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Gloom (1x1 with Stardustblade)

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Hallow barely dodged the knife as he was tackled down by Miguel, tell b choked. Hallow struggled for breath as he gritted his teeth. "You...son of a..." Hallow gasped as he dug his nails into his skin. "Miguel!" Grim tore appear the already weak rope from his hands and turned to Miguel almost frozen. He didn't know what to do. He didn't want to leave him but he had to run as told. Before he could say anything else, however, there was a notable gushing sound. Grim looked down to see Runt had picked up the knife and stabbed it right through Hallow's throat, cutting through the jugular vein, which killed him as blood covered the ground. He let go of the knife and looked over at Miguel, still frightened, but more confident. "My name's Cupid." He said, finally revealing his name. Grim grabbed Miguel and Cupid by the arms, dragging them out as they ran. Grim turned to Miguel. "You idiot. Have you any idea what could've happened were that guy to escape to the others?"

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Miguel enjoyed choking Hallow. He was debating on if he should kill him or not until Cupid came out of nowhere and did the killing himself. Miguel didn't even pay attention to Grim for a second as he just blankly started at Cupid completely surprised and dumbstruck.

"Puta santa mierda la cucaracha tiene cojones." He said blankly. He was about to say more that is until Grim dragged him and Cupid outside. Miguel started to run ahead, making sure they hid in the shadows. They needed to get to the secret exit. It might have been blocked off, but he could still dig through.

"I know." Miguel muttered in response to Grim's question. "I couldn't risk him hurting you or this kid over here. In speaking of which, congratulations for murdering the leader's son."

(Holy f****** s*** the cockroach has b***.)

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"The what now?!" Cupid asked in horror. Grim quickly hushed him down. "Calm down." Grim told him. He remembered where the exit was all too well. Surprisingly enough it was still in use, though dirty and run down. "The things that luck can give you lets get the heck out of here." Cupid muttered as he stepped in. Grim paused for a moment, part of him remembering of years ago. He was still afraid that once he got to the end of the tunnel he would relive his father's death over again. But he knew better. He had to know better. He walked down with Miguel and Cupid down the exit. "Miguel," Grim started. "We are going to take you somewhere. But I suggest not wearing the wolf mask or misunderstandings might happen." Grim said.

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Miguel slowly nodded. Mentally he was pretty shocked at what was going on. He didn't even feel anything, it all felt like this was a dream and he was just watching his body act. Then again this was how he was all these years with out Grim when he had to kill. His mind was just a spectator watching his own body act. Miguel went inside the secret passage and his heart almost stopped. He pictured the event years ago when his father was killed and he was ripped out of his brother's arms. Miguel shook all these thoughts out of his mind, and exited the hole on the opposite side of the wall. In freedom.

"Yeah..." Miguel muttered, sounding distant. "You're right." He slowly took off the mask, almost as if he was removing a part of himself. He dropped it into the ground.

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"I'm sorry." Grim said as the three walked out and ran out of the camp, right into the forest and down the path from where Grim and his group had come from. "I take it you two know each other?" Cupid asked. Grim nodded. "He's my adoptive brother." Grim said. "Oh! That's him? I barely recognized him! You always described him as so lovable and innocent...no offense." Cupid said. Grim groaned. "Time changes things ok." Grim shook his head and turned to see the abandoned structure. It stuck out like an entrance to a subway, covered in plants and moss. "Finally home. We need to tell the others." Cupid said as he walked in, opening the wall that blocked sight of a flight of stairs. Grim took Miguel's hand. "Down here, watch your step." Grim said as he led Miguel down the stairs. From a few minutes of walking they could hear laughter and chatter, light being visible at the bottom. "We've been watching over them for a while." Grim said as they reached the bottom, showing off what it appeared to be a subterranean mall, now turned shelter. There were dozens of children and teens, only a few adults. "Welcome home."

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"Sorry for what?" Miguel said with a small chuckle. He looked around as he walked with his brother and Cupid. He went outside the walls all the time to rob and kill. But now that he was free and didn't have any orders to follow, Miguel felt as if he was in a old world that he had long forgotten. And not only that he felt lost. For years he had someone telling him who to hunt, to kill and where to go. Now he could do what he wished, and make his own choices. Grim led him to this underground shelter. Miguel looked around with shock written all over his face. People were smiling, and not the crazed blood thirsty smiles he was used to by now. They were genuine smiles of love and happiness. He forgot what they looked like after his father had died. He had forgotten the loving smiles of Grim, and the loving smiles he always imagined Death would have underneath his hood. He used to spend most of his time especially when he was trying to sleep imagining and trying to think what his father's smiles would look like.

"Home...?" Miguel asked, another word that entered his ears like a greeting from an old friend he had long forgotten.

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Grim rubbed the back of his head. “Yes, a temporary and crappy home, but home.” Grim said with a smile. “After…a lot happened, being thrown back and forth from camp to camp, group to group, I managed to escape when I was found by these guys. They have been saving children and other survivors in order to form a big, peaceful community. It’s been like this for a while. However…there’s something that’s…setting this little place apart.” Grim explained as he continued to hold Miguel by the hand and led him down to the platform. “I’m telling the others what happened!” Cupid said as he hurried over to the adults. “Grim’s home!” “Daddy!” Grim looked over to see a couple of the kids run over. They were barely over the ages of 10, the youngest being 6. “Hey guys.” Grim said smiling. “Who’s him?” One child pointed at Miguel. “He’s my brother. The one I’ve told you about before.” Grim explained. The kids awed and quickly surrounded Miguel. “He does have a skeleton paint mask!” “Ah it’s so pretty!” “I want one!” “Can you make one for us too, mister Miguel?”

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Miguel smiled at seeing everyone around so happy. But once Grim led him to the room with the children, Miguel almost freaked out.

"P-Padre?" Suddenly the kids surrounded him, and he had no idea on what to do. If he never was apart of the Wolves, Miguel would have thrown himself on the floor to cuddle and play with all the kids. Now, he was just nervous and had no idea on how to react. He reached down to pat the children's heads nervously, and he shuffled his feet bashfully.

"Uh- hola... Mi... Amigos... Gracias..." He silently stampered. Imagine the terror of all the lands, the Devil himself, being intimidated by a bunch of little children.

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Grim couldn't help but to laugh at Miguel's reaction. He didn't expected it that way, and it was great. "Ah Miguel, loosen up." Grim said as he wrapped an arm around Miguel's shoulder reassuringly. "Alright guys, he's a bit tired from the walk. You can ask him to paint your faces later, ok?" Grim asked. They awed but gave nods as they walked off to do their stuff. The only one remaining was a little girl around the age of 5 who demanded for Grim to pick her up. Grim obliged and picked the little girl up. "There there Ash." Grim said as he turned to Miguel. "I'm sorry if its too crowded. You'll get used to it in a bit, hopefully." Grim said smiling as he looked back down. "All of the kids were are infected, by the way." Grim added. "They've become immune. Stranger enough...they've developed...abilities." Grim said, trying to find a right way to explain it. "...I'm glad to be with you again, Miguel."

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Miguel watched all the little kids go away, except for one. He watched Ash closely, watching her every movements carefully like a protector, making sure she wouldn't fall out of Grim's hold. He looked up to Grim, trying to smile.

"Oh sí? That's amazing... Gloom used to be so deadly but now it's humans that are the biggest threat." He rubbed the back of his hair. "Where is the bathroom? I'd like to use it really quick."

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"Bathroom? Over there. See that old M sign barely hanging on? Right in there." Grim said as he pointed over. Ash crawled up to Grim's shoulders and held onto his head. "I'm going to talk to the rest of the survivors and explain the situation. One of them even was an old friend of dad's. I can't wait for you to meet him." Grim said with a wary smile as he felt Ash rest her head against his. "Alright, let's go Ash." Grim said smiling as he walked over to the group where Cupid was already explaining certain stuff.

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Miguel nodded, and went straight to the bathroom. After about thirty minutes, Miguel had emerged looking rather different. He had washed off the paint he had worn at the camp, which the design he had worn was his identity as the Devil. He didn't bother putting any more paint on, and just kept the usual stains on his face. His hair was also shorter, the short shaggy hair he had as a young boy. He had cut his hair in be bathroom with a knife. He glanced over to Grim and sat down, appearing to look uncomtorable and maybe even a little depressed. Being reunited with his brother was all he could ask for, but after doing many bad things or so long and being lost to violence for so long, Miguel just felt undeserving and depressed. How could he be around innocent survivors like this after he hunted them? He killed plenty of men, women and children and was able to sleep at night.

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Grim talked with them and handed Ash to Cupid, quickly walking over to Miguel. "Your hair reminds me of when we were little. I was missing the curls of your hair." Grim teased as he sat down next to him. "...Miguel, are you alright, are you hungry?" Grim asked, concerned for his brother. The group walked over to the two. There was a young man around their age. He had bright white hair and blue eyes that shone like the sky. "Welcome, Miguel right? My name is Jack Frost. Call me Jack. Welcome to Haven." The boy said gently. The older man, around his 40s it seemed, walked up. "I'm Patrick. Welcome, Miguel." He said in a welcoming manner. He did noticed Miguel's uneasy state. "If you need anything, you can say it. All of us have been through hell and back, you know, no one here is a saint. It was only a few years ago that I was Grim's torturer." Patrick said as a matter of factly. Grim shivered slightly at the thought, gripping his knees before smiling. "Yeah. All is forgiven, though."

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Miguel wasn't really paying attention. Once Grim approached him, Miguel looked up.

"Huh? Oh no, I'm not hungry. Gracias though..." He leaned his head on Grim's shoulder, just wanting to feel his presence for a while. Everything still felt so strange to him, like this was all just a dream. He watched as everyone greeted him, and shared their own stories. Patrick's interested him the most. He could relate somewhat. Miguel would probably speak to him later. Miguel glanced over to Grim once more, and noticed the self inflicted scars once again.

"I... I attempted suicide, once." Miguel said suddenly. He didn't even realize he spoke those worlds out loud. It was just something that inwardly he felt needed to escape his lips. It was true, long ago after a year he was separated from Grim. Seeing Grim's scars reminded Miguel of the attempt. It was almost bitter irony too. Miguel and Grim both almost ended themselves, maybe even for the sake of one another.

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Grim pulled Miguel tightly into a hug. "Don't we all in this world." Cupid muttered in response to what Miguel had said, only to be elbowed by both Jack and Patrick to shut up. "Miguel...let's make a promise we won't try this kind of thing again?" Grim asked. His figure was trembling as he didn't loosened his grip on his brother. "We're going to live, and form a new generation, and we're going to survive through this. Even though gloom and people like the ones who made our world Hell still exist, we're going to fight through it alright?!" Grim said as he held Miguel's hand and made him do a pinky promise. "We won't ever be apart...until death due us part."

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Miguel slowly closed his eyes. He took deep breaths as he felt his brother trembling. He peered into Grim's eyes with a nod. He could definitely make a promise to that. He would promise anything to Grim.

"Pinkie swear. I promise I'll do everything to fight through it with you. Hasta que la muerte nos separe! That means until death do us part Cupido." Miguel muttered to Cupid. He tightened his hold on Grim for a second before pulling away.

"This might sound weird to ask this since we're older... But can I sleep with you tonight?" Miguel had no idea if he could handle being a second away from Grim yet. Anything could happen, and he felt if he went to sleep he would wake up to find Grim gone.

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Grim smiled. "Of course! There's enough space for you!" Grim aid happily. "Well the sun is setting, we might as well start heading to bed. Once things get dark its hard to even find the bathroom in this place." Jack said with a yawn. "I'm taking first shift." With that Jack turned on his heels and walked away. "Right then. Alright everyone, time for bed, move it or lose it, get to your assigned stations!" Cupid called as he waved the kids away to their respected places, receiving multiple aws and 'five more minutes'. Patrick calmly went his way to his usual spot by the entrance, guarding it much like a guard dog. Grim quickly grabbed Miguel's hands. "This way, you're going to love the bed!" Grim said excitedly as he led Miguel away and pointed at what looked like a makeshift fort made out of rope, sheets, pillows and other materials, hanging from the ceiling just a few feet above the ground below. Grim led Miguel up a spiraling metal staircase which led up to the fort. It was a hammock fort! Made out of sturdy rope and covered with lots of pillows and sheets on it and around it to make it comfortable. The glass ceiling stood above them, giving them a view of the stars in the sky at night. "Come right in!" Grim said as he pulled Miguel with them, the two falling into the fort and landing on pillows.

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Miguel watched everyone flee to their stations and quarters. It was much nicer, much more calmer than back at the Wolves. Everyone fought, slept on the ground, and often drank. Everyone was savages. When Grim led Miguel to the fort, Miguel stood in awe for a moment. If there was a heaven, this was it. Grim pulled him into the pillows, and Miguel landed with a loud plop. He was rather heavy despite his rather fit appearance.

"This is amazing! Fantastico! I could just stay in this forever." Miguel said all while laughing, snuggling himself in the wonderful softness of the pillows. "I feel like I am about to fall through. It's like being on un marshmallow!" He wish his father could see them, how they were both having so much fun and enjoyment right now in this world. He pictured his father jumping right in along despite his worn out body.

"I'm so happy to have found you, mi hermano." Miguel said with the brightest smile he made in years. His soul finally wasn't empty anymore. "So, so happy."

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Grim smiled. "And I'm equally as happy to have found you. I'm never letting you go, you hear me?" Grim said smiling as he picked up a pillow and threw it at Miguel while laughing. He laid down next to Miguel. "We received a radio transmission a few days ago. It appears the military has created a city of survivors called New Dystopia. It is asking for any and all survivors who wish to become part of it to join in. We were thinking of taking the children there. It would be a long way, but if we made it, it would also mean a new start." Grim said smiling as he looked down. "I want to be a doctor, like dad was. I want to help the sick and make people better." Grim then looked up with hope in his eyes. "We could start again, and live in our own little house and everything! We'd have breakfast, and go to work, and come back to annoy each other, like dad used to tell me of how his days were before mom died!" Grim said as he daydreamed about it. "We'd be free of worry of death."

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Miguel looked up into the ceiling. What did he want to be? He never thought about it before. He never had any dreams before. The only thing he had to do was keep following orders until the day he died. His leader would say 'jump' and Miguel would have to say 'How high?' Miguel thought for a moment, taking in what Grim was saying. "You would be the best doctor. All the children will love you." He thought some more. What would his dream be? "I... I want to be a protector. While you're healing the children, I want to protect you and them. They'll love me, too. Do you think they'll love me?" Miguel asked as he turned his head to look at Grim.

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Grim smiled and gave a nod. "Of course they'll love you! You're great and you're kind! Once the kids get to know you it's going to be hard to keep them off you!" Grim assured as he got closer to Miguel. "Just think about it, we'll be...normal. No more torture, we can do our best to live like those before us did. It won't be as exciting...but it won't be as dangerous either." Grim said. He knew long that he wanted to be a doctor like his dad, even if it meant being an apocalypse doctor. But now, being a doctor like the one his dad was, the thought made him warm inside. Grim then got a sly smile, nudging Miguel playfully. "Maybe we'll get what they call, married, eh?" Grim teased smiling.

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"Oh no don't say that!" Miguel said. He was a ladies man, but the thought of actual commitment made him nervous. "You'll probably end up with a wonderful woman while I'll end up with a witch!" He almost shivered at the thought. Most of the girls he ever met wanted to kill him. He leaned back his head. Married? What was that possibly like? "If I was married... I really want a woman who cooks great food... Mmm." He looked to Grim. "I hope the kids love me. I could paint all of their faces. It'll be like a little army of skull children. They'll attack you with hugs and kisses."

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"Hugs and kisses? Oh no! My one true weakness!" Grim laughed as he looked up at the ceiling. "Come on Miguel. You'll find a wonderful girl one day to call your wife, I can assure you as such. With how cute you are you'll have ladies falling for you!" Grim said smiling. He hummed in thought. "I think I would want to marry someone I could call a best friend. I wouldn't be afraid to say anything and I could be comfortable with. If I could find a girl like that, it'd be wonderful...it doesn't even have to be a g-..." Grim paused, his face flushing pink at a thought. "W-Well," He stammered. "Lets sleep shall we? We have to plan out how we're going to transfer all of these kids at once and safely. Plus you must be tired." Grim said as he suddenly kissed Miguel's forehead. "Good night, Miguel."

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"Yeah, ladies man. I'm suave~ I'm that cute right? Cute as un cachorro. Woof woof!" He said with a laugh. He loved dreaming of the future like this. It looked so wonderful and bright. He took note of Grim's blushing, and began to giggle like an idiot.

"Ooooo Guada why are you blushing~" Grim brought the conversation back to the present, and Miguel huffed. "Boo. Fine. I'm pretty tired anyway." He said with a yawn. "We'll get the kids over there. Don't worry-" Grim suddenly kissed Miguel on the forehead, who is turn smiled. He wrapped his arm around Grim and held him close.

"Goodnight Guada." Miguel was momentarily afraid of going to sleep. 'Please let him be here when I wake up... Please let me not wake up back at the camp...' He whispered to himself.

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Grim closed his eyes and fell asleep holding onto Miguel tightly. He didn't want to let go. He was afraid to. What if he was taken away from him again? It would be a nightmare all over again. "Don't leave me..." Grim muttered under his breath, gritting his teeth as he fell into a deep slumber. The warmth was something he missed dearly. It could never compare to something produced by a fire, or by endless bed sheets and pillows.




It was getting harder to breathe. Grim groaned to himself pulling the sheets off from his shoulders and turning around. There was a strong scent floating, and the moment it went up Grim's nostrils, it sent him into a coughing fit. Enough to wake him up, as he struggled to catch his breath. "What the firetruck...?" Grim muttered under his breath, opening his eyes to see a faint glow. "Hm? Breakfast already...?" He took a look at the ceiling. "(No it can't be...it's nighttime.)" Grim coughed a bit more before gently crawling over to the entrance of his bed. "Jack, Patrick, whoever is cooking at least don't do it in the middle of the-!" Grim started, his expression drowsy. That is until something sharp barely missed his eye, making a cut and drawing blood from his cheek. It took moments for his eyes to adjust to the darkness, seeing figures walking down a blazing path of stairs. They've found him. "Sh*t!" Grim quickly scrambled around his bed, searching for something. As soon as he found it, he sounded the air horn, having it echo across the base. "Intruders!"

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