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If Sora had a drive form equivalent to Super Saiyan God...

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Yeah,but Valor Form is called weak sometimes. I'm talking about a drive form that is equal to Super Saiyan God.

That would have to be Final Form with Ultima Weapon and Fenrir, lvl 99.

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This is really random,... There are no established power levels in KH, so you would have no idea on how to do power scaling in terms of base to drive form, and even if there were power levels it would be irrelevant since SSJG doesn't rely on standard power gauging to determine how strong they are. Also, to compare SSJG to kingdom hearts is pretty arbitrary seeing as the only power that has been explicitly shown by kingdom hearts is it being a shiny flashlight that gains power from all living beings and that makes the bad things go away( looking at you ansem sod, and also making fun of the spirit bomb). Where as with SSJG we have a crap ton more stuff to relate it too. It's infinitly stronger than buu, a being capable of destroying the universe, and could destroy a planet in less than a second. And it's half as strong as beerus, but we haven't seen the limits of his strength, so it's up in the air, but SSJG is still much stronger than anything KH has shown us that it's capable of.


Too try and compare the two universes will always yield to the simple fact that goku is the third strongest japanese fictional character ever in terms of raw ability and can't be outdone without some sort of God hack, but if we're to take xenoverse as canon (which technically it can be considered since toriyama personally worked on the story of DBO, and XV takes most of its elements from that game) then goku is also semi impervious to even other God beings.

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This is really random,... There are no established power levels in KH, so you would have no idea on how to do power scaling in terms of base to drive form, and even if there were power levels it would be irrelevant since SSJG doesn't rely on standard power gauging to determine how strong they are. Also, to compare SSJG to kingdom hearts is pretty arbitrary seeing as the only power that has been explicitly shown by kingdom hearts is it being a shiny flashlight that gains power from all living beings and that makes the bad things go away( looking at you ansem sod, and also making fun of the spirit bomb). Where as with SSJG we have a crap ton more stuff to relate it too. It's infinitly stronger than buu, a being capable of destroying the universe, and could destroy a planet in less than a second. And it's half as strong as beerus, but we haven't seen the limits of his strength, so it's up in the air, but SSJG is still much stronger than anything KH has shown us that it's capable of.Too try and compare the two universes will always yield to the simple fact that goku is the third strongest japanese fictional character ever in terms of raw ability and can't be outdone without some sort of God hack, but if we're to take xenoverse as canon (which technically it can be considered since toriyama personally worked on the story of DBO, and XV takes most of its elements from that game) then goku is also semi impervious to even other God beings.

Sorry for saying you ruined it. Edited by KeybladeLordSora

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Now that I think about it(I know the gauge increases to much more than that) but 100 is actually a solid representation of what sora would be in the DBZ universe, seeing as he the only thing that he has done which would require an extreme amount of strength would be cutting skyscrapers. In DB goku was barely able to push a huge ass Boulder 20 feet and he had a power level of 10-15 at the time. I forgot what was mentioned in that one movie pamphlet that discussed goku's power level throughout DB, but he was definitely in the lower hundreds during the 2nd world martial arts tournament arc. Since magic isn't taken into account when it comes to power level, the magic within both sora and the keyblade cannot be counted, not that it's wouldn't be helpful in a fight between them, but it would not add to his overall power level.


I would also like to describe what goku would be like if he were in the KH universe, sorry, I was actually thinking about this on my drive home, but first things first, goku would be a replica of Ven in terms of alignment seeing as goku does not have an ounce of darkness in his heart. He is on POH level of purity, and not only that he would be able to summon the powers of darkness without all of the backlash, since super saiyan requires a serene heart awakened by rage. So not only would he be light incarnate, but he would also be able to use darkness to its upper limits without being tempted by it. I'm going to try and stay as close to DB as possible and try not to bring SSJ and SSJG, and instead focus on goku from the 2nd martial arts world tournament, but I will throw in the inevitablility of flight and such...actually I'll just stick with characterization rather than powers.


Anyway, goku would trollop sora in the characterization department on all levels that Sora's character is based off of, goku is much more righteous and kindhearted than sora, don't get me wrong sora is like the epitome of what it means to be a decent human being, but goku is just a natural positive force who is explicitly devoid of all evil or darkness. Goku would also probably have a better time being "the key that connects everything" where sora can become friends with anyone he meets, goku can do that as well AND convert beings who are "evil incarnate" to good, he has to use the dragon balls in two of those situations, but that just goes to show how kind hearted and righteous he is, that he would use a wish that would grant him anything in the world just to bring someone back to life and give them a second chance at it. Where as sora was being pretty greedy when contemplating what he would wish for in agrabah, though it was for the sake of his friends, he did have something to gain from it. Pretty much if goku was in Sora's shoes,... It would actually be pretty damn interesting to watch...to whoever is reading this, if you are interested in writing a fan fiction based on this idea, I'll pay to read it, but it has to be good, and master Roshi has to be best friends with yen Sid ,...that is all I ask

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