Guest Posted March 9, 2015 I won't be doing another book on why I think BBS is the worst, but it is IMO the worst. With the others something about the game made me heavily enjoy playing them and their story for the most part. 1: the MP bar and limits were great tools, mini games were sort of fun, it wasn't entirely fight missions (there were a few seek an item or very easy puzzles to solve) CoM: the battle system though not fun was a nice change. In the original it also allows Axel to say "hell". Which in the context of his character makes some slight sense. It was very relatively easy. 2: flashy combat with a lot of intensity and reaction commands, though overpowered, we're great fun if your just looking to do something cool looking. I like the game overall and feel it's faster pace is more what I want out of a KH game. 358: I like the item deck system, upgradable keyblades, team bosses (on an occasion when I could do them, simple combat for the first KH game that worked like the others on a handheld was to be expected and IMO is OK, as adding in too many combos would cause issues with lag (and the game dose suffer a bit of lag already anyways from time to time) so I feel the simplistic combat with the diffrent combos being left up to the equipped Keyblade was fine. I enjoyed the story(yes, Xion isn't nessicary. But no one remembers her, her impact wasn't that huge to the plot but was done in a way that was neat IMO, winging about it just kind of is unnecessary imo). Re:Coded. I'm very much a story type player, but good enough combat is able to make up for lack of plot on occasion, and I feel Re:Coded did just that. The Command Deck system saw improvements, the melding was improved, it had neat little minigames, ect. I really enjoyed the game, and I really loved the level up board idea and the Keyblade levels, I felt that it was a very cool little idea. DDD: Very fast paced combat with fun little mechanic's and quick combat. I enjoyed Flowmotion a whole lot. Didn't enjoy the minigames particularly, but overall it was fun. At this point, however, KH storyline is sort of just a meh thing for me so I don't really care about the plot, and after this game gave me no reason to hope for a better plot, so I jus play because it's fun combat now. I feel a lot of retcons came out of BBS, it being a prequel and having to change as much as we knew as possible as well. 358 adds in a new character, but like I said, it dosen't really matter a whole lot either way (personally like Xion. Instead of trying to force the end situation with Axel, instead it gives a decent reason for why Roxas is going to try and destroy KH. and I feel thst is better than shoehorn in a "axel is my friend and I miss hanging with him so imma stab the moon" idea. But that's my Time up. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
outbackjim21 83 Posted March 9, 2015 BBS has incredibly clunky gameplay, the flaws are worked around rather than through, by doing things like giving you copious invincibility frames insanely easy access to healing, and a guard with basically zero lag time. In terms of story it's a clunky mess designed around making Xehanort look competent at the expense of the three one note main characters. Their tragedies are not only hilariously contrived, and emotionally depthless, but ultimately meaningless. Days has horrendous gameplay, exacerbated by the remarkably badly designed enemies and missions. It fails to introduce anything new or worthwhile for the thirteen Organization members in favour of randomly inserting a new character in that adds an insane amount of plot contrivance. People argue it expalined plot points from KH2, but that's not true. Roxas's backstory made plenty of sense in KH2, Days works AROUND it to make it more complicated. What's more it completely neglects Roxas's original implied reasoning of "Why did the keyblade choose me?" Re:Coded might be stale in terms of plot in the broadest sense, but the execution is great, the characters are in top form, and the twists on each world are better than any previous 'rehash'Sure it gets a bit heavyhanded in Castle Oblivion, but that's only the final world. EVERY KH game gets heavyhanded in the final world. The message definitely isn't nonsense. Pain defining us as people is very real thing. Plus in the Re:Coded movie we get another amazing performance by Jesse McCartney.You have an ncredibly shallow view on what counts as a rehash though. While Coded follows the same basic story order of KH1, each world is a unique remix, far more unique than they were in Days or Chain of Memories. Sora's character develops in a different way, too. I really like Data Sora, he's like a mix of KH2 and KH1 Sora. He's so much more practice than the real dealBecause Sora doesn't lsoe his confidence without the keyblade. He IMMEDIATELY leaves and heads to Hollow Bastion unarmed, a complete contrast to Sora losing his keyblade in KH1, and Sora thinking about not using his keyblade in KH2.What's more, as time goes on Re:Coded is getting more relevant. Data Sora growing a heart, getting a real keyblade. The fact that worlds and people who think they're real can be created is expanded on in KHX and looks to be an important part of Xehanort's plan and Maleficent's goals in KH3. The hidden data inside the journal.But hey, the pot doesn't need to be super relevant because the game is also really fun. Much looser and more practical than BBS.Sure Re:Coded doesn't do much new, but it refines the old, bringing together ideas from all across the gamesand it works greatdata sora as a character was composed of the memories from journal of the first KH adventure so he would have all of Sora's character development from the first game on the back burner not in the sense that he can access them, but he is born from them. And though it is a contrast as to how both reacted to losing the keyblade. Data sora still had friends to support him the entire way, where as sora lost both goofy and Donald, and also Riku. Which would have been a much harder blow than data sora simply having an already fake keyblade destroyed. Pain is a very human/relatable thing to discuss in any media, but recoded makes it seem like this insurmountable tasks that can't be done even though sora has already done it many times before. Even within this game, Data Roxas mentions hurt in the exact same context of what happened to sora during COM, with the memories of someone dear to you being forgotten causing hurt. And what did sora do without unnecessary added context of hurt, he overcame it. Coded just fluffs up content that already occurred or is going to occur (in the cas of BBS since it wasn't out yet when the mobile game was finished) it adds insight I will admit, but it isn't thought provoking in the grand scheme of things especially with Sora's characterization seeing as he's already done all of this beforehand.Kingdom hearts has always been a fast paced game, unlike games like dark souls, zero lag guards and invincibility frames are necessary in some situations, unlike the souls series, most enemies' attacks aren't telegraphed in the sense that there is a huge wind up unless it's a charge attack or a reaction command. I will admit that the shotlocksystem was bad, but then again I rarely used it due to how cheap it was, (reason why I avoided flow motion in 3d as well). But I'm going to have to disagree with you on the characterization of the bbs trio( excluding Terra because he was badly written) each character's ending May be forced in order to line up with the main series, but you can't deny the reasoning of each character that lead them to their respective end. All of it can be traced back to eraqus in a sense, but having it so that each character trusting every other character rather than themselves and the other two is Shakespearean tragedy in a nut shell. And for you to say that their tragedies are meaningless is to say that the lesson of learning to deal with hurt caused by that tragedy is meaningless as well seeing as that was the whole point of data Namine and data Roxas testing data sora to see if he can deal with the hurt of the people he has to save.Now I don't think we played the same 358 days game seeing as it turned an entire organization that you were taught to despise in both COM and KH2 (aside from obvious exceptions) and actually humanized them to an extent, they even made Xigbar and saix somewhat relatable, much more so with saix. And simply reading the secret reports gave you, the player, insight into each members goals as to why they joined the org and how they viewed themselves and other nobodies. You can hate on days gameplay, but it was trying its best to simulate the kh2 gameplay just without all the bells and whistles that kh2 had. It even shows with how some of Roxas combos are kh2 Sora's combos. Also in regards to xion, Roxas needed a lot more than a simple"who am I" conflict inorder for him to be a truly tragic character, he needed to lose something in order to push him forward. Just having Roxas be friends with axel throughout all of 358 and all of a sudden have Roxas say "everyone's keeping secrets from me, screw this" (even though no one would be keeping secrets since Xion isn't around)would just be more of an asspull than just leaving xion in the game xion also gave more insight into the growth of a heart even more so than recoded and the Tron world's did. I mean having a nobody, a being who isn't meant to have a heart, create another artificial existence that was always meant to be a puppet desire a heart and shows growth of one. Granted, it was done earlier with repliku, but xion actually gave the process depth.when you say that the world's are a unique remix, a remix in what way, honestly with the side scrolling, basic rpg attack/defend, and whatever wonderland was, I felt like I was playing a game designed for a mobile pho... Never mind, but seriously the system sectors were a nice touch, just not that great due to the fact that it literally can be lifeless seeing as the layouts are so similar, but that's because of plot rather than game design.To be honest, ever since Jesse McCartney did young justice, he doesn't "sound" like Roxas anymore, he sounds more like robin, but right now DDDs Roxas is stronger in my head than recoded's is. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silent 824 Posted March 9, 2015 Damn i surprised how many people have the same opinion as me. Dream drop distance. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
7 and 13 Ingredients 27 Posted March 9, 2015 (If you'd have separated CoM and Re:CoM into different games- which they pretty much are- I certainly woulda voted CoM.) BBS. The gameplay is a mix of too easy and too grind heavy, which is an interesting paradox, and it has some god awful minigames (the Command Board is one of the most depressing things in video game history). It's also where the story went from confusing and weird but kinda cool to confusing and weird and firetrucking stupid, a trend that's only gotten worse in DDD. (Plus, the PSP was a terrible system to play anything on, but at least 2.5 fixed that issue).no ur opinion is wrong 1 HeyMouseSayCheese reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
outbackjim21 83 Posted March 9, 2015 I won't be doing another book on why I think BBS is the worst, but it is IMO the worst.With the others something about the game made me heavily enjoy playing them and their story for the most part.1: the MP bar and limits were great tools, mini games were sort of fun, it wasn't entirely fight missions (there were a few seek an item or very easy puzzles to solve)CoM: the battle system though not fun was a nice change. In the original it also allows Axel to say "hell". Which in the context of his character makes some slight sense. It was very relatively easy.2: flashy combat with a lot of intensity and reaction commands, though overpowered, we're great fun if your just looking to do something cool looking. I like the game overall and feel it's faster pace is more what I want out of a KH game.358: I like the item deck system, upgradable keyblades, team bosses (on an occasion when I could do them, simple combat for the first KH game that worked like the others on a handheld was to be expected and IMO is OK, as adding in too many combos would cause issues with lag (and the game dose suffer a bit of lag already anyways from time to time) so I feel the simplistic combat with the diffrent combos being left up to the equipped Keyblade was fine. I enjoyed the story(yes, Xion isn't nessicary. But no one remembers her, her impact wasn't that huge to the plot but was done in a way that was neat IMO, winging about it just kind of is unnecessary imo).Re:Coded. I'm very much a story type player, but good enough combat is able to make up for lack of plot on occasion, and I feel Re:Coded did just that. The Command Deck system saw improvements, the melding was improved, it had neat little minigames, ect. I really enjoyed the game, and I really loved the level up board idea and the Keyblade levels, I felt that it was a very cool little idea.DDD: Very fast paced combat with fun little mechanic's and quick combat. I enjoyed Flowmotion a whole lot. Didn't enjoy the minigames particularly, but overall it was fun. At this point, however, KH storyline is sort of just a meh thing for me so I don't really care about the plot, and after this game gave me no reason to hope for a better plot, so I jus play because it's fun combat now.I feel a lot of retcons came out of BBS, it being a prequel and having to change as much as we knew as possible as well. 358 adds in a new character, but like I said, it dosen't really matter a whole lot either way (personally like Xion. Instead of trying to force the end situation with Axel, instead it gives a decent reason for why Roxas is going to try and destroy KH. and I feel thst is better than shoehorn in a "axel is my friend and I miss hanging with him so imma stab the moon" idea.But that's my Time up.I get that BBS is you're least favorite and you don't want to discuss it, but I'm trying to understand how BBS brought out a lot of retcons. Everything within the story was pretty self contained, the main enemy (unversed) disappears realistically, the main villains get set up in their positions that were established in previous titles. And the trio are put into place so that they don't influnece events of the main series directly( aside from Terra) most if not all previous mysteries are explained, especially the importance of C.O, I don't see many retcons other than Master xehanort. But when I think of retcons I think of how in the first couple of transformers episodes the autobots are able to fly, then all of a sudden they can't without any explanation. To be honest, the biggest retcon would have to be the introduction of nobodies in KH2 seeing as it was never explained why they weren't around during the first game. Nor why they weren't in COM during the last level inside the actual castle oblivion layout when it had actual nobodies in the vicinity. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weedanort 8,786 Posted March 9, 2015 FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU--- 3 Shulk, HeyMouseSayCheese and Ultimus Grid reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DoDo4869 301 Posted March 9, 2015 Re:Coded is my least favourite, but i still love it though, it is still awesome even if it's not a best^^ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Power Jusho 1,784 Posted March 9, 2015 i absolutely hate CoM/ReCoM! Vexen....ooh, you!! 1 ScarletArisa reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nmovies11 105 Posted March 9, 2015 I don't really 'hate' any KH game But if I had to choose I would say Re:Coded simply because i never played that one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ScarletArisa 128 Posted March 9, 2015 I used to dislike CoM because of the Vexen Fight no.2 but since i beat him within 2 minutes in my ReCoM LP a while ago that changed to ReCoded because it has too much from KH 1. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deadpool 1,200 Posted March 9, 2015 I misread this as "favorite" instead of "least favorite," Ignore one of the KH2 votes. I'do say worst gameplay-wise is either Days or original CoM. Story-wise, the worst is KH3D. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeyMouseSayCheese 1,133 Posted March 9, 2015 I misread this as "favorite" instead of "least favorite," Ignore one of the KH2 votes. I'do say worst gameplay-wise is either Days or original CoM. Story-wise, the worst is KH3D. You know, you can just delete your vote and vote again. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deadpool 1,200 Posted March 9, 2015 FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU--- Good God I hated that boss. I remember it being dreadful. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) 3,859 Posted March 9, 2015 (edited) My least favourite is Re:Coded/Coded because the gameplay was sort of similar to BBS but worse, and the graphics were just a copy from 358/2 Days. However, the story was really cool, specially at CO, and the leveling up, stat boost, skill obtaining, etc. thing was amazing. Overall, it's an amazing game, but I still think the others are better. In my opinion, Days has the most serious story (after KH1) and probably the best one out of all, even though it's gameplay is sort of crap when you've played the game for a while. KH2 is the best one in my opinion. The best gameplay, the best boss fights and a very good story, in my opinion. The only thing I don't like about it is that it's very easy, but at least that is solved in the Final Mix version with it's Critical Mode. I think I'm the only one who actually likes the story of DDD. We know that the Organization XIII members are returning (not all of them as bosses, unfortunally), that there is going to be an amazing enemy we'll have to face and the time-travelling thing could add many things to KH3. Also, apart from the story, the final boss fights are amazing and the game's difficulty is perfect in Critical Mode, in my opinion. Edited March 9, 2015 by Xamtehwt Trece 1 kristijan14 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kingdom Of Me 171 Posted March 9, 2015 poor Re:Coded gets so much hate considering it's one of the best KH games Its not one of the best... but it is a lot better than most people think, the gameplay and the different elements were enjoyable and made each world feel unique, which ReCom and Days forgot to do. I understand the argument of ReCom, and to some people that is a good game and I can respect that, but to say that Coded was worse than days is silly... at least in gameplay. 3 HeyMouseSayCheese, Shulk and hatok reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caity 3,946 Posted March 9, 2015 I don't like Days. I don't care for the gameplay, characters or story. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dave 5,715 Posted March 9, 2015 Still Birth By Sleep. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VexenReplica 154 Posted March 9, 2015 I would've voted CoM/Re:CoM but then I remembered this. Re:Coded got the vote just because of the pure awesomeness of that song. 1 kristijan14 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kristijan14 31 Posted March 9, 2015 I would've voted CoM/Re:CoM but then I remembered this. Re:Coded got the vote just because of the pure awesomeness of that song. Attaboy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Philip Ellwell 5,487 Posted March 9, 2015 Kingdom Hearts II for quite a few reasons. Although Roxas is one of my favorites, the Twilight Town opening to the game just ended up depressing and a real buzz-kill for the game to follow, as literally the OPENING is a character you've only just been introduced (as of KH II's original release) to's "death" more or less.With the good exception of Beast's Castle and Port Royal, a few of the worlds seemed to go on forever, and were terribly dull to have to suffer through, made worse by revisits.Atlantica was okay-ish, (Jodie Benson made that crap tolerable) but seriously...just seriously.. never sing again, Sora, for the love of all that is holy. Having Ariel sing in cutscenes would've been a lot better.The Underworld to Olympus Coliseum was way too easy to get lost in, and honestly added little to a world already offering little, even if you do get Meg and more Phil in the process. So, long rant short, KH II is my least favorite. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hero of Light XIV 2,381 Posted March 9, 2015 Re:Coded didn't add a lot of plot points, no, so that's already a positive, it didn't pull a DDD It's also the second best written KH game, arguably one of only two KH games that are actually well written overall and the gameplay is fantastic utterly fantastic compare now KH1- Clunky as hell BBS- Clunky as hell 358/2 Days- awful Com- Pretty good KH2- shallow as hell KH2FM- amazing Uh, care to elaborate a little bit? Because just saying something like "this game is clunky as hell" and "this game is the second best written game" without explaining is just making statements. It doesn't convince anybody, it just shows you have an opinion, which is fine, just if you want people to get where you're coming form, you're going to have to explain. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gamerazor247 877 Posted March 9, 2015 Coded, story is awful, gameplay is awful, Cover art sucks, everything sucks about it. People who hate CoM can eat a Papou Fruit with Pence. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeyMouseSayCheese 1,133 Posted March 9, 2015 Coded, story is awful, gameplay is awful, Cover art sucks, everything sucks about it.People who hate CoM can eat a Papou Fruit with Pence. I'm okay with that; Pence is the cool fat guy of the group, always the best kind of person. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gamerazor247 877 Posted March 9, 2015 I'm okay with that; Pence is the cool fat guy of the group, always the best kind of person. Good point, he'll do the shopping for you Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lu Xun 2,069 Posted March 10, 2015 Wow It's been long since I have seen a poll with so many votes and comments! Thanks everyone Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites