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Gloom (1x1 with Stardustblade)

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Miguel wrapped an arm around Grim as he later. He was so exhausted from everything that he didn't even care if he was dirty from the mud.

"Papa is going to be so mad later..." He whined. He hugged Grim tightly, now having no doubts that he was definitely apart of the family. And maybe Miguel really was strong. Strong in his own way. It's because of Grim why he always wants to better himself; He looked up to him.

"Goodnight Guada... I love you." He muttered.

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“Good night, Miguel.” Grim said with a yawn, resting his head back and closing his eyes, quickly drifting to sleep without much of a problem. He dreamed of what his father described as being able to take an hour long bath with herbs and oils to keep your body clean and smooth. About how the world was much more lively, more happy back then before the Gloom began. That would be a nice time to live in. Not having to fight for food either…that would be much appreciated. Death and the rest of the camp slept soundly in their respected tents. The peace remained for hours, until an hour just before dawn, when something was thrown from the woods right over the fence and into the camp, landing right on top of a sleeping man who woke up by the hit. He searched around until he found it with his hands. But by the time his eyes adjusted to the darkness to see what it was, it was too late as the grenade exploded. It took him and multiple tents out as it shook the ground. “Bandits!!!”

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Miguel shot up from his bedding with a start. He looked around and already the madness was starting. Screaming, yelling, poping noises, the explosion from the grenade. His first instance was to shake Grim awake immediately.

"Hermano!" Miguel yelled, reaching for the knife that Grim gave him years ago. "It's bandits! We have to go get Papa!" No matter what happened, Miguel always knew Death was the best person to go to.

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Grim groaned as he looked up at Miguel. The screams made him quickly wake up as he stood on his feet. "Let's go." Grim said as he crawled out of the tent with Miguel. The bandits were invading the camp, killing whoever stood in their way and taking whatever they wished. All of the members had tattoos of wolves somewhere upon their body, or at least a symbol of a wolf upon their clothing. "Stay low and move quick." Grim muttered as he started to run with Miguel among the shadows. They needed to find Death among the mess. "Dad! Dad where are you?!" Grim called as he ran with Miguel. He feared that he would find him among the corpses. It was hard to hear any voices of him within the mix of screams of horror. He held his favorite revolver by his side, finger on the trigger. "Please dad, where are you..." Grim muttered as he walked around, only to be stopped by members of the bandits. "Hey look, there's kids here." One of them spoke, a large machete in his hand. The other one came along, as he had a wolf mask on. "Hmm." Grim growled as he got right besides Miguel and aimed his gun at them. "Leave us alone."

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Miguel followed along hurriedly. He couldn't help but pause here and there, seeing members of his camp being killed which made him want to help. But he couldn't. He had to do the best thing he could do which was to stay with Grim and search for their father.

"Papa!" Miguel whispered sharply. "Papa!"

After a while, both boys were caught by the bandits. Grim had held his revolver in defense. Miguel did the same and raised his knife.

"Yeah! Don't come near us or you'll be sorry pendejo!" He couldn't help but look around. The bandits were killing everyone in sight. They couldn't have killed Death could they? Miguel knew they couldn't kill his father. Death was basically immortal in Miguel's mind.

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The bandits looked at each other and back at the two. They stood in a standstill as no one moved for about a minute, that is, until the one with the wolf mask raised his hand was if to wave, only to make it into a fist. Grim aimed and clicked the trigger. The bandit barely dodged the bullet, Grim cursing out loud for the lack of aim before he felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen. Grim looked down, his eyes adjusting to the dark only to see something sticking out of his stomach…it was a man-made spear made out of sharpened wood and blades taped to the end along with barbwire. It was sticking right through. Grim couldn’t even speak, only cough up blood. The same bandit that stabbed Grim quickly grabbed Miguel from behind, grabbing him by the hands, disarming him of the weapon. The bandit with the mask quickly picked up Miguel and started to run with his group, taking him with them. “Miguel!” Grim screamed and stepped forward, only to fall on his knees, not falling fully as the spear sticking through wouldn’t allow him to lay down. Bleeding into the mud, he aimed at the bandits but quickly froze, what is he hit Miguel? “Miguel!!!”

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Miguel didn't even have time to react to his brother being impaled by the weapon, before he was scooped up and was being carried away. Finally, he did, and as the bandits were taking him away he began to scream as loud as he could on top of his lungs.

"G-GRIM!!!" He screamed. He squirmed and fought, trying his best to get out of his captor's hold to run away. He prayed that his father was somehow near and if he couldn't help Miguel, at least he could help Grim. Was he seeing his own brother die before his eyes.

"HELP HELP! AYUDAME!" Miguel screeched. "PAPA HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" Tears began to roll down his face as he reached out for his brother. He screamed out his name once more.

"GRIMMM!!!" Upon realizing this would be hopeless, Miguel hiccuped and glanced to his captors.

"D-Don't take me away... Just kill me p-please..." He whispered. He couldn't bear with the idea that his brother would be dead. He wanted to be with Grim wither it was this life or the next. "P-Por favor..."

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Darnit I knew I forgot something in my last post





Grim could hear Miguel screaming his name. He started to shoot, but they were already too far. The moment he ran out of bullets he tried to run after them, but the impaled object rendered him unable to even stand. The mud mixed with warm crimson liquid, his hands stretching out. "Miguel...!" Grim didn't even noticed it. Within a moment he lost too much blood too fast for his size and age. He blacked out, falling to the side, the sounds slowly disappearing along with his sight. He could barely hear the frantic scream of his father as he called his name. The bandits had ended up taking Miguel to their camp just up the mountain. It was a well fortified place by a waterfall. Man made fences, barbwire, lots and lots of tents of all sizes and shapes. It was all big yet organized in a great way. The same painted symbol of wolves was everywhere the eye could land. Once inside the man with the mask settled Miguel down, but quickly gripping him to avoid him escaping. "You do know we've taken you because we wish for you to be one of us, right?" The man with the mask asked as he looked down at Miguel.

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Miguel was at a loss for words of what was going on. He thought his brother was dead, and most likely his father was dead as well. Just a half an hour ago he was sleeping with his brother in his tent, comforted by the warmth and caring hold of his elder brother. Now he was taken away and the only thing he felt was the numbness of his body and the now cold blood that was on him from his brother's wound. At that point he didn't fight anymore. At that point Miguel felt alone in the world. He always had hope, but how could he have hope now at a situation such as this? Could he have done something? Was he really weak? If so, was that weakness the reason why his brother was now dead? Miguel stood long and hard at the floor, his eyes wide and full of shock.

"El Diablo..." He whispered, barely audible. "I'm cursed.... El Diablo... El Diablo... El Diablo..." He lost a father long ago, but gained another father and a brother. And now he was to suffer loss once more. The only thing he could blame for this suffering and misfortune was himself and the devil.

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The man with the mask huffed as he patted Miguel’s head. “You do realize that this world is going down to ****? We are taking in survivors in order to make sure our population grows, in order to make sure that other groups don’t overcome us…you are lucky you managed to find us. Other groups would do other things than treat you fairly. So,” The man suddenly grabbed Miguel by the neck of his shirt, pulling him up. “You better be grateful and obey orders, otherwise punishment will be needed.” The man threatened.


Grim woke up inside his tent. Was it all a dream? As he looked down and saw that he wasn’t wearing his shirt and hoodie, instead he was shirtless but covered completely in bandages, part of them stained red. The pain was back too. It wasn’t a dream. “…Miguel!” Grim scrambled to his feet. Ignoring his pain, he crawled outside and looked around frantically. The scent of burning flesh covered the air as ashes rose into the sky from the burning pits. Bodies had to be burn to avoid disease from happening. He aimed to run, only to be stopped by Death himself. “No you don’t!” Death hissed, grabbing his son tightly to keep him from moving. “Dad! Miguel! We have to get him! We have to!” Grim said frantically, screaming and squirming as he shook his head. Tears fell down his cheeks as he looked up at Death in desperation. Though Death was also struggling with emotion, he hugged Grim still. “I know. I know. We’ll get him back. I know we will. We have a plan. We’ll get Miguel back. Whatever it takes.”

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Miguel didn't fight back against his captor. All he kept uttering to himself was "El Diablo..." However once the man threatened him, Miguel thought about Grim. He didn't have the will power to say anything, but he needed to be strong and survive. Not for himself, but for Grim. He couldn't let his life go to waste. If he did Grim's death would have been in vain.

"/Taking in?/" Miguel asked. He wasn't even making eye contact with his captor. He was stairing into the sky. Almost as if he was stairing at God.

"You stole me from mi familia... And you say that is taking in?" He chuckled to himself. "And you will force me to obey you. That's how this works. That's how it always worlds... In El Diablo's world. It's run by demons like you."

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“You won’t have to wait to see Miguel much longer, Death, Grim.” Aoba said as April walked up right behind him. “We caught this slimy b*stard right before he could get out of the fence!” April said as she waved a young boy by the arm. The boy had a hoodie with the same wolf symbol on it. “A member of the gang?” Death asked, glaring down at the kid. “It appears so! If we want to get Miguel, we could ask for an exchange. Miguel for one of their own.” Aoba suggested. Death pondered on it. “Alright. I’m most concerned for Miguel’s safety in the situation, however. What if they try to harm him?” Death asked. “If they want their teammate alive they’ll have to hand over Miguel. An eye for an eye, or at the very least, a human for a human.” April said. “…alright. We’ll go and try for an exchange.” Death said. “I’ll go!” Grim yelled from behind. “Grim, no, you’re hurt, it’s dangerous-” “Miguel is out there! I want to rescue him! I want to rescue my brother!” Grim insisted. Death pondered on it and sighed. “Alright. Aoba, come with us. We’re going in for the exchange.”

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(Omg this April Fools thing is throwing me off so badly)

The boy stood silent for most of the time. He kept looking at everyone, trying to figure out what was to become of him. Hopefully the gang won't be so pissed off that he got caught. The boy roughly tried to pull his arm away from the grasp of April.

"Let go of me!" He suddenly muttered. "Don't take me back there! That boy you fools want to rescue is better off dead! They don't make deals. They only take what they want." He growled and tried to pull his arm away some more, even pushing at April. "Let me go!"

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April held the boy tightly to keep him from getting away, Aoba helping out. “Calm down or I’ll break your knees!” April hissed. Aoba sighed. “Well the kid might be right~” Aoba muttered. These gangs couldn’t exactly be trusted. “No!” Grim yelled, glaring at Aoba. “We’re going to rescue Miguel one way or another!” Grim insisted, glaring over at the boy, pointing at him. “And you’re going to help us or else you’re going to learn what it’s like to feel pain!” Grim threatened, to which Death had to interrupt to keep Grim from jumping over the kid. “Grim, calm down now.” Death warned as he looked down at the kid. “Listen. You are part of them. You know them. They know you. You will delivered to them, in exchange for my son. A fair exchange if they value your life. Were they to decline the offer, you’ll be tortured for information until you give us what we want.” Death assured with a glare.

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"Feel real pain?! Yeah right you little baby!" The boy shot back, all while trying to get out of April's hold in order to tackle Grim to the ground.

"Your 'Miguel' is gone! Once they take you, you're theirs. The only way to get out is if you get killed or captured by another group. They're a bunch of vicious wolves. So put that stupid braid between your legs-" he was going to continue, until Death calmed his son down. The boy looked down, casting Grim numerous nasty glares here and there. The boy quieted down once Death started to talk to him. Death was probably the only one the boy was willing to actually talk to, as he looked rather intelligent and seemed to be the head of the group.

"Torture me all you want. With everything I know you're still not going to get him back." He looked to the side. "You better hope they like your son. If they don't, they're going to tear him to shreds."

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“Let me aT HIM!” Grim shrieked before Death quickly pulled him by the hips and settled him on the other side with a ‘no’ and ‘stay’. Death looked over at the kid. “You might be right. We wouldn’t be able to make a compromise. But you do know their camp, right?” Death asked as he knelt down at the kid’s stature. “If we cannot make an exchange, then you will help us sneak in and get him back from them. If you do, you will not only live, you might get a chance to gain something out of it.” Death offered. He was a patient man compared to Grim. But he knew that with Miguel’s life at stake he had to be careful yet bashful. "So, a deal?" 

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"Yeah, sit in the corner in timeout like a dog you ass!" The boy was going to say more, but he quieted down once more as Death began to speak to him once more. Death even had knelt down, which made the boy trust him ever so slightly. The boy pondered for a moment at the offer, with his arms crossed and his foot tapping the ground. After a few seconds, he signed.

"Alright fine." He said. "You have a deal. It's suicide, but I'll help. I'll take whatever you have to offer. Anything is better in that s*** dump anyway..." He muttered. "Here's the thing, if we get caught I'm going to say that you forced me to help you. They'll probably whip me or something, but it's better than being killed on the spot. I hope that boy you love so much obeys them. If not, they'll whip him until his back is basically skinned." He directed this comment more towards Grim. He really didn't like Grim.

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"Daaaaad..." Grim hissed. If he said one more thing about Miguel he would not be lasting any longer. He would jump right on the kid and tear him to pieces if possible. No one talked **** about Miguel in front of Grim and got away with it. "We have a deal." Death said as he looked over at Grim. "We will need him to rescue your brother. No more complaints out of you." Death said. His tone made Grim think about his vengeance for a bit. "...yes sir." Grim muttered, cursing under his breath afterwards when Death wasn't looking. "We will leave in a group of three. This kid, Grim and I. It's just an hour before dawn, we should head over now." Death insisted. "What if you don't come back?" Aoba asked. Death looked at him. "Is that really even a question? You move on. No use in mourning over the dead. You have your own to care for." Death said as he looked over at Grim. "You're willing to come along?" Death asked. "Yes. I'll behave. Please allow me to help you save Miguel." Grim insisted. He then paused for a moment before speaking. "Miguel will be alright...right?" Grim asked. For once a tone of desperation in his voice. Death nodded gently at his son and turned to the boy. "Lead the way."

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The boy nodded. He looked towards the direction they had to go; East. "...My name is Ni... Runt. Call me Runt." He looked down for a moment. He had a different name, a real name, but that didn't exist anymore once you joined the wolves. He looked behind to see Grim, for once a jolt of sympathy on the boy's face. He pitied him. He forgot about his desire to taunt Grim momentarily. He looked towards East once more, and began to walk.

After about thirty minutes of walking, the boy, who was called Runt, lead Death and his son to a isolated area into the entrance of a canyon made by remnants of buildings reinforced with debris and materials. He hid inside a small trench on the side yards away from the entrance. He turned to look at his companions.

"It's this way." He said. "There's patrol guards patrolling the walls, but I know where they go. Are you sure you really want to do this?" He asked with nervousness in his tone.

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“Yes.” Grim said, not letting Death any chance to speak. Death glanced over at the kid and gave a nod. “We’re ready. Whatever comes at us, we’ll face it. Take us to my son.” Death demanded. Grim felt a pain in his stomach. He couldn’t tell if it was anxiety, or fear. Fear of finding Miguel, but not alive, fear of finding him hurt, fear that they wouldn’t be able to make it. The fighting flame in his eyes still remained though. By this point Miguel had been forced to sleep into one of the prisoner sheds, where they would keep anyone they captured until they had grown accustomed and wouldn’t try to run away.

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Runt sighed. He was hoping for Death and his son to say no. But he expected this answer. The boy watched the wall for a few minutes cautiously. A patrol man suddenly appeared, walking along side the wall. Once he passed, Runt began to hurry to the wall, expecting his two allies to follow. He knelt down after following the left side of the wall for a few seconds, and brushed away some dirt on the ground to reveal a trap door. He opened it and hopped inside. "Get in before the next patrol guy shows up. This is a secret exit some kids here use to sneak out at night."


Meanwhile Miguel could not sleep at all. He didn't really know how to feel. A part of him wanted to stay at the camp because he didn't care of what was to happen to him now that Grim was in his mind, dead. If they hurt him, it would have been pain he deserved for failing to protect his elder brother. But the other side of him wished to escape and flee, as he knew Grim would want that. Miguel decided to antagonize the guard of the cell, and to see if possibly he could somehow escape. He slowly got up and walked over to the entrance to his shed, and knocked on the wall.

"I need to peeeee... Por favor..." He whined. "Let me out so I can pee!"

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Death and Grim didn't hesitate. They stepped inside, being careful to be as quiet as possible. Grim and Death were light on their feet, especially Grim who didn't wear any shoes. He was like a feather on the wind. The guard yawned as he heard Miguel asking for him to be let out. Something about having to pee. "Heh? Do you really have to go that badly? Come on you surely can pee somewhere in there, you know." The guard muttered. He thought about it and sighed. "Well, I guess I don't want to be the one cleaning up the mess. You're going to pee quickly alright?" The guard said, getting pistol at hand as he opened the door, leading Miguel out. "Come on, the bathrooms are this way." The soldier said. He was rather kind, though still doing his work.

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The boy looked around carefully in his camp, and stopped his two companions whenever someone was coming. The camp was rather big, so it would be very hard to do this quick. He stopped behind a shed that was used to hold materials to reinforce the walls.

"We keep fresh meat in prison sheds. There's plenty of them here, so we won't find him that easily. The sheds are on the other side of the camp."


Meanwhile Miguel followed along. He looked around at the camp, trying to register as much as he could in his head. He had to admit. For a bad group they sure knew how to survive. He truthfully didn't need to pee at all; he just needed the excuse to get the hell out of that shed.

"You're really nice for one of them." Miguel muttered as he followed along. "What do they do to someone in the shed if they tried to run away?"

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Death gave a nod as he looked around. They would have to be quick before the sun rose and the first rays of light ended up busting them out, but careful or otherwise they were dead meat. "We will be quick about it. Check every shed for any sign of him. The quicker the better and safer." Death said as he looked over at Grim. "Do you have it?" Death asked. Grim nodded. "Good." Death turned to the kid. "If you feel that it might be too dangerous for you to continue, you may leave. We can find my son on our own." Death offered.


"Hmmm," the man hummed. "You would be whipped, tortured, maybe killed." The man said as they reached a small trench. "Ok. You can pee here."

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The boy crossed his arms. He was seriously considering leaving for a moment, however he decided against it. He made a deal with Death, and he would keep his end to the bargin all the way. Plus, that reward sounded nice too. "I'll help you guys out. I don't really want to stick here anyway. If you don't get caught, and we get you kid out of here, I'll leave with you. Everyone here is an a**hole anyway..." He muttered with a grumble. "Come on, the sheds are this way."


Meanwhile Miguel blinked a few times. A freaking trench? Then again he just usually peed in the dirt or something. Miguel looked down, and proceeded to do his buisness. Whipped tortured and maybe killed for trying to leave? He didn't want to stick around to see the other horrors this camp had. It was either try now, or never. After he was done, he pulled up his pants. He went over to his guard. He was going to follow back to the shed, until he suddenly gave his guard a quick shove and tried to push him right into the trench. Miguel took this moment to attempt to make a run for it.

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