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President Yoshi

weirdest recent comment

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time to post your weirdest recent comment (well, it doesn't HAVE to be recent)

to start ill post mine.


can you not mind if you don't have a mind to mind the mind of other minding in other's affairs?but can you truly say you dont mind if you read a comment of someone putting thier thoughts into that was clearly taking shape from their mind. a mind that was nurtured by the mind of others along with the minds of the past who were criticized by others for their ideas, but are now required to be known the the minds of our current world controlled by the minds  of those who we may not approve but we dont have teh mindset to speak our mind because the mind of those in power would use the minds of those lower in political power to oppress the minds of the little people in the world


this was about a month ago from a convo in skype. still not sure the reason behind this comment though. (I'm guessing I didn't have enough sleep to care)

Edited by President Yoshi

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Well I did make a post saying I was finally going to be a big [sorority] sister on Facebook to play the guilt card because I knew it wasn't going to happen even though I knew it wasn't going to happen.  I deleted it because I got aunt status, but the comments I received were pretty funny.  My uncle was like: ????????????????????  It made me laugh.  That post was worth it.

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