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I'm back + Administrator Ask Me Anything (DChiuch AMA II)

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Are you rivals with KHinsider?


Friendly rivals maybe? But I'd like to think that we're more friends than we are rivals. You could argue that we're both competing for the attention of Kingdom Hearts fans, but I don't really see it like that-- there's no reason why people can't visit both websites. Instead I think that we both have a common goal of getting more people interested in Kingdom Hearts and wanting to spend their time on KH websites, so maybe rather than being rivals to each other, we're rivals to all other websites to spend your spare time :P

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What are the three capitals of South Aftica?

This is going to be on the quiz


Also (sorry if this has been asked before) what was the initial idea for crating KH13?

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Also (sorry if this has been asked before) what was the initial idea for crating KH13?


At the time, the only Kingdom Hearts videos available to watch/download were really low resolution (320x240 I think) so I thought, I have the technical know-how to record better videos, why don't I do that and make a website for people to download them? I also had a channel on YouTube with popular (but really shitty) Kingdom Hearts AMVs, so I thought that I could use this to bring the initial hits to the website.

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What do you do when you aren't working on KH13 or University work? Guess a better way to word the question is what do you do in your free time? And is University fun?

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I'm too lazy to search this up, so I might as well ask: What inspired you to create this site? I noticed that you have an account on another KH website before you created this one, so I can't help but ask: Why?


Edit: Nevermind. I think I found the answer xD

Edited by Javelin434

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What do you do when you aren't working on KH13 or University work? Guess a better way to word the question is what do you do in your free time? And is University fun?


I'm also working at my university doing web + app development, but that doesn't really take up too much time, especially since they're now letting me work from home most of the time. I guess most of my spare time is spent just hanging out with friends, especially now that I've moved out of home. Having people over to drink and play Nintendo party games, that kind of thing.


To be honest, I haven't really been putting that much focus on university. I skip way too many of my classes and cram before the exam, that kind of thing. So I've missed out on all of the optional fun stuff like clubs and events.

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Really nice to have you back DC! So how was your vacation? Did KH13 often cross your mind during it?


Of course, and I checked back from time to time whenever it did :) but I wanted to keep my distance to see what you guys could do without me there


Do you have NBN and will you share it with me?


Actually our house was already contracted to receive Labor's NBN before the last election, so we're still getting it (but they haven't finished installing it yet)! So I'll have a 100Mbit/40Mbit fiber connection in June! :D

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Actually our house was already contracted to receive Labor's NBN before the last election, so we're still getting it (but they haven't finished installing it yet)! So I'll have a 100Mbit/40Mbit fiber connection in June! :D


I'm so jealous of you right now... my area wasn't even on the rollout map before Abbott and Turnbull (and their cronies) went and butchered it :(

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1. how was europe

2. whered you go there?

3. can we start giving out free ice cream?



is cloud your favorite Final Fantasy character?


Yeah Cloud is probably my favourite. I haven't played many Final Fantasy games though unfortunately!


Can you please bring back AaronDesign? :P


Haha, as much as i loved that name, no, absolutely not.


Are you naked right now? Don't lie.This is a serious question.




Ahh, Co-Webmaster Aaron. It is good to see you among our ranks as well! :)


I must ask: What do you think of KH13 nowadays? Is it better than it was when it first came around?


Also, Joke Question: Y U NEVER DO STUFF? DX


What do i think of kh13, hmm, its certainly a lot bigger!


When we first started it was really hard to attract new members and a lot of effort went into trying to get people to use our site. It was fun in highschool when the website first started, there are a few threads of Daniel and I and our friends just talking about random nonsense on the forum. Much of this has been deleted but you can definitely still find reminants of this; for example the thread in "website" saying "


Who Hates KH13?


Started by papandoniou705 Apr 2009 "



Was written by one of our friends at the time.


A lot has changed in 6 years, but its still great to see how much kh13 has grown and how much fun you guys get out of it, even if its just meeting new people and talking about nothing!

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Did DC just join trend Riki make? Riki make this months ago... 


In actuality, I do not speak like that.


Anyhow, as I have previously heard, supposedly you met up with Weedanort in Portugal (From what I heard), and I'm wondering, is he as big a personality IRL as he is on the site?


He didn't come here ._.









1. Too bad you didn't come here to Portugal ._. BUT, DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU MISSED?


2. How was the honeymoon?


3. Did you enjoy your time here in Europe? :D


4. Did you get some... *ahem weed?

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Of course, and I checked back from time to time whenever it did :) but I wanted to keep my distance to see what you guys could do without me there



Actually our house was already contracted to receive Labor's NBN before the last election, so we're still getting it (but they haven't finished installing it yet)! So I'll have a 100Mbit/40Mbit fiber connection in June! :D

Nice! So what would you say was the best part of your vacation?

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Welcome back,DC! Hope you have a wonderful time during and after the vacation! xD


So,not much to say for the AMA,but what kind of activities that you've done during that leisure time? :D

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Missed you, bro :)




You said you moved from your old house -- where are you living now???

When do you intend to come to Brazil?

Do your parents know about KH13?

Which staff member did you miss the most? (this is a joke question hahaha but I'd like an answer > : D )

Edited by Lu Xun

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