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Gloom (1x1 with Stardustblade)

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The guard squeaked, waving his arms wildly as he balanced on type edge before falling right into the edge a loud splat. Landing in the mount of feces and other human waste that lay as fertilizer. "You little-!" The guard cursed under his breath. Sometimes he wondered if it was worth it to be nice in the end. He wiped the disgusting stuff out of his face as he took out a whistle and blew on it, the piercing sound echoing across the camp. It meant trouble was afoot.


As they reached the sheds, Death and Grim started to look through the small windows, whispering for Miguel. When suddenly the whistle. Nearby guards started to run, muttering something about trouble. Death couldn't help but to sigh. "How much you want to bet that's my kid's doing?" Death muttered. Grim didn't hesitate. He jumped off from where he stood and started to dash across the shadows, following the guards. "Sh*t. Grim-!" But he was already off.

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Runt cursed loudly under his breath. Figures this would happen now, at all times. He tried to go after Grim, but it was too late. He looked toward Death and began to push him towards the secret exit of the camp.

"You have to leave now!" He said. "I'll go after that dumbass. If Miguel was the one to get the whistle to go off, there's no saving him now. Almost all of the guards are going to where he is right now. Just leave while you can! I'm going to go after Grim and meet you outside the wall with him."


Miguel ran off to wall. He couldn't help but snicker at the rather 'crappy' fate of his guard. He wasn't expecting the whistle, but if everyone came to capture him there had to be an opening somewhere. He ran along the wall hoping to find an exit. But that was in vain because not a moment later there was already an entire crew of men going after him.

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Death got a hand on Runt's shoulder. "Sorry, but I'm not leaving without my boys." Death said, handing Runt a satchel filled with medication and an unusual gadget, a game console, but with solar powered batteries. "Get out of here." Death said as he ran after the two. As Miguel ran, someone pulled him right into a bush, covering his mouth as the group ran by. Forcing Miguel from struggling, the figure smiled. "Miss me?" It was Grim. "Dad and I were so worried. I'm glad to find you safe." Grim said with almost a teary smile. "Miguel!" Soon enough Death was sneaking up too, hugging Miguel and Grim close. "Thank goodness. I thought I'd lost you. I'm so sorry I couldn't stop them, Miguel." Death said, rubbing his head against Miguel's, his voice almost cracking as if the verge of crying. "Come on, the exit is this way, lets get out, quickly." Death hissed.

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Runt was caught off guard by the hand on the shoulder and gift. He was about to stop Death but it was ready too late; he left. He was going to go after him, but a opportunity like this was too good to pass. He went to leave, but before he did he looked back.

"Crazy bastard." He said. "I'll repay you someday."


Meanwhile Miguel did struggle at first, but as soon as he heard Grim's voice he stopped and threw his arms around his older brother.

"G-Guada!" He said. "I thought you were dead- Es stoppid!" He said which slipped into an accent. "You were impaled! Why are you out here?!" Then Death showed up, and Miguel forgot about this quick burst of anger as he embraced his father along with Grim.

"Papa..." He said as tears began to well up in his eyes.

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Death hugged Miguel tight and close. “Miguel, you’re safe, thank goodness.” Death whispered, kissing Miguel’s head and never wanting to let go. He was in one piece, which was more than what Death had hoped for, and he was grateful for such. “We’re here to get you out.” Grim smiled at Miguel. “That’s right. You think we’d ever leave you?” Death then rubbed Miguel’s head, and for once in a long time, he smiled. “I’ll protect you with my life.” Death said. He glanced around and then signaled at the boys. “The exit is this way.” He whispered, and had the two boys follow along. The three crawled around the shadows as Death led them into the secret exit to which they had used to enter the camp. The three of them reached the end, safe and soundly. By the end of it Grim couldn’t help but to smile at Miguel. “See? I told you we’d get you out. See dad? I told you we’d get him out.” Grim said. Death smiled and nodded. Suddenly a click. Death’s eyes widened, grabbing both Miguel and Grim and hugging them into the center as he used his body as a shield. As he did, the sound of flying bullets rung across the field. Grim couldn’t see a thing, his face pressed against Death’s chest along with Miguel. What seemed like forever ended in a matter of a minute, as the gunfire seized. Grim blinked a few times and looked up. It was dawn, the sun starting to rise as the sky turned a pink and orange color. The first rays of sunlight came out as they shone on Death’s face, finally showing his crystal blue eyes. Blood started to drip down his nose and lip as his back was ravaged with bullet holes, blood oozing and dripping to the ground. Grim’s eyes widened in horror of realization. Death looked down at the two as he felt his knees weaken, falling on his knees as Grim held him. “DAD!!!!” Grim screamed.  He only had a few minutes, maybe less.

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Miguel nodded happily, overcome by pure joy and the feeling of love. He held his family close, for once feeling as though everything was right with the world. "You found me!" He said happily. "You found me!" He followed his father to the exit and was deeply excited to get out of this hell hole. But sadly, that was not going to happen as bullets tore through his father. Miguel's breath hitched in his throat, and his stomach felt almost as if it bursted. He didn't realize what happened however, until sunlight hit.

"PAPA!!!" Miguel screamed along with Grim. His mind couldn't process this event. His father was Death. There was no way he could die. He has to survive this somehow, right? Suddenly his mouth began to move on its own, and he screamed out before the enemies could take further actions to shoot.

"NO MORE NO MORE!" He screamed on top of his lungs. "LET THEM LEAVE AND I'LL STAY!" Miguel was almost shocked that he was the one screaming this.


Meanwhile 'Runt' as he was called stood outside the wall, listening to the event that was happening. He looked down and began to walk away.

"See you in hell, someday."

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The group stood around with their guns, reloading as they had emptied their rounds all on Death. Grim was in tears. "Dad, dad!!!" Grim screamed in horror. "Come on dad, stand up! We have to get out of here!!!" Grim screamed as he pulled on his father's arm. Death wouldn't go anywhere as he knelt down and fell to the side. Blood covered the floor as it slowly spread. "Daddy...?" Grim muttered. Death's hood fell down as he looked up at them. "Ah...I'm sorry...Grim...Miguel...I can't fight...any longer..." Death said as he shifted his body, doing any effort to protect his boys. He rubbed Grim and Miguel's cheeks, smiling slightly. "Los amo..." (I love you both) Death muttered, before the light of his eyes faded and his hands fell down. Death didn't move. He didn't breath. Grim started to scream and cry, gripping onto his father's clothing, begging for him to wake up. The members groaned at the ruckus. The leader, still wearing his wolf mask, huffed. He turned to his boys. "Get them. Get the long haired one ready for the auction. We're keeping the skull boy." He said as he walked away. Soon enough they obeyed, walking over to the two. Grim's eyes widened as he stood by Miguel, holding him tight for dear life. "Miguel!" Grim sobbed as he hugged him tightly. But soon Grim was ripped away from Miguel as the members separated them. Miguel would be taken back into the camp. Grim would be taken...somewhere else. "Miguel! Miguel!" Grim screamed as he reached out for him, men holding him back as others held Miguel back.

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Miguel cried and fought, holding his hand out as well. He was only able to grab Grim's wrist for a quick second before he was ripped away once more by his captors. He screamed and yelled, calling out the name of his dearest brother.

"Grim!!!" Miguel cried between sobs. "Grim!!!!!!"


Years and years later, when Miguel was now seventeen years old, he was just a remnant of once was himself years ago when he had Grim as a brother. Since being separated, he fought and fought to escape but soon lost hope and the will to fight after his back grew numb from all the lashes from the whip. Currently, the young man was capturing another small pitiful group of survivors with another partner from the camp. He commanded them to all kneel down with their hands behind their head for selection of who was going to be taken, and who was going to be slaughtered.

He was no longer Miguel, but a empty entity that was only known as "El Diablo" by the people around him.

He currently was standing before his group. He wore the head of a wolf, with it's pelt resting on his bare back which was covered with scars from the whip. His face was covered with paint as always, but was hidden underneath his wolf head. The rest of his attire consisted of brown pants and boots.

"Alright." He said. "We're going to make this quick."

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The group was small, consisting of young men. To think they thought they had trained enough to deal with this. They were wrong. Outnumbered and outwitted. One of them wearing  a cloak over his head. The rest of his outfit composing of a dirty red shirt, a black open vest, jeans, black fingerless gloves and sneakers. A long braid decorated his hair as it hit under the cloak. As he was tied self inflicted marks were noticed all over his arms, covering from the wrist to the end of his shoulders. "I don't want to die..."One of the young men muttered, trembling as he looked up what seemed to be death itself. No, the devil. The young cloaked boy, Grim, glanced up at the leader. The sight of the wolf mask alone brought up too many bad memories. Heartaches and more. He gritted his teeth. "Then lets get it over with!" Grim yelled, glaring at the leader from underneath. "Who lives, who dies, your games always get old. Might as well hurry up and skip to the action why don't you?~" Grim hissed. It had been a long time. He was taller, his hair longer, scars covered by his clothing, and with mental scars that would never go away.

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Miguel grinned at Grim's words and the young faces that was full of terror before him. Miguel decided to do the killing himself. As his fellow peers stood by, Miguel brought out a small knife. It wasn't the knife that Grim had given him no- that knife was at his belt; Miguel would never use that knife for the death of innocents. This knife he was using was one that he had gotten after the Wolves finally thought of him as one of their own. Miguel proceeded to go to each one of the men that knelt before him. One by one, he either sliced their throats or threw them down to be tied and taken back to camp. The trembling man who had proclaimed that he didn't want to die Miguel decided to let him live; Miguel wanted to see how the coward would handle the camp. The weak were ripped apart anyway. Then Miguel happened upon the last: Grim.

"Ahh... We have a mysterious one sí? I like you, amigo. You cut to the chase." Some of his companions snickered. Miguel suddenly yanked back the cloak and grabbed whatever hair was underneath.

"Since you don't like to play games-" Miguel suddenly stopped. In his hand was a long braid. He only knew one person in the world with hair such as that. His skin suddenly turned pale, and he was at a loss for words. The knife in his trembling hand, that was at Grim's throat suddenly fell out onto the ground with a loud 'clank.' Miguel felt as if there was a ghost in front of him.

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Grim looked up with glaring eyes, ready to die if it was meant to be, but as the knife fell, he couldn't help but to give curious looks. His braid when standing up it would reach all the way down to Grim's ankles. His eyes were a red as bright as blood. Dirt patches on his pale skin. His collar exposed to show more scars. His expression was calm and soothing despite the situation. It appeared this man was looking at his hair...Grim couldn't help but to grit his teeth, remembering another awful memory. "Do you like my hair?" Grim asked, staring at the man with a strange look. "Everyone says it's part of my charm...which is why I'm popular with the auctioneers." Grim hissed, a look of disgust as he thought about it. "I am Grim, son of Death. If you kill me, you would be doing me a favor." Grim scoffed, his eyes scanning his every move. If this man was thinking what Grim was thinking, not even hell would be containing Grim this time. He would die before he let that happen. Again. The more he looked the more spooked the guy seemed. Was he trembling? Maybe it was his imagination. "You look like you've seen the Grim Reaper." He couldn't help the pun.

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Miguel slowly nodded. He did just see the Grim Reaper. Miguel looked around, trying to think of what was the best thing to do. Could this really be Grim? The brother he lost so long ago? Miguel needed to see. He softly let go of Grim's hair and gave an order to the rest of his group.

"We're taking everyone who's still alive. Including this man..." His voice almost cracked, but he needed to remain calm. He didn't want to rouse suspicion. "Everyone load up the cargo and the prisoners... leave me alone with this man. He's mine." His crew nodded, although they exchanged looks of confusion to one another. They did as they were told, and Miguel was now alone with Grim.

Miguel suddenly backed away, and fell to his knees. That's when he couldn't hold back his emotion no longer. He began to silently cry.

"Is it really you?" He asked.

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Grim now was starting to sense something was off. He got ready to fight back when the leader asked to be left alone with him, but once they were alone the man simply fell on his knees. In the silence he could hear him...crying? "(Is he...crying?!)" Now he was dumbfounded. Why was he crying? Was it guilt from him killing off the men? Was it just a random emotion burst and he needed to let it out? "...why the hell are you crying? Aren't you suppose to be the heartless devil I've been hearing so much about?" Grim hissed. Now was his chance to diss off his least favorite well known bandits. "You've caused a lot of pain you know. You kill innocents trying to survive. For me as well. If it weren't for you wolves-!" Grim growled and gritted his teeth. "...I'd still have my brother and father..." Grim muttered, still clueless at the fact that Miguel was in front of him. He'd spent years being transported back and forth from different places across the land, the things he suffered were unmentionable. He would've killed himself long ago were it not for the fact that last time he saw Miguel he was alive...but that hope was as opaque as the mist. Until-"Is it really you?" The man asked. Grim looked up in surprise, his eyes narrowing before his imagination started to go wild. "Do I know you?" He paused. Could it be... "...Miguel?"

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Miguel listened to Grim's words and he slowly stood up. Suddenly all his past sins and terrible deeds came back to him and filled his empty soul like someone was pouring water into an empty cup. With this newfound guilt, he also was filled with a burst of hopeful joy that this man before him really was his brother and not some twisted dream. Once Grim said his name, Miguel knew for certain this man before him was in fact, his brother.

"You hate me... Don't you?" Miguel asked as he pulled off his mask to reveal his skull marked face. His eyes weren't as bright as before, for his gray eyes were now clouded and dull from the emptiness he suffered all those years. His hair was now longer, for the dark brown locks were pulled back into a small low ponytail which rested on his scarred tan skin. He slowly reached out his hand to touch Grim's face. He cupped Grim's cheek with his left hand and let out a breath he didn't even realize he was holding. His hand didn't phase trough an apparition. This was really Grim. In the flesh.


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Grim froze in place. It was him. It was Miguel. He was the only person in this world that would use that nickname on him. It gave him chills. But what if it was a dream? No, the warmth of the hand on his cheek was too real. This had to be real. Maybe he was in heaven and finally went with Miguel? No, after so much he's done, he wouldn't be able to go to heaven if it existed. That mean that it was real. Truly real. "Mi...guel..." His entire body loosened and he closed his eyes. Tears started to escape the ends of his eyes as Grim started to sob. He looked up sobbing. Even with his hands tied behind his back, he threw himself over to Miguel, resting his head on his shoulder. "Miguel!!! You're ok! You're alright!..I...I thought...that they...that you..." He couldn't even bring himself to mention the word. The world for a moment just seemed brighter. "I'm so glad...I'm so glad..."

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Miguel nodded and fell to the ground with his brother. Never had Miguel felt so much happiness in his life. He rubbed his head against Grim's the same way their father used to do. He reached over to cut Grim's binds and threw his arms around him in the tightest hold he could make. He cried into Grim's shoulder, trying his best to muffle his sobs.

"I found you! My brother is alive! I found mi hermano... My brother..." He cried. He held onto Grim for dear life almost as if Grim would disappear if Miguel would dare let go. This was it. He was never going to loose his brother again.

"Mi Guada..." He cried. "Mi Guada..."


(Omg I'm like legit getting misty eyed from this LOL)

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Grim smiled brightly and hugged Miguel tightly while laying on the ground. The warmth was familiar. What he missed the most was being called by such beloved nickname. What he felt was indescribable. He had found the light in a dark tunnel. He had found his beloved brother. "I can't believe it...you're alive...and you're safe..." Grim muttered as he eventually forced himself out of the hug a bit to take a look at Miguel. "You...you've grown! Look at you! You're taller! You aren't a little kid anymore!" Grim said laughing brightly. He was practically as tall as him, though he still beat him by a few inches. "Dad would be so proud to see you like this. His baby Miguel is all grown up!" Grim teased as he pinched Miguel's cheek playfully. "...how come you're wearing this uniform...?"

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Miguel chuckled and played around with Grim. He missed saying his name. He was reminded of all the great memories of them playing together and sharing each other's company. There was a time where he couldn't even speak English and now Miguel is all grown and not only that, he can see his brother grown as well.

"And look at you! You're even taller than me! Muy alto. And your hair is so long and soft. Only you would have the best hair in the apocalypse Guada. It's so long you can play jump rope with it!" He playfully teased. "Papa would love it." Grim asked about the uniform, and Miguel quieted down. That question brought him back to the cruel reality for a moment. He looked to the side, feeling somewhat ashamed now to look Grim in the face.

"I... I'm apart of 'them'..." He said quietly, knowing very well that Grim knew what he was referring to. "When they took you, I tried and tried to leave and run away but..." He slowly took Grim's hand and placed it on his back where the many scars layed. "It would get longer and longer... And harder and harder and I... I could barely feel my back anymore. You can... You can hate me... If you want. I... I did a lot of bad things."

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Grim's eyes widened in a bit of horror as he gently got his hand on Miguel's back. He gritted his teeth. If he were there...what could he have done to prevent any of it? Even when he was in his own troubles he was helpless. Helpless for years and years until one mistake from the enemy's side was the chance that he took in order to get away with his life away from the horrors of his own tortures. He frown and felt his back. "I'm sorry...I couldn't be there...to help..." Grim muttered under his breath. He looked around at his arms and hands. He didn't had any cuts on him so far. At least not open ones that could bleed. He was alright for now. He looked back at Miguel and smiled a bit. "I don't hate you. I hate them for making you act against your nature. Against who you really are." Grim said as he looked over at his hand and quickly backed it away, stepping about a foot away from Miguel. "I'm not the best example either." Grim said with a nervous chuckle. "You see..." He scratched his cheek comically. "I kind of...got infected..."

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Miguel looked down at Grim's words. He wasn't sure anymore. Sometimes he felt like "El Diablo" really was his true identity after Grim was gone. He didn't blame his captors for the horrors he committed. He blamed himself, mostly from giving up and giving in. Miguel noticed Grim strangely looking at his arms, and backing away. Grim said he was infected.

Miguel was shocked momentairly. How was it possible? Grim was still Grim. Honestly, Miguel didn't even care. He forgot Gloom even existed with the horrors he had to face at the hands of the non infected. Miguel learned that human beings in general were the true enemies. He was with his brother, who looked more than fine. That was all that mattered. The madness of him being separated from all these years made Miguel not even care if Grim suddenly had a chicken for a head. He noticed the scars on Grim's arms, and grabbed his wrists to inspect his arms.

"It's okay, Guada... I..." He went silent for a moment as he looked at the scars. "You did this to yourself, didn't you...?" Slowly, he began to lay kisses on each and every scar on Grim's arms. He started from the left arm from the wrist and went up, and was going to proceed to the right arm next.

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Grim looked up. "To be honest, that was 2 years ago since I got infected. I was injected with contaminated blood samples in hopes I'd die a slow death as punishment. But I'm still alive." Grim said casually. He looked over and watched as Miguel started to kiss his scars. "Miguel..." Grim didn't know what to say. He knew it was a sign of affection, but he wanted to be careful to not pass on the sickness to him. "Miguel it's fine. These are from long ago. They don't hurt." Grim insisted as he got his arms away from Miguel and looked down at them. "I thank you but it's fine. Besides...I don't like having my arms held." He said as he hid his arms under his cloak. "Right now certain touches bring bad memories." Grim muttered as he shook his head and looked over at Miguel, determined to change the topic to something cheerful. "On another note, if you're looking like a Halloween costume it must mean you're the leader? Those guys I was with and I were heading to the radio tower to send a signal."

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Miguel reached out his hand as Grim pulled his arms away. He looked around, making sure that no one came back yet. All those years of pain... Miguel wished he could have spend it all with Grim.

"You don't have to hurt anymore... We're together now sí? What ever happens, we'll be together. I'll make sure we'll never be apart again." He said with a sad smile. He heard some noises and chatter outside, and Miguel thought of a plan.

"I'm not the leader of the entire camp. I'm only the leader of the group that's here. I'll take you to the radio tower but I can't now. You're going to have to come with us but I'm going to escape the camp with you."

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Grim groaned to himself. Returning to that accursed camp would bring back memories he’d rather forget. Including the failed rescue of his brother and the death of his father. Anywhere but there. But he didn’t want to get Miguel in trouble, nor did he want to be separated from him again. He would have to go along, and put any inconveniences and fears aside. “…Understood. Don’t want you to get yourself in trouble. Nor have them discover you out. I’ll go along.” Grim said as he offered his hands with a small smile, offering them for Miguel to tie them up. “However, if I have to get convincing, I might not go that easy on you~” Grim teased. Ah how he missed Miguel. His little ‘Day of the Dead’, as he remembered from that day. His little brother. “I just hope no one remembers me! That would be awkward. Oh yeah I remember you, you’re one of the guys who shot my dad to death? How have you been?” Grim muttered before mocking with a sly smile.

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Miguel chuckled. He was happy that Grim was more than okay with returning if it meant that they both would be able to escape again. He gently tied Grim's hands together, but tied it loosely just in case Grim was in an emergency. He would have given Grim a knife, but he needed to wait until later in case his superiors decided to search Grim. Miguel let out a small sign of relief.

"Don't worry." Miguel said with a grin. "No one hardly remembers anyone from last week, even. I know you're great at acting, so act like I beat you up. Actually-" he took out his knife and made a incision right at his palm. "Hope you don't mind." He smeared some of his blood on Grim's face, in hopes of making it look like he received some damage. Miguel pulled away, and smiled at his elder brother.

"Maybe I can paint a skull on your face again. You are my one and only canvas."

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Grim smiled. "Oh yes! I love your paint! I've missed having you paint my face so much. I was starting to get nostalgic by looking at your current face paint." Grim said as he got closer. "Only you are able to make me look like a real Grim Reaper!" He chuckled. He stood up and looked over at Miguel. He quickly picked up the wolf mask and got it back on Miguel's face. "There we go. Now act your part." Grim said with a smirk. "And I'll act mine." Grim said before raising one of his feet and kicking himself on the leg to cause a bruise. "There, much better~" Grim muttered as he gritted his teeth and laughed to himself. He lowered his head and started to walk with Miguel, making himself limp ever so slightly, thinking that he would definitely have a bruise later on for that kick on himself. By the moment they reached the rest of the group, the same young man who feared death was at the verge of a panic attack once he saw Grim. "G-Grim...!!! They spared you...!!" He looked relieved but about to faint. Grim groaned and looked up at the man. "Don't jinx it."

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