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The grand scheme of time travel

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Since time travel will most likely be a major component of the story in KH3, should we assume that there is some grand scheme revolving around the concept that nomura is waiting to unleash on us, or is it just a cop out to keep the story "fraîche". To be honest, after pondering about how this concept can come to a head and actually benefit the story somewhat, I've come to the conclusion that maybe the ending of KH3 will lead us to a soft reboot. I'll explain how the story can progress to make this occur later, but right now I want to discuss how this will be a good thing for the series. As it stands there are TOO MANY characters within the KH universe that are really important, to the SoD saga Atleast, so to drag all of those characters into the next saga where we will have to meet new people and new foes will just make the game too convoluted (character wise), but with a soft reboot, most of those characters will still be around, but none of the events that hurt them in this saga will carry over (will it hurt their characterization, yeah, but you have to break some eggs in order to get to the juicy meat in the back of the fridge) there importance will be downplayed somewhat and we can move on from them.


For this soft reboot to take place I believe that for the most part what must definitely happen is for YX too be turned good after no longer accepting YMX views, we, the players, will still be able to kick the crap out of MX, but after all is said and done, YX returns to his timeline and grows up to actually be a good person (and maybe end up training sora for the next saga) this is where the time travel concept can actually be a good thing, we both defeat the main villain of the series and make it so that he never exist o begin with. Now another way I can see this going down is sora and co beat the thirteen, but KH is still awakened yada yada sora beats MX, but instead of just leaving things at that, sora decides to pull an Ansem SoD and discards his body becoming nothing but a heart, after that he merges with kingdom hearts and since he is one with it he will be able to travel to any point in time in which KH existed...essentially anytime in the history of he universe, he travels to the keyblade war era, prevents that, travels to YX time and erases the etches in his heart that would lead to MX, and, since xion, Namine, and roxas are a part of him he would be able to remake them in this new world that wasn't divided by the keyblade war and everyone gets too live happily ever after...until the next saga Atleast.

It might sound complicated, but it's the only grand scheme I can think of when it comes to the entirety of the KH story in which tolime travel won't be a simple cop out.

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Isn't this a mix of a lot of stuff people kept predicting? YX becomes good,Sora "technically" dies,Sora fuses with Kingdom Hearts,the stuff that practically led to Sora being the main character are changed drastically despite the "you cannot change the events that are destined to happen" thing. That would retcon the "inevitable destiny" thing as well as other things.

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You can't change the events of time without breaking the laws of time I think that has been well established in Dream Drop Distance. If Young Xehanort is to intervene for the side of light it can only be done in the present. Young Xehanort cannot go back and rewrite the entire course of history. Even if he could it would completely alter the time considering Xehanort was behind almost every event in the series. Removing himself from those streams of events would hardly be classified as a soft reboot. 

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You can't change the events of time without breaking the laws of time I think that has been well established in Dream Drop Distance. If Young Xehanort is to intervene for the side of light it can only be done in the present. Young Xehanort cannot go back and rewrite the entire course of history. Even if he could it would completely alter the time considering Xehanort was behind almost every event in the series. Removing himself from those streams of events would hardly be classified as a soft reboot.


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Isn't this a mix of a lot of stuff people kept predicting? YX becomes good,Sora "technically" dies,Sora fuses with Kingdom Hearts,the stuff that practically led to Sora being the main character are changed drastically despite the "you cannot change the events that are destined to happen" thing. That would retcon the "inevitable destiny" thing as well as other things.

Yes there are rules regarding time travel, but in regards to the changing events that are destined to happen, what better entity is there to decide what exactly IS destined to happen than kingdom hearts itself, the seeming god of the KH universe. With destiny being decided by kingdom hearts in play, all of the other rules in time travel are still validated.

You can't change the events of time without breaking the laws of time I think that has been well established in Dream Drop Distance. If Young Xehanort is to intervene for the side of light it can only be done in the present. Young Xehanort cannot go back and rewrite the entire course of history. Even if he could it would completely alter the time considering Xehanort was behind almost every event in the series. Removing himself from those streams of events would hardly be classified as a soft reboot.

But Young xehanort wouldn't be the one to go back in time, it would be Sora fused with kingdom hearts, and that entity would be allowed to change things due to plausibility of it being able to alter destiny. And if evil xehanort were taken out of the time stream, it wouldn't completely disrupt the KH universe as we know it, like I said, sora will reformat the world so that it is no longer divided, there will be no need for terranort to send Kairi to DI, she could travel there with her own to feet. But another thing is that even though sora would reformat the world so that evil xehanort didn't have anything to do with, all of the characters would retain their memories or Atleast thier "bonds" and would still be able to be with with their closest friends, the BBS trio, though xehanort didn't drop Ven on eraqus doorstep would still find their way to each other, something sora, as a kingdom hearts fused entity, can make destined to happen. Kairi can one day travel to DI on a whim meet Sora and remember the bond that they shared. So pretty much the entirety of the KH story happened, just none of the tragedies that made those characters seperate will be remembered, only the fact that they are friends so to speak.

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Yes there are rules regarding time travel, but in regards to the changing events that are destined to happen, what better entity is there to decide what exactly IS destined to happen than kingdom hearts itself, the seeming god of the KH universe. With destiny being decided by kingdom hearts in play, all of the other rules in time travel are still validated. But Young xehanort wouldn't be the one to go back in time, it would be Sora fused with kingdom hearts, and that entity would be allowed to change things due to plausibility of it being able to alter destiny. And if evil xehanort were taken out of the time stream, it wouldn't completely disrupt the KH universe as we know it, like I said, sora will reformat the world so that it is no longer divided, there will be no need for terranort to send Kairi to DI, she could travel there with her own to feet. But another thing is that even though sora would reformat the world so that evil xehanort didn't have anything to do with, all of the characters would retain their memories or Atleast thier "bonds" and would still be able to be with with their closest friends, the BBS trio, though xehanort didn't drop Ven on eraqus doorstep would still find their way to each other, something sora, as a kingdom hearts fused entity, can make destined to happen. Kairi can one day travel to DI on a whim meet Sora and remember the bond that they shared. So pretty much the entirety of the KH story happened, just none of the tragedies that made those characters seperate will be remembered, only the fact that they are friends so to speak.

Kingdom Hearts isn't even a living being. It's the source of power and wisdom. It didn't even make the decisions. Also,the entire KH story happened,but none of the tragedies did? Then it didn't happen at all. Xehanort's doings were basically what caused Sora to get the keyblade in the first place. It was his actions that caused the entire story to unfold. Face it,you can't change destiny. If you take Xehanort out of the equation,the series wouldn't have happened. Oh,and the Sora fused with Kingdom Hearts thing? I've been hearing that so many times I'm sick of the idea.

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Kingdom Hearts isn't even a living being. It's the source of power and wisdom. It didn't even make the decisions. Also,the entire KH story happened,but none of the tragedies did? Then it didn't happen at all. Xehanort's doings were basically what caused Sora to get the keyblade in the first place. It was his actions that caused the entire story to unfold. Face it,you can't change destiny. If you take Xehanort out of the equation,the series wouldn't have happened. Oh,and the Sora fused with Kingdom Hearts thing? I've been hearing that so many times I'm sick of the idea.

how is kingdom hearts not a living being, or Atleast sentiant when it is the heart of everything, and the world's themselves have shown to be capable of sentiantance? You're saying things as if they are definitive when kingdom hearts by all definitions of the word has not explicitly shown what exactly it is capable of in terms of feats, you have nothing to base its powers on other than what xehanort wants it to be and what it has been seen doing such as eradicating ansem SoD, after that, it's up in the air as to what the limits of kingdom hearts abilities are. Also, like I just described, the events that made those characters friends would have created a bond in their hearts and that even if those events themselves didn't happen, the memories/bonds that were formed will still be there, we've seen the concept of memories being erased, yet bonds still being there multiple times, it's not out of the question. And it doesn't matter how sick of the idea you are, it doesn't make it any less of a possibility.

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how is kingdom hearts not a living being, or Atleast sentiant when it is the heart of everything, and the world's themselves have shown to be capable of sentiantance? You're saying things as if they are definitive when kingdom hearts by all definitions of the word has not explicitly shown what exactly it is capable of in terms of feats, you have nothing to base its powers on other than what xehanort wants it to be and what it has been seen doing such as eradicating ansem SoD, after that, it's up in the air as to what the limits of kingdom hearts abilities are. Also, like I just described, the events that made those characters friends would have created a bond in their hearts and that even if those events themselves didn't happen, the memories/bonds that were formed will still be there, we've seen the concept of memories being erased, yet bonds still being there multiple times, it's not out of the question. And it doesn't matter how sick of the idea you are, it doesn't make it any less of a possibility.

They won't even have those bonds if we got all retcon the inevitable destiny. No one would know each other. Kairi would stay in Radiant Garden. Ven would stay wherever the hell he was before the Land of Departure. The entire story wouldn't happen. It would be a COSMIC retcon. Something fans of the series would REALLY hate.

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They won't even have those bonds if we got all retcon the inevitable destiny. No one would know each other. Kairi would stay in Radiant Garden. Ven would stay wherever the hell he was before the Land of Departure. The entire story wouldn't happen. It would be a COSMIC retcon. Something fans of the series would REALLY hate.

I literally just explained how they would still meet up and how the events in the series would still have happened, it's called a soft reboot for a reason. With the world no longer divided, there would no longer be a need for a gummi ship to travel, one could easily go from radiant garden to destiny islands or twilight town, whatever. Also with sora being the one to alter time he would be the one to remember all of the events that lead to him fusing with KH, much like how in almost every fictional story where time is altered, the one doing the altering will remember the events that lead to said departure into the time stream. This entire idea works off the plausibility of kingdom hearts being the entity that decides destiny, and if it can, then most likely it can alter said destiny to its whim. With that said, sora would be able to make it so that all of the trios SKR, TVA, RAX(N) are destined to meet, maybe not in the same capacity that they did in the original timeline, but they will still meet each other just without all of the baggage that drove them all apart. If you want a perfect example, look at Xmen days of future past almost the definition of a soft reboot, all of the events from xmen 1-3 has happened, wolverine can attest to that, he personally experienced them and brought memories of those events with him into he new timeline, so they happened, no one can deny him that truth, but in the new timeline even without Stryker or magneto being the guys who brought these characters together to be there, they still wound up where they were supposed to be, in the mansion; and all of the characters are with their respective loved ones, even those who had a relationship due to events within the trilogy. So anyway, if you are honestly going to try and tear down this theory you're going to have to give definitive proof that kingdom hearts IS NOT in charge of destiny, and since you can't, my theory is plausible. Good night sir/madam.

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I literally just explained how they would still meet up and how the events in the series would still have happened, it's called a soft reboot for a reason. With the world no longer divided, there would no longer be a need for a gummi ship to travel, one could easily go from radiant garden to destiny islands or twilight town, whatever. Also with sora being the one to alter time he would be the one to remember all of the events that lead to him fusing with KH, much like how in almost every fictional story where time is altered, the one doing the altering will remember the events that lead to said departure into the time stream. This entire idea works off the plausibility of kingdom hearts being the entity that decides destiny, and if it can, then most likely it can alter said destiny to its whim. With that said, sora would be able to make it so that all of the trios SKR, TVA, RAX(N) are destined to meet, maybe not in the same capacity that they did in the original timeline, but they will still meet each other just without all of the baggage that drove them all apart. If you want a perfect example, look at Xmen days of future past almost the definition of a soft reboot, all of the events from xmen 1-3 has happened, wolverine can attest to that, he personally experienced them and brought memories of those events with him into he new timeline, so they happened, no one can deny him that truth, but in the new timeline even without Stryker or magneto being the guys who brought these characters together to be there, they still wound up where they were supposed to be, in the mansion; and all of the characters are with their respective loved ones, even those who had a relationship due to events within the trilogy. So anyway, if you are honestly going to try and tear down this theory you're going to have to give definitive proof that kingdom hearts IS NOT in charge of destiny, and since you can't, my theory is plausible. Good night sir/madam.

One. Kingdom Hearts only did ONE thing. And that was "kill" Ansem SoD. Two. It just sits in the sky waiting to be used by someone. Three. Did Kingdom Hearts make YX decide to leave Destiny Islands? No it didn't. Xehanort did it. Four. What you call a "soft" reboot is anything but soft. Other than the characters being "destined" to meet,NOTHING IN THE STORY HAPPENED. It would retcon a ton of things so it could have an ending that would practically turn the series into Evangelion. Five. You know WHY X-Men was able to do it? DIFFERENT RULES OF TIME TRAVEL. Six. KH's rules of time travel already established that you cannot change events destined to happen. Not even the true Kingdom Hearts can do that. Your theory is basically a hodgepodge of stuff that happened in fanfics. Thus making this theory unoriginal.

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One. Kingdom Hearts only did ONE thing. And that was "kill" Ansem SoD. Two. It just sits in the sky waiting to be used by someone. Three. Did Kingdom Hearts make YX decide to leave Destiny Islands? No it didn't. Xehanort did it. Four. What you call a "soft" reboot is anything but soft. Other than the characters being "destined" to meet,NOTHING IN THE STORY HAPPENED. It would retcon a ton of things so it could have an ending that would practically turn the series into Evangelion. Five. You know WHY X-Men was able to do it? DIFFERENT RULES OF TIME TRAVEL. Six. KH's rules of time travel already established that you cannot change events destined to happen. Not even the true Kingdom Hearts can do that. Your theory is basically a hodgepodge of stuff that happened in fanfics. Thus making this theory unoriginal.

See, you're speaking in definitives again, how are you going to decide what kingdom hearts wants. Also, you have still not given me any conclusive proof that kingdom hearts, the heart of all things including YX's, doesnt have a role in decideing what exactly IS destined to happen, you can't, unless you are nomura behind that tiny screen typing away, you can't definitively tell me what kingdom hearts is capable of in its entirety.

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I literally just explained how they would still meet up and how the events in the series would still have happened, it's called a soft reboot for a reason. With the world no longer divided, there would no longer be a need for a gummi ship to travel, one could easily go from radiant garden to destiny islands or twilight town, whatever. Also with sora being the one to alter time he would be the one to remember all of the events that lead to him fusing with KH, much like how in almost every fictional story where time is altered, the one doing the altering will remember the events that lead to said departure into the time stream.


This entire idea works off the plausibility of kingdom hearts being the entity that decides destiny, and if it can, then most likely it can alter said destiny to its whim. With that said, sora would be able to make it so that all of the trios SKR, TVA, RAX(N) are destined to meet, maybe not in the same capacity that they did in the original timeline, but they will still meet each other just without all of the baggage that drove them all apart. If you want a perfect example, look at Xmen days of future past almost the definition of a soft reboot, all of the events from xmen 1-3 has happened, wolverine can attest to that, he personally experienced them and brought memories of those events with him into he new timeline, so they happened, no one can deny him that truth, but in the new timeline even without Stryker or magneto being the guys who brought these characters together to be there, they still wound up where they were supposed to be, in the mansion; and all of the characters are with their respective loved ones, even those who had a relationship due to events within the trilogy.


So anyway, if you are honestly going to try and tear down this theory you're going to have to give definitive proof that kingdom hearts IS NOT in charge of destiny, and since you can't, my theory is plausible. Good night sir/madam.

Your theory IS NOT plausible. At ALL. EVER. NEVER. Wtf are you talking about? You have it all backwards. You forgot the fact that in KH1, they said the worlds WERE PERMANENTLY DIVIDED /before/ the events of KH1. Making travel to them LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE. There were walls around them, or whatever. Sora would have NEVER met Kairi because of that. What you said makes literally no sense lol. You imply they were divided in KH1-beyond, yet travel to them was possible. ...Lolwut? Your idea of divided is incorrect. The worlds were NEVER a part of a whole. Not being able to travel to them at all is what they meant by divided. You must have misunderstood Aerith. They were always seperate and divided until KH1. It was because of Xehanort that people found out about other worlds because of the walls taken down from the Heartless. NOONE knew about other worlds until Xehanort created the Heartless. That was the first thing we learned from Aerith in Traverse Town lmao...Don't argue with me and make me waste my time finding that video for you. Do your own research. Plus, YOU CAN'T CHANGE DESTINY. If it were possible, Xehanort would have done so by now. He probably knows this because he might have even tried to change events himself yet failed. If it WERE possible, we wouldn't have been introduced to that fact in the first place. :/

Edited by Winchester

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Your theory IS NOT plausible. At ALL. EVER. NEVER. Wtf are you talking about? You have it all backwards. You forgot the fact that in KH1, they said the worlds WERE PERMANENTLY DIVIDED /before/ the events of KH1. Making travel to them LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE. There were walls around them, or whatever. Sora would have NEVER met Kairi because of that. What you said makes literally no sense lol. You imply they were divided in KH1-beyond, yet travel to them was possible. ...Lolwut? Your idea of divided is incorrect. The worlds were NEVER a part of a whole. Not being able to travel to them at all is what they meant by divided. You must have misunderstood Aerith. They were always seperate and divided until KH1. It was because of Xehanort that people found out about other worlds because of the walls taken down from the Heartless. NOONE knew about other worlds until Xehanort created the Heartless. That was the first thing we learned from Aerith in Traverse Town lmao...Don't argue with me and make me waste my time finding that video for you. Do your own research. Plus, YOU CAN'T CHANGE DESTINY. If it were possible, Xehanort would have done so by now. He probably knows this because he might have even tried to change events himself yet failed. If it WERE possible, we wouldn't have been introduced to that fact in the first place. :/

Wow, someone needs to brush up on their KH facts, the world WAS originally whole, but due to events (most likely the keyblade war) darkness was summoned into a world full of light and caused the world to be engulfed in it, only through the innocent hearts of children was the light brought back to the world, but instead of it being whole again, they divided to prevent the keyblade war from happening again, this story was told to us twice, in both KH1 and in BBS, both times by Kairi's grandmotherAnd as for the destiny part, yes those rules would apply to the villain in order to make sure HE isn't capable of instant victory, but if sora joins with KH and decides what is destined, something xehanort has yet been able to try, then maybe he can breakdown all of the events that have unfolded so far.

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Wow, someone needs to brush up on their KH facts, the world WAS originally whole, but due to events (most likely the keyblade war) darkness was summoned into a world full of light and caused the world to be engulfed in it, only through the innocent hearts of children was the light brought back to the world, but instead of it being whole again, they divided to prevent the keyblade war from happening again, this story was told to us twice, in both KH1 and in BBS, both times by Kairi's grandmotherAnd as for the destiny part, yes those rules would apply to the villain in order to make sure HE isn't capable of instant victory, but if sora joins with KH and decides what is destined, something xehanort has yet been able to try, then maybe he can breakdown all of the events that have unfolded so far.

Ugh. Your theory is just bad. Nothing can be changed. Not the Keyblade War. Not the tragedies that happened. Nothing. It's been set in stone. It can't be changed at all. Also,did you forget about the Book of Prophecies?

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