay. “That’s a story for another time.” Jack explained, taking out his supplies. “By the way, after we greet our guests, you are helping me prepare the soil for plantation.” Jack insisted. “Aw.” Cupid complained. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aqua7KH 5,395 Posted December 7, 2015 "I don't think we should help others in this world..." Nicholas uttered softly and looked down as Grim tried to comfort him. He was just tired of new people and random events, he just wanted to be in peace. Nicholas honestly didn't like people in general, so this only made it worse. Still, the idea of a lady being one of them actually made Nicholas the slightest bit excited. "Okay... Is the lady nice?" Nicholas asked. He pictured the woman to be like his mother. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted December 7, 2015 "Yeah! She's a wonderful lady. She loves kids, so I'm sure you guys will get along with her just fine." Grim cooed. He remembered what Stiles had told him just earlier in the day. Nicholas was young and happened through so much. He understood why he wouldn't want so many people around. Too many strangers could cause trouble. But he had to remind Nicholas of empathy and kindness. No one could survive in this world all on their own. Humanity had to help each other. "Can we play with the baby?" Ash asked. "Er, no i don't think so. That would be quite difficult to do. You'll have to see when they get here." Grim explained. Cupid jumped down, picking up a sickle from the tools that Jack was unpacking. "I'll go ahead and start cutting the grass from the farming area. I'll collect it to feed the animals later." Cupid said. "Good thinking." Jack said as he watched Jack go off to work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aqua7KH 5,395 Posted December 8, 2015 Nicholas listened to Grim's words, and had to admit they comforted him. Now that he thought about it, there was no woman at the barn with them. He didn't mind having a lady stay with them. But the other two that were with her... "Okay... What about the other guys? Are they nice...?" Nicholas doubted it, but who knows. "Can the lady play with me? I want to show her the baby sheep..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted December 8, 2015 Grim thought. "I'm sure they're all very kind. Her husband seems like a wonderful person as well. They are married for a reason, you know. Their friend might be a bit grumpy. But who wouldn't after what they went through. Surely he'll warm up by the end of the day." Grim explained. It had been a long time since the children had a mother figure around. This should do good, even for just a day. "I'm sure she would love to play with you and see the baby sheep. Do remember to be careful though. She's getting ready to be a mommy, and carrying the baby can be tiring, so don't be surprised if she needs to take some breaks." Grim insisted. "Being pregnant sounds terrible." Ash murmured. "I wouldn't want to be tired like that!" "You'll understand when you're a bit older, maybe." Grim assured Ash. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aqua7KH 5,395 Posted December 9, 2015 Nicholas listened to Grim's words, and it helped to sorta make him feel better. He still didn't like the idea of two random guys coming for the night, but he guessed maybe it couldn't be so bad. Nicholas nodded intently. "Okay... I don't tire her. I promise. If she gets tired I'll make a bed of of hay for her!" He looked towards the forest, still feeling a tiny bit anxious over the entire thing. "Are you gonna go back to get them?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted December 9, 2015 Grim nodded. "Yeah. I'll go ahead and get them. I'm actually surprised they haven't arrived yet." Grim said. He turned and hurried back down the path to the group, where he encountered them once more. "Alright. Let's hurry back to the farm then. I explained to the kids and they're all very excited to meet all of you." Grim chimed. He hoped that maybe this motherly interaction would do good for the children. He led the group along with Miguel and Stiles, leading them to the farm. "Here they are." Grim said. Krampus and Jack walked over. "Hey. Nice to meet you all. I'm Krampus." Krampus said as he did his best to hide his wings, not wanting to scare anyone. "My name's Jack. Cupid is out preparing the field for cultivation but he welcomes you too." Jack said happily. Ash didn't hesitate to run up and see the woman and her belly. "Whoa...its so big...Nicholas look, the baby is in there, right?" Ash asked. "Ash. Introduce yourself." Grim asked. "Ah! I'm Ash. Nice to meet ya!" Ash cheered. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites